Coded BD Information - BDUPCD
The user needs to plan how the flow of Budget Item Detail is going to work, how much detail they want, etc. They must define the codes to label and categorize item detail information. The Budget Item Detail (BD) Codes (BDUPCD) page defines codes that are used for categories in drop-down lists on various BD pages.
Code Value: The code value entered here will depend on the associated Code ID value selected.
Description: Description associated with the code value.
Code ID: This tells the software what type of code you are entering. In this page, you would first want to choose a Code ID. Your options are: DESCTYPE, DTLTYPE, TTYPE, and VERS. DESCTYPE and DTLTYPE will both be used on the BDUPBD page to describe what type of documents are being used for justification/description of the budget item details themselves. TTYPE is used to create Travel Types for the Travel Type BID page. VERS is used to create BID budget versions. This is where you create your own, the ones from the GL will populate automatically. These are used when creating templates as a way to have selection criteria so that you can select which budget item detail transactions you want to upload to a budget. Note: The budget versions as defined for the active ledger in the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page will be displayed in the drop-down list of the various pages and need not be additionally defined in the BD Codes page. However, additional budget versions to be used within Budget Item Detail can be defined with the Code ID of VERS.
Code IDs available for selection (for defining Code Values) are defined in NU Common Codes, with a Category/Value of BDCD/DESCTYPE, BDCD/DTLTYPE, BDCD/TTYPE, and BDCD/VERS.
Ledger: Select the ledger for which this code value is applicable.