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Make GL Budget - PBGLMB

The Position Budgeting (PB) Make GL Budget (PBGLMB) page is used to complete the Position Budgeting process, after all data adjustments have been completed. This page controls how certain fields in the budget set file will be populated and what type, if any, of rounding will be used.  This information must be entered before a budget set file can be created.

Interface File: This field stores the interface file name. The interface filename, along with the model, is used by the budget creation program to select the appropriate GL batch control record for populating certain fields in the budget batch file.

Model: This field stores the Model. Model values are defined in the PB Setup (PBSTRQ) page.

Batch File Name: This field specifies the name of the batch file that will be created for the model.  

NOTE:  A popular Interface File Name and Batch Name naming convention is to use the model ID for both. Since both the interface and batch name will be prompted for, an easy way to remember the names is to name them the same as the model. One caveat though is that the Batch Name is limited to 8-characters. Thus, if a model name is longer than 8-characters, then another naming convention must be used for the batch name.

User ID: System populated field identifying the name of the user that created the page.

Fiscal Year: This field specifies the fiscal year value written to the budget batch.

Fund Type: This field specifies the fund type value written to the budget batch.  Code values are defined in the NU Common Codes Category of BUFT.

Create Date: System populated field indicating the date that the record was created.

Reason: This field identifies the reason for the batch file creation.  Code values are defined in the NU Common Codes Category of BURS.

GL Code: This field specifies the general ledger code written to the batch file. It is populated based on the value in the Ledger field of the PB Setup page for the entered model.

Level: System populated field that identifies the level of budgeting. Currently, only OB is supported.

Version: This field specifies the version of the budget.

Type of Rounding: This field is used to specify what type, if any, of rounding is to be applied to the calculated budget amounts.  Code values are defined in static system codes.

Comments: Enter any desired comments.

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