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Budget Sets

Create Budget Sets

Input on all budget Set pages (GLBUBAUB, GLBUBAAJ, GLBUBAAN, and GLBUBATR) is essentially the same, allowing users to transfer budgets between keys and objects. The difference is in the presentation and the way debits and credits are applied – some Set pages simply add or decrease a budget without having the user specify whether it is a credit or debit. This means if budget is added to an expense object, the entry automatically is a debit, increasing the expense. If a negative number is keyed in towards an expense object, it automatically credits the existing budget and decreases the expense.

The Set file GLBUBAUB has one significant difference, it is not only a budget transfer page, it will create new budgets. Security precautions should be implemented as to who will have access to this Set process.

All Set updates to budgets are automatically logged regardless of whether logging was enabled on the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page. Because these transactions are logged, the GL UNDO (GLUTSUUN) utility may be used to undo distributed budget changes, using the BusinessPlus job number.

To modify a BU set status, use SYUTCB.

Budget Changes/Adjustments Set File (GLBUBAUB)

The Budget Adjustment/Transfer (GLBUBAUB) page facilitates net changes to budgets in a set environment, regardless of fund. Each transaction is simply the net change; i.e., a $100 transaction will increase the budget by 100 dollars when the set is distributed. If no budget exists, it will be created. To transfer budgetary amounts from one account or fiscal year to another, simply specify the appropriate account or fiscal year on the "FROM" portion of the transaction. Use negative amounts to reduce the budget; e.g., -500 will reduce the budget by 500 dollars.

Intra-fund Budget Adjustments Set File (GLBUBAAJ)

GLBUBAAJ differs from GLBUBAUB in that it prevents inter-fund adjustments, unbalanced budget entries, and can restrict allocations to certain object codes, types, and balance increases/decreases. The "intra-fund" Budget Adjustments page requires entries to be balanced by Fund and Reference. Only one fund may be used per reference.

Annual Budget Changes Set File (GLBUBAAN)

GLBUBAAN differs from GLBUBAUB in that it prevents unbalanced budget adjustments, and restricts allocations to certain object codes and types, and balance increases/decreases. The "inter-fund" Annual Budget Adjustments page requires entries to be balanced by offsetting entries. Automatic budget offsets can be used, and, in this case, no balance checking will be performed. To enable automatic budget offsets, enter a valid Object Code in the fifth associated code field of NU Common Codes Category/Value of GLBU/GL373C. If desired, "FDID" may be entered instead of a specific Object Code - this will tell the system to use the Object Code found in the FDID Common Code for the current Fund. The Org. Key offset will always be extracted from the NU Common Codes Category of FDID for the affected fund.

Budget Transfers Set (GLBUBATR)

The GLBUBATR page is used for "intra-fund" budgeting. Its purpose is to allow users to distribute budgets from a fund holding account, to the "lower level" accounts they are responsible for controlling. When using these pages to create sets, the entries must balance by fund and reference. Only one fund may be used per reference. If the intent is to use this page to do "inter-fund" budgeting, a holding account for each fund must exist. Monies can then be transferred from each fund holding account into their corresponding "lower level" accounts. If this is not feasible, then the GL Create/Update BU Set (GLBUBAUB) page should be used to create budget sets. The amount posted from this set is a change (increase/decrease) to the budget, not the new amount of the budget.

Copy Budgets (GLBUCB)

The GLBUCB utility allows the user to copy selected details of one budget version to another version, with or without values. The function also allows the user to either increase or decrease the budget amount being copied by a flat percentage.

Flat File Interface to (Budget) Set (GLBUBAFI)

The GLBUBAFI process loads a flat file directly to the page of the selected budget set type.

Create Budget from Flat File (GLBUCF)

The GLBUCF process will take a flat file and update budgets directly.

Multi-Year Budgets to New Year (GLBUCN)

FTE Budgeting (GLBUFTUB)

The GL Budget Update FTE (GLBUFTUB) page is typically used for districts who are budgeting by head count or full-time positions.

Viewing Budgets

View any existing budget by utilizing the Budget Update Annual (GLBUUP) page. Another method of viewing existing budgets is by utilizing the Browse Accumulators (GLUTAC) page.

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