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Position Budgeting Codes - BDUPDAPC

The Budget Item Detail (BD) Position Budgeting Codes (BDUPDAPC) page is used to define codes used for validation and drop-down on the Position (BDUPDAPB) page. The codes page is accessible by a link on the side menu from the four item detail entry pages – Miscellaneous, Travel, Equipment, and Position. The codes page cannot be accessed from the main menu directly by menu mask.

There can be multiple Model IDs defined and each model will have its own Code ID / Code Value associations, made unique by Model ID.

If the BusinessPlus Position Budgeting (PB) module is used, a Model ID can be derived from that database using the Position Budgeting to Budget Item Detail interface utility (PBUTBD).

Model ID: This is the Model ID that the code will be related to when using the BD Position Budget Details screen. There is not a drop-down list of existing Model IDs but any Model IDs displayed in the side menu under "Entity List" can be entered here, in Add mode, and additional code values can be added. To create a new Model ID, go into Add mode and create the Model ID and the first Code ID/Value. Press Enter to save the record. Thereafter, the new Model ID will be active for creating additional Code ID/Values.

Model Description: This is the description of the Model ID.

Code ID: This drop-down menu is used to indicate which type of code you are entering. The following are the static system Code ID values allowed for use in defining Code Values.

Code Value: Enter the code value that will be added to the selection in the corresponding Code ID drop-down lists.

Description: Description associated with the code value.

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