Flat File Interface to Budget Set - GLBUBAFI
This process loads a flat file directly to the page stated within question, "Budget Set type to be created." Configure and load the flat file using an Excel template file that can be saved locally and loaded directly to BusinessPlus, then edit and distribute the set as usual.
To submit the budget set to a specific page, consider the following information:
AJ - Intra-fund Adjustments -> GLBUBAAJ
AN - Annual Budgets -> GLBUBAAN
ST - Standard Budget Set (Default) -> GLBUBAUB
TR - Intra-fund Transfers -> GLBUBATR
The software recognizes and allows "SYSTEM" in the Set ID and/or Reference field to then pull the next autogenerated Set ID or Reference from the corresponding SYNO common code. If the Set ID or Reference fields are left blank, the software will assume it to be "SYSTEM" and use the SYNO common code. This is also reflected in the upload file itself: if "SYSTEM" is used in the Set ID or Reference columns, the software will use the SYNO common code to derive the next autogenerated seed value. A custom Set ID or Reference can also be entered.
Flat File Layout
Fiscal Year (4) | The four-digit fiscal year number in CCYY format, i.e. a year 2016 budget. (Required) |
Org Key (10) | Up to ten characters to indicate the ledger Org. Key to which this budget should be associated. The Org. Key in this field must be defined in the GLK-KEY-MSTR (see GLUPKY). Note: A Fully Qualified Account may be used instead of an Org Key when using the comma-delimited format. If an FQA is used in place of an Org Key, the Object Code field should be left blank. (Required) |
Object Code (8) | Up to eight characters to indicate the GL Object code to which this budget should be associated. The Object code in this field must be defined in the GLO-OBJ-MSTR (see GLUPOB). Note: A Fully Qualified Account may be used instead of an Org Key when using the comma-delimited format. If an FQA is used in place of an Org Key, the Object Code field should be left blank. (Required) |
From Fiscal Year (4) | The four-digit fiscal year source budget. This field is required if the budget entry has a T (Transfer) Transaction Type. |
From Org Key (10) | Up to ten characters to indicate the ledger's Org. Key to which this source budget should be associated. This field is required if the budget entry has a T (Transfer) Transaction Type. |
From Object Code (8) | Up to eight characters to indicate the GL Object code to which this source budget should be associated. This field is required if the budget entry has a T (Transfer) Transaction Type. |
Type (2) | A two-character field that identifies this transaction: N (new budget), A (budget adjustment), T (budget transfer). (Required) |
Fund Type (2) | A two-character code that describes the fund type of this transaction. Validated against Common Codes Category of BUFT/ and a code value of the type entered. |
Misc (4) | Up to four characters to indicate a miscellaneous code associated with this budget adjustment/transfer entry. This may be used for any type of historical analysis, data extraction, or reporting which may be desired. Note: This field is not user editable on any interactive update screen. |
Amount (18) | Use positive values to increase the budget transaction amount, negative values to decrease the budget transaction amount. This value is the NET change only; it is NOT the new amount of the budget (unless this is a new budget - Transaction Type "N"). The last two digits of this field are always assumed cents. |
Version (2) | Up to two characters that indicate the named version of the budget to which this budget adjustment/transfer entry relates. The version cannot be summed from other versions. (Required) |
Level (2) | A two-character code to indicate the level at which the budget entry is being prepared. Appropriate levels are OB = Object Code level and G1, G2...G8 for previously defined Object Groups. (Required) |
Ledger Code (2) | A two-character code that indicates the ledger to which this budget relates. The ledger code in this field must be defined in the GLG-GEN-MSTR (see GLUPGN). (Required) |
Set ID (16) | Leave blank or add "SYSTEM" to use a seed value to create the Set ID based on common code SYNO/BTCHIDBU. Or add manually using up to 16 characters to represent the Set ID. Note that the Set ID is also a question on the menu tree: "Please enter the Budget Set ID." Use one option or the other, but not both. This question [GLIY] is no longer required as of 7.11. Leave blank, type "SYSTEM," or type the desired Set ID. |
Reference (16) | Leave blank or add "SYSTEM" to use a seed value to create the Reference based on common code SYNO/BUID. Or add up to 16 characters to indicate the primary reference for the budget adjustments/transfers. Note that the Reference is also a question on the menu tree: "Please enter the Single Reference." Use one option or the other, but not both. This question [GLKN] was introduced in release 7.11. Leave blank, type "SYSTEM," or type the desired reference. |
Effective Date (8) | Up to eight characters to identify the effective date of the budget changes, in CCYYMMDD format. (Required) |
Reason Code (4) | A four-character code that provides a reason for these adjustments/transfers. Validated against common code BURS. |
Description (30) | Up to 30 characters to describe the purpose or action causing the need for this budget adjustment/transfer. |
Prep ID (8) | Prep ID is in the glb_batch_dtl table and writes to the glc_prep_id column in the log table (glc_budg_dtl), but cannot be seen in GLBUBAUB. It is information that can be imported into, but cannot be entered directly into, BusinessPlus. |
Subs Ref (16) | Subs Ref is in the glb_batch_dtl table and writes to the glc_ref2 column in the log table (glc_budg_dtl), but cannot be seen in GLBUBAUB. It is a secondary reference that can be imported into, but cannot be entered directly into, BusinessPlus. |
Subs Date (16) | Subs Date is in the glb_batch_dtl table and writes to the glc_date2 column in the log table (glc_budg_dtl), but cannot be seen in GLBUBAUB. It is a secondary date that can be imported into, but cannot be entered directly into, BusinessPlus. |
BUID ACG (4) | BUID ACG is in the glb_batch_dtl table and writes to the glc_build_acg column in the log table (glc_budg_dtl), but cannot be seen in GLBUBAUB. It is information that can be imported into, but cannot be entered directly into, BusinessPlus. |
TRNS ACG (4) | TRNS ACG is in the glb_batch_dtl table and writes to the glc_trns_acg column in the log table (glc_budg_dtl), but cannot be seen in GLBUBAUB. It is information that can be imported into, but cannot be entered directly into, BusinessPlus. |
Units (18) | Units do not import into the glb_batch_dtl table. |