Budget Update - GLBUUP
Use the General Ledger (GL) Direct Budget Update Annual (GLBUUP) page to form a line-item budget or override budget amounts. Create or amend multiple object codes for a named version of an annual budget within an Org Key.
The GL Direct Budget Update Annual page is used to directly input or update budget amounts by Org Key/Object Code without requiring the distribution of a Set file.
Access the Monthly Budgeting page from this page by selecting the Links command in the options menu on the side navigation bar.
ExcludeControlKeys: Identifies entries across levels (OB, G1 through G8) where the Key type is not equal to C.
ShowControlKeys: Identifies entries across levels (OB, G1 through G8) where the Key type is equal to C.
ClassicLevels: Identifies entries across classic levels (OB, G1 through G8).
OBLevel: Identifies entries at the OB level only.
Budgets tab
Year: The fiscal year (or budget year) pertaining to the values shown below. The page will open to existing records created for the current fiscal year, unless using Find function to search for other data, or page settings have been modified to initialize in Find or Add mode. The current fiscal year is derived from the system internal date and time, and then arranged based on the Budget tab of the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page. NU Common Codes may regulate budget entries and updates to varying degrees. For instance, GL Budget Update Annual page can be set to default to the Next Year Budget with the setup of common code GLBU/NEXTYEAR.
Destination Version: Selecting a version is optional unless using the Change field. The drop-down list of version is populated and based on ledger selection and the budget codes defined in the Budget tab of the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page. The Destination (Budget) Version serves two purposes:
First, to update an account budget using a calculation rather than typing in a new value.
Secondly, the Destination Version is used with Show Totals to show account expenses, revenues, and net difference for the stated period of time or fiscal year.
Change: To update a budget figure based on a calculation, such as add a flat amount or increase a budget line-item by a percentage, enter a calculation within the Calculation field. Use elementary mathematical language (+, -, *, /, %). Simple calculations are generally accepted like +10 or +10%. Start with a command like the plus or minus sign. Without a command, the calculation will be interpreted as a flat value. For instance, a budget of 100 updated with the calculation of 10% will update the value to 10, which is 10% of 100. To increase 10%, include the plus sign so that the statement is +10%. The budget would then increase 10% to 110.
Coordinator: Enter a previously defined PE ID to indicate the person within the organization coordinating the budget for this account. PE IDs are entered into the database through the Person/Entity Information (PEUPPE) page.
Start/End Dates: The starting date and ending date for the budgets being prepared, if not on a fiscal year basis. Format is MM/DD/CCYY.
Using a date range is most useful in budgeting grants, construction projects, and other multi-year activities. These are informational only, to be used for reporting purposes.
Override Object Desc: Enter up to 30 characters for an alternate Object description, to override the defined object code description, to be displayed in reports. This change will only be applicable for this Org Key-Object combination.
Budget Block: Blank = None; A = Authorize; B = Block; W = Warn.
Budget Level: Select the Object Group level for which budgets are being defined. 1, 2, 3, . . . 8 correspond to 8 Primary Object Groups defined on the Object tab of the GLUPGN page. Other options include Blank (meaning none) and O (meaning object code).
Calc Flag: Select this field to recalculate any derived budget values when the GL Utility, Recalculate Balances (GLUTDICP), executes. Do not select the field to avoid recalculating budgets based on lower level budget entries.
Require JL: Select to require, for this account (Org. Key and Object), a JL side account at data entry.
Active: Set the active flag to Yes to indicate the budget is active, select No to indicate the budget is inactive.
Key and Obj: These are echo fields that display the description associated with the Org Key and Object entered into the Account field.
Account: The ledger code and account number associated with the activity displayed. When pressing the ellipsis, a drop-down box appears. You can alter the appearance of the Account field.
Budget versions: In Grid mode, the Budget versions defined on the Budget tab of the GL General Information page will appear as columns on this page. Enter the new annual budget amount in these fields.
While the page is in grid view, you can input changes/additions directly into the grid cells in the row for the appropriate org. key/object code (account number), and under the column for the intended budget version.
If an administrator set up Budget Version filtered security, the budget version fields are editable only if the user has write access. Otherwise, the fields are read-only in add, edit and grid modes.
The budget version (calculated) fields are read-only in add, edit and grid modes irrespective of security.
The totals presently function only for OB (Object Code) level budget records.
Total Revenues - Reflects the sum of all records selected by the current find that have object types of RV or TI
Total Expenditures - Reflects the sum of all records selected by the current find that have object types of XP or TO
Net - Net is Total Revenues minus Total Expenditures
These totals will be updated whenever a new find is done, the Destination Version is changed, and a record is added/updated/deleted.
Apply Find to Totals:
When Apply Find to Totals is checked, the system holds the totals value and displays the same totals as captured previously. The Totals Applied label is displayed beside the Totals section.
When Apply Find to Totals is unchecked, the system show updated totals value as per the search criteria currently applied.
Change Logging tab
The Change Logging Tab is used to add information to the log record associated with any budget changes. If entered, these values will be placed on any glc_budg_dtl change log records that are generated if budget logging is enabled on the Budget tab of the GLUPGN page.
This page provides convenience links, bypassing the main menu, to other pages commonly associated with the budgeting process.