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Benefit Information - PBTBBE

The Position Budgeting (PB) Benefit Information (PBTBBE) page contains benefit plan information. When choosing to add a benefit elsewhere in the Position Budgeting system, this page is used to validate the benefit information. If a new benefit is to be assigned, that does not exist in the Human Resources (HR) system, then it will first need to be added to this page. Additions are done by using the PB Import Support Setup (PBSTIS) page, or by using the Append option of the copy utility.

Model: This field stores the Model ID. Model IDs are defined on the PB Setup (PBSTRQ) page.

Entity: This field stores the Entity ID associated with the Mode defined in PB Setup.

Plan: This field contains the benefit plan code and is used as a validation field for the PB Employee Benefits Information (PBUPEM) page, Benefits tab - Benefit Plan Code field.

Benefit Description: This field stores the description of the Benefit.

Begin/End Date: These fields indicate the active dates for the plan. When hand entering a benefit on the PB Employee Benefits Information page, Benefits tab, only plans with a date range spanning the PB Employee Benefits Information date range will be available for assignment.

CDH: This field displays the CDH number associated with the plan. Numbers within the range of 1000-3999 are valid.

Object: This field displays the object code associated with the plan.

Rate: This field displays the rate associated with the plan.

Amount/Percent: This field indicates whether the Rate is a flat dollar or percent. Valid entries are "P" for and "A", predefined in static codes.

Hours: After an import, this field will always be set to 0 (zero). This field exists so that HR CDH Assignments (HRPYPR) page, Miscellaneous tab, Hours type benefits may be set up and assigned on the PB Employee Benefits Information page, Benefits tab or via the benefits utility.

Axp: This field displays the amount expressed as indicator.

Frequency: This field displays the frequency indicator.

Provides convenience links to related pages.

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