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Create or Update Adjustment Set - GLBUBAAJ

The General Ledger (GL) Budget Adjustments (GLBUBAAJ) page facilitates debit/credit changes to budgets in a Set (batch) environment.  Budget sets displayed are where the Form Type is "AJ".

GLBUBAAJ differs from GLBUBAUB in that it prevents inter-fund adjustments, unbalanced budget entries, and restricts allocations to certain object codes and types, and balance increases/decreases. The intra-fund Budget Adjustments page requires entries to be balanced by Fund and Reference. Only one fund may be used per reference.

All batch updates to budgets are automatically logged regardless of whether logging was enabled on the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page. Because these transactions are logged, the GL Undo Transaction Distribution (GLUTSUUN) utility may be used to undo budget changes.

Set Tab

The Set tab holds the unique Set ID and system-derived data showing a series of fields that describe basic elements of the Set.

Set ID: Sixteen-character code used as a batch identifier. The Set ID may be a system-generated seed value by defining the NU Common Codes Category/Value of SYNO/BTCHIDBU. If seed values are defined, press the Ctrl+T key combination to insert the next seed value, or click on the ellipsis (…) button.

Status: Display-only field showing the system-derived status of the Set. The following are the static system codes used: BE – Batch Entry (default for new Set), DS – Distributed, EX – Extracted, CX – Cancelled, AP – Approved, RJ – Rejected, WA – Waiting Approval.   Note: To require Workflow approval before posting a budget adjustment, activate the NU Common Code with a Code Category/Value of GLBU/APPROVE with "AP" in the 1st Associated Codes field. Also note that Common Code GLBU/APPROVE requires a Workflow model to update a Set's Status from "BE" to "AP"; only sets with the "AP" status may be posted when GLBU/APPROVE is active.

Create User: The system displays the user ID of the user logged into the system when the Set was created.

Create Date: Display-only field showing the date the Set was created.

Update User: The system displays the user ID of the user logged into the system when the Set was last updated.

Update Date: A display-only field showing the last date of the Set was updated.

Set Totals

Total DR: / Total CR: The system-derived sum of the Debits and Credits for the entire Set ID. The details of the displayed totals are derived from the Budget Adjustment tab.

Net: This is the net difference or sum of Debits and Credits for the batch of the various references. Each reference must have a zero Net amount for the Set to be accepted in the distribution process. An exception being when GLBU/xxOBJyyy common codes are used to override the "normal balance" of a specific object code.

Record Count: The number of records in the Set.

Reference Count: The number of references in the Set.

Budget Increase: The system-derived sum of the Set's budget increase.

Budget Decrease: The system-derived sum of the Set's budget decrease.

Budget Adjustment Tab

The Budget Adjustment tab is used to input increases and decreases to an account.

Set ID: A read-only field that fetches the Set ID value from the Set tab.

Reference: Sixteen-character code used as a reference identifier. Code value may be a system-generated seed value by defining the NU Common Codes Category/Value of SYNO/BUIDxxxxx (where X is user-defined). If seed values are defined, press the Ctrl+T key combination to insert the next seed value, or when multiple Reference seed values are defined, click on the ellipsis (…) button to select from the list.

Main Tab

Description: Up to 30 characters that describe this budget adjustment.

Fiscal Year: The fiscal year that the budget changes will affect. The fiscal year format is determined by the settings in the GLUPGN page, Calendar tab, per ledger code defined.

Date: The effective date of these changes in MM/DD/CCYY format.

Account: Displays the GL Account string in the format defined within GLUPGN page, Presentation tab. The Account is composed of several sections: the Ledger, the account parts (either Key-Object or Fully Qualified (FQA)), the Level and an Account Controller (ellipse button).

Ledger: Identifies the ledger code and account string to which the budget adjustment entries are to be posted. The "account" label and the input format is derived from GL General Information page, Presentation tab.
To look up an account or account part (key, object, etc.), first select the ledger code, and then place the cursor in the account field and press the Ctrl+L key combination (or click on the ellipse (…) button) and select Lookup Account (or Lookup xx where xx is the field where the cursor is placed).
Individual object codes and/or ranges may be restricted (excluded from use) by setting up the NU Common Codes Category/Value of GLBU/AJOBJxxx.
The allowable object types may be limited by placing a comma-delimited list of object types to be allowed, e.g. RV, XP, TI, TO, the medium description of NU Common Code GLBU/GL372C. 

Level: The code which specifies the level at which these budgets are defined. Valid codes are OB, and G1...G8. The number of the object group levels and associated titles displayed are derived from the GL General Information page, Object tab, based upon the setup of the ledger chosen.  The third associated code field on the NU Common Codes Category/Value of GLBU/GL372C can be used to set a default for this field.

Object Type: System-derived field showing object type of the object code that is associated with this entry (e.g., XP = Expenses). Information is derived from the GL Object Codes (GLUPOB) page.

Adjustment: Describes how the system will respond to the entry placed in the Amount field, either Debit or Credit.

IF Balance Type of account =

AND Adjustment Amount is

THEN Adjustment is a

Signifies a:


+ (positive number)


Budget Increase


  • (negative number)


Budget Decrease


+ (positive number)


Budget Increase


  • (negative number)


Budget Decrease

Individual Object Codes and/or ranges may be forced to a different "Normal Balance type" for budgeting. This can be set by using NU Common Codes with a Category/Value of GLBU/BALTYPE. "SAME" in Associated Codes 1 will reverse the above page displays.  Additionally, NU Common Codes Category/Value of GLBU/AJOBJxxx may be defined such as to alter whether a debit or credit will increase or decrease the budget. This common code should be set to one setting and should not be changed unless there is a change in policy as to how the budget debits and credits should be posted. 

Reason: A code to indicate a cause for these adjustments. Code values available for selection are defined in NU Common Codes Category/Value of BURS/xxxx (where X is the reason code), with a description of the Reason Code in the Medium Description field. Code Category/Value of GLBU/GL372C can be defined to set a default for this field by entering the reason code value in the first associated code field. If NU Common Codes with a Category/Value of BURS/CHECK exists, a valid Reason code will be required. If not filled out, a message "Reason is required" is displayed.

To Balance Type: System-derived field showing balance type (DR or CR) of object code in the Key/Obj account string entered. Information is derived from the GL Object Codes (GLUPOB) page.

Increase-Decrease: This field denotes whether the entry is an increase or decrease to the budget.

Budget Version: Select the code of the budget version to be adjusted. The options validate to the GLUPGN page, Budget tab. The Budget version used may not be a version that is calculated, where the budget is a combination of other budgets for the given ledger. The Budget Version may be system-populated by defining a specific version to be the default Budget Version for a given ledger. The second associated code field on NU Common Codes Category/Value of GLBU/GL372C can be used to set a default for this field.

Fund Type: A code to indicate a specific purpose, source, or relationship of the transaction. Code values available for selection are defined in NU Common Codes Category/Value ofBUFT/xx (where X = up to two characters for the Fund Type), with a description of the Fund Type in the Medium Description field. If NU Common Codes Category/Value of BUFT/CHECK exists, a warning displays on the proof and posting (GLBUBABP and GLBUBADS) that the line item holds an undefined Fund Type.

Debit / Credit: Read-only fields. Describes how the system is responding to the entry placed in the Amount field; either Debit or Credit. The fields update after entering an Amount and then tabbing to another field or hitting ENTER.

Amount: Enter the desired effect for the account; then the Debit/Credit fields will update accordingly. Typically enter a positive amount to increase and a negative amount to decrease an account.

Text Tab

The Text tab is for any additional notes to be recorded with the adjustment.

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