Create Budget Adjustment File - BDGLCB
The Create Budget Adjustment File (BDGLCB) utility is the recommended method of the BD to GL Interface upload (rather than BDGLDS). Though both utilities have exactly the same fields, instead of directly updating the budget, it creates a budget adjustment transaction "Set" that will sit in the GL Budgeting Set file (GLBUBAxx) until it can be reviewed, proofed, and distributed just like a regular GLBU Set transaction.
Ledger Side: Select the ledger side.
BD Selection Criteria Template: Defaults to "ALL". Any selection criteria made in the use of the upload utility will override that specified in the Selection Template.
Name for the Set Budget Adjustment file: Enter a name for the Set file.
'FROM' Budget Version: The "FROM" row is in reference to the Budget Item Detail Line items themselves.
'TO' Budget Version: The "TO" row is in reference to the budget to be created in the GLBU subsystem.
'FROM' Fiscal Year: The "FROM" row is in reference to the Budget Item Detail Line items themselves.
'TO' Fiscal Year: The "TO" row is in reference to the budget to be created in the GLBU subsystem.
Change Percentage: Percentage of the budget to change.
Budget Level: Defaults to OBJ – Object Code.
The Budget Funding Transaction Type: Enter the budget funding transaction type
Budget Set type to be created: Refers to the budget transaction types under the GL Budgeting Set Adjustments type menu (GLBUBAxx). The options are:
- AJ – Intrafund Adjustments
- AN – Annual Budgets
- ST – Standard Budget Set
- TR – Intrafund Transfers
Options: Here, the user can further customize the selection criteria, as well as enter a Budget change Reason code.
On selecting Submit, the job creates the budget transaction. View the GL Budget Set (GLBUBAxx) file for accuracy, then proof and distribute as with any GLBU Set. If the direct Distribute Budgets to GL method is used, view the budgets created in the GL Budget Update Annual (GLBUUP) page.