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General Information - BDUPGN

The Budget Item Detail (BD) General Information page establishes some general parameters and control features used by the BD subsystem.

Ledger: Enter the appropriate ledger code for which the information will pertain. This can be any GL or JL side ledger as defined in the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page.

Ledger Description: Echoes the title of ledger selected.

Budget Copy Controls

This tab is used to define options for the BD Copy Budget Version (BDUTCP) utility. This includes information will be used to form to the new reference when running the BD utility used to copy BD information from one year to another and/or one version to another. The information indicated here will either be prefixed or suffixed to the reference of the entries being copied. The information entered in this section tells the budget transfer page at what level (if any) you will expect balanced budget entries; and, what part will be used for restricting access to certain accounts.

Options for a new Reference

Number of characters to form the New Reference

Fiscal Year: The number of characters from 1 to 4 of the fiscal year to use when creating the new reference. Example if you enter 2 next to Fiscal Year then the last two characters of the fiscal year will be used. Example: If 2003 is the fiscal year then 03 will be used.

Budget Version: The number of characters, 1 or 2, to use of the budget version when forming the new reference. For example if your budget version is "AJ" then entering a "1" will give you "A" and "2" will give you "AJ."

Screen Name: The number of characters from 1 to 4 to use from the page name to include in the new reference. Page names are MISC, TRVL, EQPT, and POSB. For example if number of characters is "1" and you are copying from the MISC page then the first character (M) would be used in the new reference. If "2" is placed here then "MI" would be used, etc.

Prefix/Suffix: Enter a "P" or "S" to indicate whether this information will become a prefix or suffix to the reference being copied.

Year Order:  Year Order works together with Version Order and Screen Order to determine which of the above items will be used 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. If you want Budget Version, Screen Name, then Fiscal Year, then you would enter 1 in the Version Order, 2 in the Screen Order, and 3 in the Year Order.

Version Order:  Version Order works together with Year Order and Screen Order to determine which of the above items will be used 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. If you want Budget Version, Screen Name, then Fiscal Year, then you would enter 1 in the Version Order, 2 in the Screen Order, and 3 in the Year Order.

Screen Order:  Screen Order works together with Year Order and Version Order to determine which of the above items will be used 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. If you want Budget Version, Screen Name, then Fiscal Year, then you would enter 1 in the Version Order, 2 in the Screen Order, and 3 in the Year Order.

Unique Reference: When this is checked then all references must be unique within Budget Item Detail.

Balance and Part Restrictions

Balance Control: Optional control feature. If this is filled in then the Copy Budget Utility (BDUTCP) will force the entries to be in balance by this part/group before it can be copied. For example if you put FUND here, then each reference must balance by fund. Any Key, Key part, Object, or Object Group may be used as defined in the GL General Information page.

Restricted Part: Optional control feature. If this is filled in then the Copy Budget Utility will not allow a single reference to contain more than one value for this part/group. For example if you put FDTY here then each reference must contain a single fund type. Any Key, Key part, Object, or Object Group may be used as defined in the GL General Information page.

Budget Document Setup

Budget documentation is used to describe your organization's functional areas such as "Fund," "Department," "Division," "Function," or "Activity." The information on this tab will establish the level one and level two hierarchies for those functional areas and create the default headings for the BD Budget Document Information (BDUPBD) page. 

Level 1 Part Code: Select the organization key part code of the part to be established as the higher of the two levels. Codes available for selection are derived from the parts defined in GL Information for the ledger code selected at the top of the page. For instance, if your organization consists of multiple divisions within several departments, this would be the part defined as "Fund." The description of the part selected will be displayed.

Level 2 Part Code: Select the organization key part code of the part to be established as the lower of the two levels. Using the same example as above, this would be the part defined as "Responsible Area."

Fiscal Years 1, 2, 3: Enter up to three fiscal years that will be used as defaults displayed for data entry purposes. Data on multiple fiscal years may be maintained in the system. However, the BD Budget Documents page limits the user to three fiscal years at a time.

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