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Budgeting Concepts

There are multiple budget entry methods available, useful for different situations. BusinessPlus stores annual budgets (commonly used), monthly budgets, and inception to date budgeting (ITD) – advantageous for multi-year projects or grants that span multiple fiscal years.

  • Direct Budget Update: For use during the budget preparation process.
  • Copy Budgets: For saving a "snapshot" for future reference and comparison.
  • Flat File Interface: For transferring a budget created on a spreadsheet.
  • Batch Budgeting: For making budget changes throughout the year.

Direct Budget Update


Direct Budget Update


Update from Flat File


Copy Budgets

GLBUCB or GLBUCF are the utilities most commonly used to copy the previous year's budget accounts, including blocks, to the next year. GLBUCB and GLBUCF are the same in that they are running the same program that targets existing budget versions. The difference is that GLBUCF modifies the budget per a file upload while GLBUCB is modifying accounts that exist in BusinessPlus. Both utilities use similar questions and copies data from/to the glba_budact_mstr table.
Update the utility questions as desired and submit the job in "Report Only" mode to preview changes before committing to the job. Budget versions that are based on a calculation that references other budget versions cannot be updated.

Inactive Accounts

If not wanting to modify inactive accounts, make sure the accounts are inactive first in GLBUUP and then make the key inactive in GLUPKY. Perform this task efficiently using GLBUUP's "Repeat Last Changes on Selected Records" within the Find/Search icon's menu options. The following is an example of the ability to update a key to "Inactive" using this option (Repeat Last Change):

  1. Find the records holding the specific key to mark "Inactive" (consider using the Find Extended feature)
  2. Make the first record inactive and save.
  3. Select "Repeat Last Changes On Selected Records" from the Option icon of the top menu bar.
  4. A window will open titled "Last Record Changes" showing the change to be repeated.
  5. Choose the button from the bottom of this window.
  6. "Continue" will update all records selected with the "Last change" made; then see "Message from webpage" that toolExecute Cascade change job….."
  7. "Cancel" will not apply change.
  8. Reselect the records and see the change that was applied, or not applied if hit "Cancel."

Budget Set (Batch) Entry


Budget Batch New/Adjustments


Balanced Budget Methods


Balanced Budget Methods


Balanced Budget Transfer

Budget Set methods business rule chart

Require BUID be in Balance?

Allow inter-fund in Reference?

Multiple Funds?

Auto offset to Funds?


















Position Budgeting

Position Budgeting creates a budget for the next fiscal year based on the existing data from the Human Resource and Payroll modules. Several budget models may be created and used simultaneously. Highly flexible utilities enable imported data to be manipulated until the desired budget results are obtained. Since the data is imported into the Position Budgeting module, there is no danger of affecting live human resource or payroll data. See the Position Budgeting guide.

Budget Item Detail

Budget Item Detail is a separate set of budget entry pages that may be of use in decentralizing budget entry. Different strategies maybe employed by the customer, with the help of their financial consultant, to meet needs of the organization. See the Budget Item Detail guide.

Other Budget Sources

The Project Allocation module can create budget sets to be posted to the GL/JL budget by project funding source.

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