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Blocking or Warning by Individual Org Key

It may be necessary to define different budget alert options for different areas of the organization. For example, some departments may want to block every time Object Group 3 budget was exceeded and others may want to block every time a line item Key-Object combination is over budget. This can be accomplished by setting budget warnings on a "key-by-key" basis using GLUPKY.

Budget Inception To Date (ITD)

Budget Inception to Date (ITD) allows a budget that will be used by an Org Key for all fiscal years. ITD budgets are stored with a fiscal year of "9999." To do so, enter a check mark in the "Budget Inception To Date?" field. This option is stored in glk_key_flag01 in the glk_key_mstr table.
If you create an Org Key and set it up as an ITD key, you can enter your budgets in fiscal year "9999." The 9999 fiscal year will be an option in the Year drop-down on the Annual Budget Update (GLBUUP) and budget batch (GLBUBAxx) pages. When you post to this key, budget checking will be done against fiscal year "9999" instead of the current fiscal year.

If an Org Key already has Actuals or Encumbrances posted to it, and it is changed to be an ITD key, you will need to re-compute (GLUTDICP) the budget accumulators on fiscal year "9999" to create the appropriate accumulators. To re-compute ITD actuals, simply re-compute fiscal year "9999." Re-computing any other fiscal year, it will ignore the "9999" entries.

To report on an ITD key, select the "9999" fiscal year. In CDD, you can use fiscal year "9999" for both budgets and actuals (glba_budact_mstr). When actuals are posted to any fiscal year for an ITD key, BusinessPlus updates the accumulator (glba_budact_mstr) for both that fiscal year and for fiscal year "9999." To report off glt_trns_dtl, use the date range that the transactions were actually posted to (instead of using fiscal year "9999").

Over Budget Flags

Select an Action option in the Over Budget Flags section to tell the system what action to take when the budget is exceeded.

Level options are ledger-specific and the group levels and descriptions displayed are derived from those defined by ledger code in the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page.

Control Keys

While it is possible to set budget checking based on any of the Object and Group levels, it is also possible to group budget control based on an Org Key Part. This functionality is established using Control Keys, whose only purpose is to pool budget values for budget checking purposes.
For example, budgets have been established for all keys in Management Location 808. For budget checking purposes, it is not a concern whether or not any individual key within the Management Location goes over its budget. Budget checking will stop that department from going over its total budget for any object code.

The important fields for setting up a Control Key are:

  • Check the Control Key?  box; this places a ""C"" in the glk_type field on the record indicating that this is a Control Key.
  • Depending upon how the control key is used, options for the Accept Transactions  field are:
    • B - - indicateses it will only accept budget transactions.. In this case, uncheck ?Derived? and enter the budget against the control key.
    • N - - indicateses this key will not accept transactions.. If  Accept Transactions N is selected, also enter a checkmark next to the question Derived? as in this case the system will add the budgets from the lower level keys.
    • Y - - indicateses it will accept transactions, generally reserved for normal keys. In theory it is possible to accept transaction for this control key. It is, however, advisable to choose "N" (No)" or "B" (Budgets Only) and keep the control key clear of Actuals.
  • Set the Derived?  field to ""Y"", indicating that the budget and actual values for this key will be derived from the budget values and transactions entered for the lower level keys that point to this key as a Parent Control Key.

For any lower level Org Key that you want linked to a Control Key, enter the Control Key value in the Parent Control Key field.

See also Allocation Control vs Budget Control.

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