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FTE Budget Update - GLBUFTUB

The General Ledger (GL) Budget Update FTE (GLBUFTUB) page generates a proposed budget for an account based on data loaded into multiple other pages: the GL Budget Average Salary (GLBUFTAS) page, GL Budget Fringe Benefits (GLBUFTFR) page, and by defining various codes on the Nucleus (NU) Common Codes page. The setup involves identifying Keys and Objects that are referenced to generate a budget value. Additionally, a user may display account expenses and revenues for the fiscal year by using the Totals feature.

The page closely resembles the GL Budget Update (GLBUUP) page where you can create or modify a line-item budget. The GL Budget Update FTE page can generate budgets based on average salary, fringe benefit data, and the number of full-time employees that the organization would like to staff in positions.

By default, amounts (benefit rates, average salaries) round to the nearest cent. The rounding may be modified by defining the NUUPCD common code GLFG/FTE.

Year: The four-digit fiscal year for the budget. When searching for particular data, the Year field has a drop-down box where you can choose to display years that have defined budgets. The year in the Year field will represent the fiscal year for which account information was valid unless superseded by the Start Date and End Date. When using the Search function, the year is not a required field.

Destination Version: The Destination Version drop-down list is populated and based on ledger selection and the budget codes defined in the Budget tab of the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page. Selecting a version is optional.

The Destination (Budget) Version serves two purposes:

  • Update an account budget using a Calculation instead of typing in a new value. This option is editable in Add or Edit mode. It is read-only in search results.

  • Use with Totals to display account expenses, revenues, and net difference for the stated period of time or fiscal year. This option is available on this page and the following describes how it functions.

To display the Show Totals feature, select Search, and then select Show Totals. A box displays Total Revenues, Expenditures, and Net below the Start/End Dates.
Change the Destination Version to another budget version and see the totals update to those specific to the active account and budget version.
Total Revenues reflect the sum of all records selected by the current find that have object types of RV or TI. Total Expenditures reflect the sum of all records selected by the current find that have object types of XP or TO. Net is Total Revenues minus Total Expenditures. These totals are updated whenever a new find is done, the Destination Version is changed, a record is added, updated, or deleted.

Calculation: This field is used on GL Budget Update page (GLBUUP) and is disabled on this GLBUFTUB page.

Coordinator: If a coordinator is defined on GL Budget Update (GLBUUP) page, the coordinator for the active line item will echo in this field. A coordinator cannot be defined on this GLBUFTUB page.

Override Object Desc: If an override description is defined on GL Budget Update (GLBUUP) page, the override description for the active line object code will echo in this field. An override object description cannot be defined on this GLBUFTUB page.

Start and End Date: Fields are read only and echo from the GL Budget Update (GLBUUP) page. Data present indicates the start date and end date for the budgets being prepared, if not on a fiscal year basis.

Budget Checking

The following flags are set in the GL Budget Update (GLBUUP) page and cannot be modified on this GLBUFTUB page. Data present indicates budget checking assigned to an account. Budget checking descriptions follow:

  • Budget Block: Blank = None; A = Authorize; B = Block; W = Warn

  • Budget Level: The object group level for which budgets are being defined. G1 through G8 correspond to previously defined object groups. Other options include Blank (meaning none) and O (meaning object code).

Status: The active flag to indicate the budget is active.

Require JL: If checked for this account (Org. Key and Object), a JL side account is required at data entry.

Can Recalculate: Indicates permission to recalculate any derived budget values when the GL Utility, Recalculate Balances, executes.


The totals presently function only for OB (Object Code) level budget records.

  • Total Revenues: Reflects the sum of all records selected by the current find that have object types of RV or TI.

  • Total Expenditures: Reflects the sum of all records selected by the current find that have object types of XP or TO.

  • Net: Net is Total Revenues minus Total Expenditures.

These totals are updated whenever a new find is done, the Destination Version is changed, and a record is added, updated, or deleted.

Org Key: This is an echo field that displays the description associated with the Org Key entered into the Account field.

Obj: This is an echo field that displays the description associated with the Object entered into the Account field.

Column fields

The following are brief descriptions of columns (or fields, if viewing in Hide Grid Mode) and the content under that column.

Ledger and Account: In Add mode, a defined General Ledger (GL) and associated account must be keyed into this field. Optionally, if the Job Ledger (JL) module is used and this transaction relates to an account in the JL, enter a JL account number. For ease of use, this field supports a variety of methods of data entry including the Quick and Fully Qualified Account (FQA) methods of specifying both the GL Account and/or the JL Account. The format of the account control is dictated by the ledger setup on the GLUPGN page, Presentation tab.
Control Keys will not display within the page once the key has been flagged as a control key. To display keys that have been flagged as Control Keys, define the NU common code GLBU/SHOWCNTL to allow GL Control keys to be displayed. To budget at the Control Key level, create the budget first, and then set the Control Key flag on the GL Org Key Definition (GLUPKY/GLUPKS) page.

Lookup Fund or Lookup Account: To look up a ledger code or account part (for example key or object), place the cursor in the field and press Ctrl+L key combination, or click the ellipsis (…) button, and select Lookup xx, where xx is the field the cursor is placed. Lookup Account will show complete account options that hold both the Key and Object associations. When you click the ellipsis button, a drop-down menu appears with options to alter the structure of the Account # field by selecting the following:

  • XX Fully Qualified (where XX=ledger code): Use Ctrl+U to display the fully qualified account string format.

  • XX Org Key-Object (where XX=ledger code): Select this option or press Ctrl+K to display the ledger organization key and object code input format.

  • XX Quick (where XX=ledger code): The Ctrl+Q option allows changes to the display and the lookup to accommodate quick key entry for account numbers that have been defined in the GL Quick Account Numbers (GLUPQU) page.

Show Ledger: Select this option to display the ledger code field in the account field, to identify or change the ledger.

Object Code Description: An echo of the account description. When using Hide Grid Mode, the field is labeled Object.

Budget Version Columns: Numerous fields that are system-generated based on the ledger setup. These columns are customer specific and use Budget Versions defined on the GLUPGN page, Budget tab. Each Budget Version will occupy a column and display a secondary column showing the derived FTE based on your unique setup.

If an administrator set up Budget Version filtered security, the budget version fields editable if they’ve only write access. Otherwise, the fields are grey out in add, edit and grid modes.

The budget version (calculated) fields are read-only in add, edit and grid modes irrespective of security.


  • ExcludeControlKeys: Identifies entries across levels (OB, G1-G8) where the Key type is not equal to C.

  • ShowControlKeys: Identifies entries across levels (OB, G1-G8) where the Key type is equal to C.

  • ClassicLevels: Identifies entries across classic levels (OB, G1-G8).

  • OBLevel: Identifies entries at the OB level only.

Change Logging tab

The Change Logging tab is used for budget tracking and available on the GL Budget Update (GLBUUP) page only. Logging FTE changes is an exception and will not be tracked within the tab.

Apply Find to Totals:

  • When Apply Find to Totals is selected, the system holds the totals value and displays the same totals as captured previously. The Totals Applied label is displayed beside the Totals section.

  • When Apply Find to Totals is cleared, the system shows updated totals value as per the search criteria currently applied.


Recalculate FTE Budgets

Refreshes account data after an update.

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