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Budget Average Salary - GLBUFTAS

The General Ledger (GL) Budget Average Salary (GLBUFTAS) page is used to define average salaries for use in the calculations on the FTE budgeting (GLBUFTUB) page.  The parts displayed on this page are defined in the NU Common Code (NUUPCD) page with a Code Category/Value of GLFG/AVGSAL. Up to five GL parts/groups can be used on this page. 

Because of the configurable nature of this page, no data lookup or validation will be made for the part values entered. The user must know what Key codes and/or Object codes (and/or any other parts you choose to configure in the five boxes). Records created using undefined key or object parts will be accepted here and have no impact on the budget page until a valid key or object code is created for that entry.

Part01-05: Key, Key Part, Object, or Object Group as defined in GLFG/AVGSAL common code. The tags for these items will be changes to the values in the associated descriptions of the common code.

Average Salary: The average salary for someone being paid out of the key/group account combination is defined by the values entered in the parts above. Consider, for example, using "Project" as part one and "Job Class" as part two if these have been defined within the GL Organization Keys or GL Object Codes hierarchy. The value within the Average Salary field is user-defined.

Ledger: The ledger code associated with the parts/groups entered above. It is vital that the ledger codes used in the associated common codes, GL Budget Average Salary, and the GL Budget Update FTE pages, all agree.  Note: The use of "@@" as the ledger code within NU Common Codes page will be superseded by the same common code defined using a specific ledger code.

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