CDH Vectoring Information - PBTBVC
The Position Budgeting (PB) CDH Vectoring Information (PBTBVC) page is used to set up special override postings for CDHs. Normally, the object code on the Employee Benefits Information page is used as the posting object and the org keys from the employee's pay assignment(s) are used as the posting org keys. This page is used to override that default posting strategy.
Model: This field stores the Model.
CDH: This field indicates the CDH for which the override posting is being set up.
Active: This field indicates whether the PB CDH Vectoring Information entry is active or not. This field may be used to temporarily inactive a PB CDH Vectoring Information entry to see the posting effect.
Post Code: This field indicates the type of override posting that is to be performed for the CDH. Validates to static system codes.
Codes 1-8. See following code descriptions.
- Override the org key, object code, and percent: Codes 0001 - 0009: This option is used to replace the org keys and percentages that exist on the employee's pay assignment and the object code that exists on Employee Benefits Information page. A new set of org keys, object codes, and percentages will need to be entered on PB CDH Vectoring Information. This option is used to create a "hard-coded" posting for a CDH.
- Override the object code: Codes OB01 - OB09: This option is used to override the object code that exists on Employee Benefits Information page. A new object code will need to be entered on PB CDH Vectoring Information. Note: Only a single object code may be entered. If more than one object code is entered then the posting will be unreliable.
- Find and replace part of an org key and/or object code: Codes FR01 - FR09: This option is used to replace part of an org key and/or object code to which the benefit would normally be posted. The part of the org key/object code that is not to be replaced is entered with an X. The part that is to be replaced is entered with the new value. For example, if the first three digits of the org keys were to be changed to 901, then the entry on PB CDH Vectoring Information would be 901XXXXXXX. The same rules apply to object codes. Only a single org key and/or object code may be entered. Length of both must be the same. E.g., Entry in CDH Vectoring (say XXXX901) and the key/obj (say 1215803) must be same length in order to replace 803 with 901.
- Post to a specific record type: Codes PM - Z0: This option is used to post the full cost of a benefit to a specific pay assignment's org keys and the object code that exits on Employee Benefits Information page based on a pay assignment record type. No org keys or object codes need to be entered on PB CDH Vectoring Information.
- Post the benefit cost based on the position type: Codes PTB - PTB3, PTV - PTV3: This option is used to set up a different posting strategy, based on position type (e.g. CL, CE, CY), for a CDH. If an employee has a classified (CLxx) position and a certificated (CExx) position, then a separate posting strategy may be set up for each position type. The PTV codes represent an org key, object code, and percent override, while the PTB codes represent just an object code override. The first step is to enter the master entry.
This is simply an entry on PB CDH Vectoring Information with the desired CDH number and an entry of PTB or PTV in the Post Code field. No org keys, object codes, or percentages are entered. Next, an entry is made using the PTV1-3 or PTB1-3 codes for each position type (e.g., CL, CE, CY). Only the first two characters of the position type are used. The position type must be entered in the Position Type field. Each position type may have one entry per CDH. For example, CDH 1010 may have an entry for CL, CE, and CY (each with a different posting strategy) using codes PTB1, PTB2, and PTB3 respectively (codes PTV1, PTV2, and PTV3 could be used in place of the PTB codes depending on what type of posting is desired). The PTB1-3 entries may only have a single Object (just like the OB01-OB09 codes from #2). The PTV1-3 entries must have the exact posting strategy entered on PBTBVC (e.g. keys. objects, and percentages).
When using the utility to assign the Post Code to the applicable Employee Benefits Information benefits, the code of PTB or PTV must be used. Do not assign the PTV1-3 or PTB1-3 codes to the Employee Benefits Information records.
- Post to the object codes on the pay assignment: Code POBJ: This option is used if the cost of a benefit is to be posted to the org keys and object codes that exist on an employee's pay assignment(s). No org keys or object codes need to be entered on PB CDH Vectoring Information.
- Post amount only to the PM record type, but use the Employee Benefits Information object: Code PMCO: This option is used to post the full amount of the benefit to just the PM pay assignment(s) org keys, but still used the object code on Employee Benefits Information.
- Codes no longer used: PRRT, AMNT, PRCT, PRCT.
The hierarchy for the posting of Employee Benefits Information benefits is as follows:
- If the PstTo field on Employee Benefits Information contains a posting code, then use the special posting strategy set up on PB CDH Vectoring Information.
- Use the pay assignment keys and the object code on Employee Benefits Information.
- If the Employee Benefits Information object code is blank, then use the object code(s) from the pay assignment.
Position Type: This field is used in conjunction with the PTB1-3 and PTV1-3 codes to indicate which position type the entered positing strategy applies.
Prorate: Reserved for future use.
Percent Benefit Calc Rec Type: Reserved for future use.
Applies To: This field is used to describe the group of employees to which the special posting should be applied. When the Set Post to Code on Employee Benefits Information utility is run, the text from this field will be displayed. Thus, if multiple posting strategies are set up for the same CDH, this description can be used to identify which PB CDH Vectoring Information Post Code should be applied to the appropriate Employee Benefits Information records.
Org Key: This field is used to store an override org key. This field is not used by all Post Codes.
Object Code: This field is used to store an override object code. This field is not used by all Post Codes.
Percent Distribution: This field is used to store an override percent. This field is not used by all Post Codes.
Copy to Model
The Copy to Model tool is specific to the current record. A pop-up window appears where a model can be selected from the drop-down list. By selecting the destination model, and clicking Submit, the tool will copy the special postings of current Model to the selected Model.
Copy to CDH
The Copy to CDH tool is specific to the current record. A pop-up window appears where the user will have to enter the 4-digit CDH. This tool is used to copy the PB CDH Vectoring Information setup from one CDH to another within the same model. Once the 4-digit CDH has been entered in the edit box provided and submitted, the copy will occur.
Delete All
The Delete All tool is not specific to the current record. A pop-up window appears where a Model can be selected from the drop-down list. This tool is used delete all the special postings from the selected model. By selecting the Model and clicking on Delete, all the CDH Key/Obj Vectoring records for the selected Model are deleted.