PC Budget Calculation - PBGLCR
The Position Budgeting (PB) PC Budget Calculation (PBGLCR) page is used for housing all of the information that is used for position budgeting reporting after a calculation is completed of a model. The page holds all of the calculated values and distribution splits for any calculated model.
Model: This field stores the Model.
ID: Enter the Employee ID.
Filled: If this field is checked, this is a vacant cost.
Is Salary: if this field is checked, it is a salary cost.
Record Type: This field stores the record type.
PCN: This field stores the Position Control Number.
Position: This field stores the Position ID.
Dates: Enter the Begin and End Dates.
FTE: This field stores the PCN FTE.
CDH: Enter the CDH value.
Description: Enter the Misc description.
Key: Enter the Org Key.
Object: Enter the Object code.
Distribution %: Enter the distribution percent.
Distribution Misc: Distribution Misc field. Enter Code values or notes.
Type: This field indicates whether the record is a Flat (F) amount or Percent (P) value benefit or if the record is a Salary (S) amount.
Fringe: Enter the fringe cost.
Salary: Enter the Salary cost.
Budget $: Enter the cost.
Bargain Unit: This field stores the employee's bargaining unit.
Location: Enter the Location ID associated with the PCN/Position.
Job: Enter the Job ID.
Wcomp: This field stores the worker's compensation code.
Original Model: Enter the original Model.
Post To: This field stores the posting code.
Full Account: Stores the Org key/Obj code concatenated.
Org Key Backgrounds Parts 1-8: Enter Key Part 1 to Key Part 8.
Misc 0 - 9: Enter Misc 0 to Misc 9.