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Budget Document Information - BDUPBP

This page is only accessible through the link on the BD Budget Document Information (BDUPBD) page. The Budget Item Detail (BD) Budget Document Summary page is used for adding comments to associate with any part or group, in addition to those defined on the BD Budget Document page.  The text on this page is used solely for reporting purposes.

Select the part or group code from the drop-down list. Codes available are defined in GL General Information (GLUPGN) page, based upon the selected Ledger.

Enter the value to associate with the part or group selected. Values entered are not validated against the group or part selected from the list. Any value will be accepted, however, each combination defined must be unique.  Within the text box, add comments to associate with the values entered on the record. To save, use keystroke combination of Shift+Enter. Use of "Enter" alone will create a carriage return placing the curser at the next consecutive line.

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