Employee Information - PBUPEM
The Position Budgeting (PB) Employee information (PBUPEM) page contains employee demographic information and calculated years of service.
The page is divided into three main parts:
The Employee Information tab contains employee demographic information and calculated years of service. All of the displayed fields may be referenced as selection criteria when running utilities on employee records (e.g., step increases, benefit increases, etc.).
The Pay Assignments tab contains the pay assignments imported from the HR system. Only pay assignments with a Calc Dt range that touches the model calculation date range (displayed at the upper right of the page) will be calculated. Additionally, the Calculate Pay Assignment check box must be marked for a pay assignment to be calculated. If partial Year Ratio values are expected, then the Override Days check box must be marked. Only those employees that have calculated pay assignments will have their benefits calculated. Many of the fields that comprise a pay assignment may be adjusted with the supplied utilities.
The Benefits tab contains employee benefit information. Only those benefits with a date range that overlaps the model's calculation date range by at least one day will be calculated.
Model: The imported/entered Model ID. Model IDs are defined on the PB Setup (PBSTRQ) page.
Model Begin/End Date: The two dates displayed after the model description represent the dates that will be used as the model calculation dates. They are on Pay Assignments Information page strictly as informational fields so that a pay assignment's Calc Dates can be compared to the model's calculation dates.
Employee ID: This field stores the employee ID.
Employee Name: This field stores the employee name.
Employee Status: The employee status.
Employee Type: The employee type is used to group or categorize employees.
Employee Information Tab
Pay Cycle: Enter the cycle code associated with this employee.
Bargaining Unit: Indicates the employee's primary bargaining unit. Code values are defined in PBTBLC, Bargain Unit Codes.
Calendar: Indicates the employee's primary calendar. Each employee is associated with a calendar. If multiple positions are assigned to an employee, he or she may have different calendars.
Location: The employee's work location. Code values are defined in PBTBLC, Location Codes.
Division: The division code indicates the primary division with which the employee is associated.
Chk Dist/Educ Cd 5: Miscellaneous field that may be used based upon Human Resources setup.
Employee FTE: The employee FTE.
Days Worked: Indicates the number of days per year the employee will work.
Periods Worked: The number of periods per year the employee will work.
Periods Paid: The number of periods to be paid. If on a monthly payroll, the number would be 12. If the employee were paid on a bi-weekly payroll, the number of periods would be 26.
Education Code 1-4: Miscellaneous fields that may be used based upon Human Resources setup.
Misc 1-4: Miscellaneous codes are client-defined values and may be used based on human resources setup.
Skill Code 1-5: Skill codes are an optional field and will be used based upon human resources setup.
Dept/Sel Cd 1: Selection code is optional and will be used based upon Human Resources setup.
Selection Cd 2: Selection code is optional and will be used based upon Human Resources setup.
Years of Service
Original Hire Dt: The original hire date may vary from the hire date if the individual was a previous employee and is returning to work at the same entity. If this date is after the Hire Date, an error message will appear.
Hire Dt: The employee's current hire date. It may differ from the original hire date value.
Leave Dt: Employee leave date from human resources.
Separation Dt: Employee termination date from human resources.
Dist Seniority Dt: The employee's district seniority date is most often used for reporting purposes. The field may also be used for other purposes by entities not using district seniority dates.
Pos/PCN Sen Dt: The employee's position seniority date.
Longevity Dt: The longevity date is used for seniority or additional pay purposes and indicates the additional service time being credited to an employee.
Years of Service Dt: This is a copy of the Model Definition Years of Service Date field at the time of the import.
Calculated Values
Original Hire: This is the calculated years of service based on the Original Hire date and the Model Definition Years of Service date.
Hire: This is the calculated years of service based on the Hire date and the Model Definition Years of Service date.
Separation: This is the calculated years of service based on the Term date and the Model Definition Years of Service date.
Leave: This is the calculated years of service based on the Longevity date and the Model Definition Years of Service date. This field will always identical to the "Long" field because they are based on the same date. This field only exists because it is in the PY system and the term Leave year is meaningful to some clients.
District Seniority: This is the calculated years of service based on the District Seniority Date and the Model Definition Years of Service date.
Pos/PCN Sen: This is the calculated years of service based on the POS/PCN date and the Model Definition Years of Service date.
Longevity: This is the calculated years of service based on the Longevity date and the Model Definition Years of Service date. All of the fields on Employee Information page may be used in selection criteria when running utilities that affect employee data (e.g., pay assignments and benefits).
Misc Field 1-16: There are sixteen fields, eight characters in length, which may be used in reports or as desired. These are copied values from the HR Employee Master record.
Misc Field 17-28: There are twelve miscellaneous fields, four characters in length, which may be used in reports or as desired. These are copied values from the HR Employee Master record.
Dates and Numbers
Date Fields
Misc Date 1-6: The date fields #1 - 6 are formatted to hold a date (MM/DD/YYYY) and are copied from the associated employee's HR Employee Master record.
Numeric Fields
Misc Number 1-9: The numeric fields #1 - 6 are formatted to hold a 10-digit number with five decimal places (9999.99999) and are copied from the associated employee's HR Employee Master record.
Pay Assignments Tab
Position Tab
Record Type: This field stores the pay assignment record type.
Pay Class: This field stores the pay class.
FTE Assigned: This field stores the PCN FTE. If FTE=APU1 or FTE=APU2 is entered into any of the Model Definition Misc fields, then the FTE field will contain either the APU1 or APU2 value.
Total FTE: This field stores the employee's total FTE from the Employee Master record.
PCN: This field stores the PCN (position control number). Code values are defined in PBTBPS, PCN/Position Information tab.
Position: This field stores the Position associated with the PCN. Code values are defined in PBTBPS, PCN/Position Information tab where the PCN = Position.
Pay Begin/End Dates: These fields store the Effective dates for the pay assignment. These dates are not used when calculating the pay assignments date ratio (see the description for the DT Ratio field).
Assign Begin/End Dates: These fields store the calculation dates for the pay assignment. These dates are used when calculating the pay assignment Year Ratio (see the description for the Year Ratio field).
Distribution Worksheet
The distribution worksheet enables you to view and change the distribution.
Rec Type: Pay assignment record type.
Account Information: Displays the input fields based upon the Input Format defined on the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page, Presentation tab. The General Ledger account control functionality is used for validation and lookup of account parts.
Percent: Percent for this distribution. There can be multiple distributions but the total of all distributions must equal 100%.
Misc: Miscellaneous field.
Calendar: This field stores the calendar. The calendar is used in conjunction with the Calc dates to determine the number of paid days (stored in the Days field) for the pay assignment. This paid day value is used when a pay assignment is tied to a salary index with an AXP of H or D.
Schedule Type: The pay type refers to when the employee receives a paycheck (i.e., bi-weekly, monthly, etc.).
Period Type: Indicates the period type (Bi-weekly, Monthly, Semi Monthly, or Weekly) from the human resources pay assignment. Code values are defined in static system codes.
Override Days: Check (Y) this field if the calculated number of paid days is to be overridden.
Default Days/Year: This field stores the number of paid days for the displayed calendar and Calc date range. It is used in the salary calculation for pay assignments with salary index amounts that have an AXP of H or D.
Default Hours/Day: This field stores the hours per day associated with the pay assignment. It is used in the salary calculation for pay assignments with salary index amounts that have an AXP of "H".
Salary Index: This field stores the salary index. It is populated with the salary index from Employee Pay Information. After importing data into a model, this field could be blank for two reasons:
The imported pay assignment is tied to any type of Min/Max salary index (schedule types 2, 3, and 4).
The imported pay assignment had its salary overridden (the Employee Pay Ovrd Salary field is "Y").
In these two cases, the salary index is left blank and the actual annual salary is imported into the Flat Salary field. The salary index is left blank, because in these two scenarios, the salary index does not tie directly to the amount on the salary table because the amount has been hand entered. If the salary indexes are always to be imported, then see the documentation for the Model Definition page regarding the USEINDEX Misc field code.
Code values are defined in PBTBSL, where the dates are within or equal to the salary Begin and End Dates.
AXP: This field is an echo field that displays the associated AXP for the displayed salary index.
Amount: This field is an echo field that displays the associated amount for the displayed salary index.
Fixed Salary Amount: If the imported pay assignment has been overridden, then this field will contain the Actual Annual salary from the Employee Pay page. The amount in this field is budgeted for the pay assignment and is not altered. See the documentation for the Model Definition page Misc fields and the PRORTESAL$ code for an exception.
Annual Salary: This field is populated by the calculation program and displays the final calculated annual salary.
FTE Sum: This field displays the sum of all Ratio Percent FTEs for an employee in a model. For example, if an Employee ID has two pay assignments, one with an FTE Assigned of .25000 and the other .75000, the sum value will be 1.00000.
Hours Sum: This field displays the sum of all Ratio Hrs for an employee in a model.
Year Ratio: This field is calculated when the model is calculated or when the Calc Pay Assign Ratio FTEs/Hrs utility is run. It indicates the percentage of the Model Calculation dates that are encompassed by the pay assignments calc dates. E.g., If the model calculation dates are 01/01/2003 - 12/31/2003 and the pay assignments calc dates are 01/01/2003 - 09/30/2003, then the date ratio will be .75 because the pay assignment's calc dates encompass ¾ of the model's calculation date range. The date ratio is used to prorate the annualized salary for the pay assignment. E.g., If the pay assignment is tied to a salary index with an AXP of M and an amount of $2000, then the annualized amount would be 12* 2000 = $24,000. The amount budgeted for the pay assignment though would be this annualized amount multiplied by the date ratio. For the example above, the budgeted amount would be 24,000 * .75 = $18,000. Note : The Override Days check box must be marked if values less than 1.00000 are expected.
Ratio Percent: This field stores the ratio percent. The ratio percent is used as a multiplier for the salary. Example: If a pay assignment is tied to a salary index with an annual amount of $50,000 and the Ratio Percent field contains 1.10, then the annualized salary will be 50,000 * 1.10.
Ratio Percent FTE: This field displays the prorated value of the FTE * DT Ratio.
Ratio Hours: This field displays the prorated value of the Hours * DT Ratio.
Slry Increase Dt 1 & 2: These fields are used in conjunction with the PB Apply Step Increases and Increase Flat Amounts utilities. They contain employee specific dates that can be used as begin dates for new pay assignments. How they are populated is determined on the PB Setup page, Setup Global Data tab. If, for example, the Salary Increase Date 1 field is to be populated with the employee's hire date, then this field will contain the that date, but the year will be modified to fall within the date range of the model. This year modification is required for the date to be used as a begin date for new pay assignments.
Salary Lookup Dt 1 & 2: This field displays the dates that will be used when selecting salary index amounts from Salary Table Information.
Opt Bene Emp ID: This field is only used when calculating a vacant position. A vacant position is one that contains any of the following:
Employee ID = 0
Record Type = VC
Record Type = DF
Vacant field = Y
When calculating a vacant pay assignment, the system checks if the Optional Benefit Employee ID has any associated benefits on the Benefits tab for the given model ID. If benefit records exist, the benefits associated with this ID will be used for the vacant position. Code values are defined in PBUPEM.
Addl Amt % Bene: This field holds the total value of extra dollars (besides salary) to be used for the purpose of percent benefit calculations. These can be defined on PBSTIS, with a Data ID of ADDLCDHS.
Salary Overridden: The field will be check marked if the pay assignment's salary was overridden in the HR system.
Pay Assignment at Max Step: This field can be check marked with the PB Apply Step Increases (PBUTAI) utility for pay assignments that are at the maximum step. This field can then be used as selection criteria for the PB Increase Flat Amounts (PBUTIA) utility, if pay assignments at the maximum step should receive a flat amount bonus or stipend.
Calculate Pay Assignment: This field determines whether the pay assignment will be calculated. After a full import or after a pay assignment is modified in any way, this field will be check marked. After a model is calculated, this field will be set to cleared. The calculation program will prompt the user as to whether this field should be check marked for all pay assignments within the model being calculated. If the user responds with an N to the prompt, then only those pay assignments that have been modified since the last calculation will be calculated.
If a pay assignment is modified, either by hand or by a utility, the Calc Flag field for all pay assignments assigned to that employee will be check marked.
Vacant Position: This field will be check marked for records that were inserted from the Vacant Position Information page.
Debug Pay Assignment: If a pay assignment is not calculating, this option will check for several known causes and display any problems with the pay assignment to the page.
Misc Tab
Position Details
Position Type: This field contains the first two characters of the PCN Validation Position Type for the PCN/Position. This field is used when the CDH Key/Obj Vectoring options PTB or PTV are active or if different posting strategies based on position type (e.g., classified vs. certified) are used for worker's compensation. Code values are defined in static system codes.
Job: This field displays the job code associated with the PCN/Position. Code values are defined in PBTBPS, Job Code Information tab.
Workers Comp Cd: This field displays the worker's comp code associated with the displayed Job code. The value in the field is used to determine the correct worker's comp rate from the Worker's Compensation Information (PBSTWK) page. If this field is blank then worker's comp will not be calculated for the pay assignment.
Location: The location associated with the PCN/Position. Code values are defined in PBTBLC, Location Codes.
Bargaining Unit: The bargaining unit associated with the displayed pay assignment. Code values are defined in PBTBLC, Bargain Unit Codes.
Miscellaneous Information
Slry Increment Dt 1 & 2: The date fields are populated with employee specific dates based on the PBSTRQ page. The dates can be used as selection criteria when running pay assignment utilities.
Original Hire Date: Employee's original hire date from the Employee Master. Date may be used as selection criteria when running pay assignment utilities.
Current Hire Date: Employee's hire date from the Employee Master. Date may be used as selection criteria when running pay assignment utilities.
Misc Code 0-9: These miscellaneous fields are designed to be used as selection criteria fields when running pay assignment utilities. They are populated based on entries made on the PB Setup page. If DEBUG is entered into any of these fields, then debug for this pay assignment will be displayed. The debug will be displayed even if the Model Definition "Debug" field is not set to 2 (display calculation debug). This enables debug for just a specific pay assignment to be displayed.
Benefit Details
Begin/End Date: Assigned benefit date range.
Benefit Plan Code: The Plan field represents the benefit plan code. This field validates to the PB Benefit Plan Information (PBTBBE) page; and will only allow entry of benefit plans with a PB Benefit Plan Information date range that spans the Employee Benefits Information date range. In addition to regular human resources benefits, other contributions (such as Miscellaneous Contributions, Mandatory Assignments, and Pay Related Contributions) populate this field via the import process. For Mandatory Assignments, the Plan field is populated with the type of contribution (e.g. FICA, SUI, SDI, MEDICARE, etc.). Miscellaneous Contributions and Pay Related Contributions populate the Plan field by using the first eight characters of the Desc field. (This field is the description for the CDH in payroll). If a record is hand entered into Employee Benefits Information, the page will be populated with PB Benefit Plan Information data after making an entry into the Plan field and exiting the field.
CDH: This field displays the CDH associated with the benefit plan. If this benefit record came from the HR Benefit page, the associated description will display the short description of the benefit plan from HR Benefit Definitions (HRTBBE). If the contribution came from somewhere else, the description will display the CDH short description from the PY Contribution or Hours page (PYUPCC or PYUPHH).
Frequency: This field stores the frequency associated with the benefit. This field can have an effect on how the benefit is calculated.
Amt Exp: This field displays how the displayed amount/percent is expressed (e.g., A - annual, M- monthly, S- semi-monthly, etc.).
Object Code: This field displays the object code associated with the benefit plan. This object code will be used as the posting object code when the model is calculated. If this field is blank and the Posting Code field is blank, then the object code(s) from the employee's pay assignment(s) will be used. If the Posting Code field is not blank, then the displayed object code is ignored because a special posting option is being used for the benefit.
Posting Code: This field indicates whether a special posting strategy exists for this benefit. Position Budgeting special posting rules are defined on the PB CDH Vectoring Information (PBTBVC) page. Field validates to PBTBVC where the Model and CDH match what is on the Benefits tab.
Bargaining Unit: This field contains the employee's bargaining unit from the Employee Master page. Code values are defined in PBTBLC, Bargain Unit Codes.
Use Base Salary for % Benefit: If the benefit is a percent benefit and it is to be calculated only on the employee's base salary (e.g. ignoring any Pay Related Contributions set up, see the PBSTIS page documentation for more information), then this field must be check marked. This can be done by hand or with the PB Update (PBUTPU) utility.
Amount: If the field contains a value other than 0 (zero), then the import program determined that the imported record was a flat dollar benefit. Percent benefits and flat dollar benefits with an amount of 0 will populate this field with a 0. See the documentation for the "Cd1" field for some related information.
Percent (0.0-100.0): If this field contains a value other than 0 (zero), then the import program determined that the imported record was a percent benefit. Flat dollar benefits and percent benefits with a value of 0 will populate this field with a 0.
Hours: This field will always be 0 (zero) unless the record was imported from the HR CDH Assignments (HRPYPR) page, Miscellaneous tab, and was assigned a 3000 series CDH (e.g. an hour code). This field will then be interpreted as the number of hours associated with the record. The value will come from the HR CDH Assignments page, Miscellaneous tab, amount field. For this type of record to calculate, the SQL Storage Update page must be used to set the Employee Benefits Information $ field to the appropriate hourly rate. That rate will then be multiplied by the value in the Hours field to determine the benefit amount.
Benefit FTE: This field will contain the Benefit Information Benefit FTE. If the record originates from a page other than Benefit Information, this field will be populated with 1.00000.
Benefit Date 1: This field contains the employee's Hire date, from their HR Employee Master record, with the year modified to fall within the model's date range. It can thus be used as an employee specific new begin date by the benefit utilities.
Benefit Date 2: This field contains the employee's Original Hire date with the year modified to fall within the model's date range. It can thus be used as an employee specific new begin date by the benefit utilities.
Benefit Date 3 & 4: These two date fields function the same as the Hire and Beg fields, but they may be populated with an employee specific date specified on the PB Setup page. The field tags for these fields is based on the setup. These dates can also be used as new begin dates by the benefit utilities.
Misc 0-4: The five Misc fields can contain employee specific data that the benefit utilities can used as selection criteria. The Misc fields are populated based on set up on the PB Setup page. The Misc fields also can be used to trigger special benefit processing features.
The following codes are supported:
DEBUG: If this code is entered into any of the Misc fields, then details on how the benefit is calculated will be displayed. The debug will be displayed even if the PB Setup page's Debug field is not set to 2 (display calculation debug). This enables debug for just a specific benefit to be displayed.
PCTRTxx: This code is only supported for percent benefits. If this code is entered into any of the Misc fields for a percent benefit, then the benefit will only be calculated on the pay assignment(s) with the record type specified by xx (NOTE: xx must be replaced with the desired record type). This code is generally used if an employee has a primary pay assignment (record type PM) and one or more temporary or seasonal pay assignments that a percent benefit should not be calculated on.
EMPFTE: This code is only supported for flat amount benefits. If this code is entered into any of the Misc fields for a flat amount benefit, then the benefit's annualized amount will be prorated by the employee's FTE from Employee Information. NOTE: If an Employee Benefits Information record has EMPFTE and BENEFTE in its Misc fields, then the BENEFTE code will be ignored and the EMPFTE code will be used.
BENEFTE: This code is only supported for flat amount benefits. If this code is entered into any of the Misc fields for a flat amount benefit, then the benefit's annualized amount will be prorated by the employee's benefit FTE from Employee Benefits Information. NOTE: If an Employee Benefits Information record has EMPFTE and BENEFTE in its Misc fields, then the BENEFTE code will be ignored and the EMPFTE code will be used.
Additional Contribution Details
Add to Type: If this benefit came from the pay related contributions page in HR the field will contain the codes found in the ADD to PCN/ID.
Contribution Priority: If this benefit came from the pay related contribution page in HR this field will contain the priority for the contribution assignment.
PCN/Position: If this benefit came from the pay related contribution page in HR this field will contain the associated PCN and Position attached to the assignment.
Record came from: This field displays where the Benefit Information record originated.
Result Code: This field indicates if a detail entry was found in payroll for the displayed CDH. If this field is blank, then a single detail entry was found in payroll. If this field contains an N, then the import program was not able to find a single detail record in PY for the CDH spanning the Benefit Information date range or with blank dates. If this field is N, then the Object field will be blank because the object code is derived from the payroll detail entry. If this field is an M, then multiple detail records were found in payroll for the CDH with a date range spanning the Benefit Information date range or with blank dates. Again, the Object field will be blank because the system will not know which detail entry to use.
Special Code: The Cd1 field indicates the value of the Special Code 1 field on HR CDH Assignments page, Miscellaneous tab. The Special Code 1 field on the HR CDH Assignment page is used to indicate if the amount entered is a flat dollar or percent. If the Cd1 field is blank, then the Special Code 1 field is either an A or P. This is normal. If the Cd1 field is an N, then the Misc Code 1 field on the HR CDH Assignments page is not equal to A or P. In that case, the amount on the HR CDH Assignments page will be assumed a flat dollar amount.
Calculate Estimated Budget
The Calculate Estimated Budget tool executes the Budget Calculation process (PBUPCE) for the current model.