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Create or Update BU Set - GLBUBAUB

The General Ledger (GL) Budget Adjustment/Transfer (GLBUBAUB) page facilitates changes to existing budgets, the creation of new budgets and budget transfers between accounts.  Budget sets displayed are where the Form Type is "UB".

All budget transactions posted through Set processing are automatically logged regardless of the whether logging is enabled on the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page for the budget version used. The GL UNDO Utility (GLUTSUUN) may be used to undo a Set of budget changes. To view budget transactions already distributed, use the GL File Listing of Budget Changes (GLREFLCB).

Set Tab

In order to enter budget transactions into this page, a Set has to be created to hold those transactions.

Set ID: Up to 16 characters used as a Set identifier. This can be entered manually. Alternatively, an auto-seed can be set up using NU Common Codes, with a Category/Value of SYNO/BTCHIDBU. The auto-seed can be selected from the ellipsis (…) drop-down or by pressing Ctrl+T.

Status: When entering a new Set, the system automatically populates this field with BE, indicating Batch Entry status and that the Set has not been distributed. In find mode, this field can be used to search for JE Sets with a particular status.

Create User: This field will display the user name of the person creating the Set file.

Create Date: This is a display-only field showing the date of creation. This is useful in determining current from non-current Sets, and may be a flag to the user that the system has an un-posted Set.

Update User: This field will display the user name of the person updating the Set file.

Update Date: The date will be the same as the "Create Date" unless a user made changes to this Set on a date after the Set was created.

To require Workflow approval before posting a budget adjustment, activate the NU Common Code with a Code Category/Value of GLBU/APPROVE with "AP" in the 1st Associated Codes field.

Set Totals

Total DR: The sum of the Debits for the entire Set.

Total CR: The sum of the Credits for the entire Set.

Net: This is the net Debit/Credit balance for the Set.

Record Count: The number of records within this Set.

Reference Count: The number of references within this Set.

Budget Increase: The sum total of the budget increases in the Set.

Budget Decrease: The sum total of the budget decreases in the Set.

Budget Adjustment Tab


The Header shows for which reference adjustments are displayed. The Reference Totals section gives a summary of total Budget changes within the reference.

Set ID: A read-only field that fetches the Set ID value from the Set tab.

Reference: Up to 16 characters to reference the adjustment or transfer. When adding a new reference to the Set, the Reference ID can be added manually or by a system-generated seed value. Seed values are defined in NU Common Codes, with a Category/Value of SYNO/BUIDxxxx.

Reference Totals

Total DR: The sum of the Debits for this reference.

Total CR: The sum of the Credits for this reference.

Net: This is the net Debit/Credit balance for this reference.

Budget Increase: The sum total of the budget increases for this reference.

Budget Decrease: The sum total of the budget decreases for this reference.

Main Tab

Use the main section of the budget adjustment to enter multiple budget adjustments for the above-created reference.

Description: Up to 30 characters that describe this Budget Adjustment.

Fiscal Year: Enter the fiscal year to which this change relates. When the budget fiscal year spans two calendar years, the fiscal year is either the year beginning or year ending the accounting span, as defined in the GLUPGN page, Calendar tab. If the Fiscal Year relates to a different year than the Date field, the system will warn the user. It is not necessary that the Date and the Fiscal Year match.

Date: The Effective date of these changes in MM/DD/CCYY format. This date is used to determine default fiscal years and perform over budget and allocation limit checking at data entry time. The default is the current date. Dates may be selected from the drop-down or entered in MM/DD/CCYY, MMDDYY, or MMDDCCYY format. After leaving this field, the system will automatically format it as MM/DD/CCYY.

Account: Enter the account string to which the budget change is made. The account number may be typed in, selected from the ellipsis (…) as individual segments, or selected from a list of complete account numbers. Selecting "Lookup Account" will display a list of account numbers that have already been created in the selected fiscal year. The account string format defaults to OB (Object Code Level), but can be changed to any group level defined, in GLUPGN, Object tab, for the ledger code.

Amount: The Transaction amount. Use positive values to increase the budget, negative values to decrease the budget.

Transaction Type: This is a system-generated value and should not be changed by the user. An "A" in this field means that the transaction is a change to an existing budget. A "T" in this field means that the transaction is a transfer: this is triggered by the use of the TO/FROM fields.

Reason: A code to associate a reason for these adjustments. Codes available for selection are client-defined in NU Common Codes, with a Category/Value of BURS/xxxx, where XXXX is the (up to four-character) reason code; the description of the reason should be entered in the Medium Description field. A NU Common Code, with a Category/Value of BURS/CHECK will make this field a required field. NU Common Code, with a Category/Value of GLBU/GL370C can be used to set a default for this field by entering the Reason code in Associated Code 1.

Budget Version: Code of the budget for which the budget changes are made. Codes available for selection are defined in the GL General Information page, Budget tab. A default value can be set by defining NU Common Codes, with a Category/Value of GLBU/GL370C and entering the default budget version in Associated Code 2.

Fund Type: A code that describes the Fund Type of this transaction. Codes available for selection are client-defined in NU Common Codes, with a Category/Value of BUFT/xx, where XXXX is the (up to two-character) type code. This Fund Type can be a required field by defining NU Common Codes, with a Category/Value of BUFT/CHECK.

Balance Type: This field displays the normal balance type ("DR" = debit; "CR" = credit) for the chosen object code as defined in GL Object Codes (GLUPOB or GLUPOS) page.

Object Type: This field displays the Object Type (e.g., "XP" = Expenses) of the chosen object code as defined in GL Object Codes.

Adjustment: Displays whether the adjustment is a debit or credit adjustment.

IF Balance Type of account =

AND Adjustment Amount is

THEN Adjustment is a

Signifies a:


+ (positive number)


Budget Increase


  • (negative number)


Budget Decrease


+ (positive number)


Budget Increase


  • (negative number)


Budget Decrease

Individual Object Codes and/or ranges may be forced to a different "Normal Balance type" for budgeting. This can be set by using NU Common Codes, with a Category/Value of GLBU/BALTYPE. "SAME" in Associated Code 1 will reverse the above page displays.

(Optional) From: The page can optionally be used for transfers by using the "TO" and "FROM" field to move budget from one account to another. Placing a value in this field automatically sets the transaction type to "T" (Transfer).

Notes Tab

Enter free form text for this reference. To create line break, press the <Enter> key. Use the <Shift> <Enter> key combination to save the note text entered.

The Links sidebar provides additional features for the user without having to exit the page. From Links the user may print and/or post the Set. There is also a direct link to the Budget Update (GLBUUP) page.


From Tools, a user may copy an existing Set (posted or un-posted) to a new Set name. The user will also be prompted to enter a new Reference.

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