Create BID Line Items
There are several pages to input BD line items, depending on what category of BD being budgeted:
- Equipment
- Miscellaneous
- Position Budgeting
- Travel
- Package
Miscellaneous Line Items
Area 1 of BDUPDAMS is for the account number to be used when the detail records are ultimately uploaded to the general ledger. If there is more than one BD record with this account number, the sum of all the records will be used in the GLBU Set file. The name and format of the account number field is derived from the ledger code selected and the ledger's definition in the GL General Information page, Presentation tab. The account number entered will be validated. This field provides a ledger-derived accounts Lookup table, enabled by pressing the Ctrl+L key combination, or clicking the ellipsis (…) at the end of the field.
Area 2 is for assigning Fiscal Year, Month, and Version.
- "Month" is only used if the user is budgeting monthly.
- The "Fiscal Year" and "Version" is only for use in the BD database tables, not the Budget Database in the GL. It is used for selection criteria when the user uploads the BD entries to the GL. It is good practice to create new BD entries each year and change the fiscal year each year. Users can also do multiple uploads if one upload is for a first draft budget and another one is for a finalized budget. To create new BD records, based off previously created BD records, users can use the BD Copy Budget Version (BDUTCP) utility that will be explained later.
Area 3 is for Reference, Description, Package, dollar amount to be budgeted, and Justification.
- The "Reference," "Description" and "Justification" fields are used for reporting purposes. "Priority" is used for reporting and for selection criteria purposes. For example, if the user has specific items that are necessary, they can assign them priority 01. Less essential things can have a lower priority. When the budget is uploaded, the user can choose which priorities to upload.
- The "Package" field is a way to link BDs that are in different categories together. For instance, if the customer were to hire a new employee, they would want to do some budgeting in Position Budgeting, and possibly some travel budget for recruiting-related travel expense. It would be convenient to show that these two items are connected in some way. Package does this. By creating a package, they can then tag several seemingly unrelated line items together according to package. Note: The Package is used solely for identification, information, and custom report creation, using a product like Click, Drag, and Drill.
- The input fields on the top half of the BD Travel Budget Details (BDUPDATR) page are identical to the BD Miscellaneous Budget Details page. The bottom portion is different on the Travel Budget Details page, where the user can enter details of the proposed travel, such as dates, number of people, location, etc. The total amount of budgeted dollars is made up of all of the individual amounts on the right-hand side of the page. When the number of persons is added on the left side of the page, the cost/person is automatically calculated by the system. Keep in mind that the system divides the total amount by the people – it does not multiply.
Travel Line Items
The input fields on the top half of the BD Travel Budget Details (BDUPDATR) page are identical to the BD Miscellaneous Budget Details page. The bottom portion is different on the Travel Budget Details page, where the user can enter details of the proposed travel, such as dates, number of people, location, etc. The total amount of budgeted dollars is made up of all of the individual amounts on the right-hand side of the page. When the number of persons is added on the left side of the page, the cost/person is automatically calculated by the system. Keep in mind that the system divides the total amount by the people – it does not multiply.
Equipment Line Items
The BD Equipment Budget Details (BDUPDAEQ) page is designed to identify items with specific, quantity, unit price, and manufacturer or supplier information. This information may identify items such as fixed or non-fixed assets.
Position Budgeting Line Items
The BD Position Budget Details (BDUPDAPB) page is designed to act as a worksheet to identify each of the components that may be related to position budgeting. The budget amount is automatically calculated based on the salary amount and fringe amount fields. This allows for further detail in the budget relating to new or existing positions in the organization.
There are additional codes used in BD Position Budget Details that are defined in the BD Position Budgeting Codes page. The codes page is a sub-page of the BD Position Budget Details page and is accessible by a link found only on the side options menu of this page.
Package Line Items
Items can be budgeted individually, in different categories, and then be linked (or packaged) together to provide the combined budget for reporting purposes. A package is made on the BD Package Definitions (BDUPDAPK) page. After the package reference is created, users will be able to select it from the drop-down list of any "Package" field on the BD entry pages and link up the various budget details related to the "package." All that is required on this page is a package (reference) and a description. However, Approval Status set to "Y" will populate the "Approved By" and "When" fields when the record is saved. Comments / Justification text may be entered to provide further narrative on the package. The package is used solely for identification, information, and custom report creation.