Manipulate Imported Data
Several utilities are included with the Position Budgeting system to manipulate the data as desired and calculate the model until the desired budget is attained.
- Copy To/From Model (PBMDCP)
- Delete Model and Data (PBMDDM)
- Print Model Info (PB3100 CDD Report) — Standard CDD Report "PB3100: PB Print Model Info" is used to print a model's setup information on the model definition page and setup pages.
- Adjust Calculation Results (PBUTAC)
- Adjust Pay/Bene Begin/End Dates (PBUTAD)
- Apply Step Increase (PBUTAI)
- Adjust Salary Begin/End Dates (PBUTAS)
- PB to BID Interface (PBUTBD)
- Create Budget Adjustment (PBUTCB)
- Calc Pay Assgn Ratio FTEs/Hrs (PBUTCR)
- Delete Benefits (PBUTDB)
- Delete Calculation Results (PBUTDC)
- Delete Data in Model (PBUTDS)
- Delete Abandoned Models (PBUTDX)
- Calculate Employee Hours (PBUTEH)
- Fix Pay Assignment Sal Dates (PBUTFP)
- Increase/Decrease Flat Amounts (PBUTIA)
- Increase/Decrease/Add Benefits (PBUTIB)
- Increment All Dates for Model (PBUTID)
- Adjust Ratio Percents (PBUTIR)
- Increase Salary Tables (PBUTIS)
- Low Resource Delete (PBUTLD)
- Merge Calculation Results (PBUTMC)
- Set Post To Code on Benefits (PBUTPT)
- Reset Calc Flag to Y (PBUTRF)
- Recalc PCPAYTBL Paid Days (PBUTRP)
- Spread Additional Dollars (PBUTSD)