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Misc Budget Details - BDUPDAMS

The Budget Item Detail (BD) Miscellaneous Budget Details (BDUPDAMS) page is designed to capture any budget information, dollar or text justification for a given account number, that does not fit into the travel, position or equipment detail pages.

Account: You must enter a General Ledger (GL) account number in this field. Optionally, if the Job Ledger (JL) module is used and this transaction relates to an account in the JL, enter a JL account number. For ease of use, this field supports a variety of methods of data entry including the Quick and Fully Qualified Account methods of specifying both the GL Account or the JL Account. The format of the account control is dictated by the ledger setup on the GL General Information (GLUPGN) page, Presentation tab. To look up a ledger code or account part (key, object), place the cursor in the field and press Ctrl + L, or click the ellipsis (…) button, and select Lookup XX where XX is the field the cursor is placed.
When you click the ellipsis button, a drop-down menu appears with options to alter the structure of the GL Account field by selecting the following:

  • XX Org Key-Object or Fully Qualified (where XX=ledger code): Select this option or press Ctrl + K to display the ledger organization key and object code input format. Press Ctrl + U to display the fully qualified account string format.

  • XX Quick (where XX=ledger code): Press Ctrl + Q to allow changes to the display and the lookup to accommodate quick key entry for account numbers that have been defined in the GL Quick Account Numbers (GLUPQU) page.

  • Show Ledger: Select this option to display the ledger code field in the account field, to identify or change the ledger.

  • Show Work Order: Select this option to display the Work Order field. The Work Order number must exist in the Work Order module, if Validate Work Order is selected on the GL General Information page, Presentation tab.

In find mode, this field defaults to the user's default ledger entered in their user profile stored in NUUPUS.

Fiscal Year: The fiscal year for which this entry will be budgeted. Select from the drop-down list or enter as CCYY century and year.

Month: Leave blank to treat this as an annual budget figure. If this is a monthly budgeted entry, enter the specific month. The month is indicated as the fiscal month (for example, July = 01, January = 07, June = 12), as defined in GLUPGN, Calendar tab. For a list of valid months, click the combo-box or press Ctrl + L.

Key/Object Totals: The system-derived running total of the particular key-object combination appears in this field.

Version: Select one of the named budget versions. Codes available for selection are defined in either GLUPGN or, a version specifically for use in BD, defined on BD Codes under a Code ID of VERS. The version selected will be used in the BD subsystem until the records are uploaded.

Details Tab

Reference: Enter the reference number for the budget item, or have the system automatically generate a unique reference number by selecting the Auto option from the … button or by pressing Ctrl + T. Auto seed values available for selection are defined by NU Common Codes Category/Value SYNO/BDMISC.

Description: A short description of the budget entry.

Priority: In this field, prioritize items that are being budgeted for.

For example:

  • 01: Highest priority (must have)

  • 02: Medium priority (would like to have)

  • 03: Low priority (wish list)

Package: Select the package name to link related items within the same account or items defined on other BD category pages. For example, you may have three different types of vehicles and they may all fall under the same package. Codes available for selection are defined on the BD Package Details (BDUPDAPK) page.

Justification: An explanation or justification for the budget entry. To insert a line break, press Enter. To save text, press Shift + Enter.

Cutoff Date: Date after which this account will not accept modifications. This date field is populated by running the BD Set Cutoff Date (BDUTSC) utility.

Budget Amount: The dollar amount to be budgeted for this particular item.

Comments Tab

Click this tab to open an additional page to enter comments or a longer narrative related to the miscellaneous budget details. To insert a line break, press Enter. To save text, press Shift + Enter.

Convenience links to other Budget Item Detail pages are available in the Links menu.

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