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Copy Budgets - GLBUCB

This utility allows the user to copy selected details of one budget version to another version, with or without values. The user will be prompted for the following: the From (source) Fiscal Year, the From (source) Budget Version, the To (destination) Fiscal Year, the To (destination) Budget Version, and the type of budgets (Annual, Monthly, Monthly Percentage, or Same as Base Version).

The function also allows the user to either increase or decrease the budget amount being copied by a flat percentage.

The "Change Percentage" question asks if the user would like to increase or decrease the amount of the Base Year Budget as it is created in the new year. A change percentage of "100" will leave the budget amounts unchanged. A change percentage of "90" will create the new budget at 90% of the Base Year Budget. A change percentage of "110" will create the new budget at 110% of the Base Year Budget.

If the question, “Is FTE to be multiplied by the change percentage? (Y/N)” is answered “Yes,” the system will multiply FTE by the “Change Percentage” value.  If leave answer to default “No”, then system will copy the existing FTE as-is. 

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