Pre-Defined Data IDs
Several pre-defined options (CDHOVRD1-10, CDHLIMIT1, ADDLCDHS, ADD2PBBENTBL) exist for the Data ID field on the PB Import Support Information (PBSTIS) page.
The CDHOVRD1 to CDHOVRD10 options are used to perform overrides to existing CDH information in HR. The available pieces of information that may be overridden include:
- whether the rate is a percent or flat dollar amount
- the object code
- the rate (percent or flat dollar)
- Axp.
Data Element: The selection criteria value that is appropriate for the entered Data Element Screen and Data Element Attribute.
Code 0: If the CDH's rate is to be overridden, then enter a $ (flat dollar) or % (percent) in this field. If this field is blank, and the Code 3 field contains a value, then a default of $ will be assumed for the Code 0 field.
Code 1: If the object code, on the payroll setup, for the CDH is be overridden, then enter the new object code in this field.
Code 2: If the CDH is a percent CDH and is to always calculate using base salary (as opposed to using the inflated salary calculated when the ADDLCDHS Data ID option is entered, see below for a complete description of the ADDLCDHS option), then enter "ASESLRY in the field. This will cause the Use Base Sal field on the employee's PB Benefit CDH to be set to Y. This field can also be used to store descriptive text about the CDH entered in Code 4. The field may contain descriptive text AND the BASESLRY code simultaneously.
Code 3: If the CDH's rate is to be overridden, enter the new rate in this field. Code 0 dictates whether the rate is entered in the PB Benefit Percent or Amount field.
Code 4: The CDH the line of values (Data Elem., Code 0 - Code3, and Code 5) applies to.
Code 5: The new Axp, if it is to be overridden.
Code 6: This field is used as a selection criteria field for years of service (stored in PB Employee Information (PBUPEM)). Valid codes are O-Original Hire, H-Hire, V-Leave, S-Sepr, D-Dist Sen, P-PosPcn, and L-Long. Valid operators are =, <, >, > <.
- To add the selection criteria of "Hire years =5", enter H=5.
- To add the selection criteria of "Leave years <10", enter V<10.
- To add the selection criteria of "Longevity years >5 and Longevity years <10", Enter L>5<10.
- To add the selection criteria of "Orig Hire years >5", enter O>5.
The CDHLIMIT1 Data ID option is used to assign limit amounts to CDHs. If, when the CDH is calculated, the amount exceeds the limit, then the calculated amount will be set to the limit amount.
Data Element: The selection criteria value that is appropriate for the entered Data Element Screen and Data Element Attribute.
Code 0: Not used.
Code 1: Not used.
Code 2: Used to store descriptive text about the CDH entered in Code 4.
Code 3: The annual limit. The limit amount must be entered as an annual flat dollar limit.
Code 4: The CDH the line of values (Data Elem., Code 0 - 3, and Code 5 - 6) applies to.
Code 5: Not used.
Code 6: Not used.
This option allows for the employee's calculated salary to be inflated for the purpose of calculating percent benefits (CDHs). The CDHs that are entered will have their amounts added to the calculated salary for each of the employee's pay assignments. This is for the purpose of calculating percent CDHs assigned to the employee. The CDHs added to the pay assignments can be flat dollar or percent. If a percent is not to be calculated on the inflated salary amount (e.g., it is to be calculated on the regular calculated annual salary), then either set the Benefits Salary field on PBUPEM to Y or set any of the Benefit Misc fields to BASESLRY. This can be done by hand or automatically with the PBTBPU page. If a percent CDH is listed, the calculated amount will NOT be added to the employee's salary when calculating the actual benefit amount to be budgeted.
E.g., an employee has 4 CDHs and a base salary of $100,000.
CDH A is a 2% CDH CDH B is a 4% CDH CDH C is a 5% CDH CDH D is a 10% CDH
CDHs C and D are also set up on PBSTIS with Data ID ADDLCDHs.
Calculation for CDH A
Base salary: 100,000 Amount to add to base salary from ADDLCDH C: 5,000 Amount to add to base salary from ADDLCDH D: 10,000 Total salary to calculate CDH A: 115,000
CDH A = 115,000 * .02 = $2,300
Calculation for CDH B
Base salary: 100,000 Amount to add to base salary from ADDLCDH C: 5,000 Amount to add to base salary from ADDLCDH D: 10,000 Total salary to calculate CDH A: 115,000
CDH B = 115,000 * .04 = $4,600
Calculation for CDH C (which is also listed under the ADDLCDHS Data ID)
Base salary: 100,000 Amount to add to base salary from ADDLCDH D: 10,000 Total salary to calculate CDH C: 110,000
The amount to add to base salary from ADDLCDH C (CDH C) is not added to base salary when calculating CDH C (to prevent over paying of the CDH), but the amount from ADDLCDH D is still added.
CDH C = 110,000 * .05 = $5,500
Calculation for CDH D (which is also listed under the ADDLCDHS Data ID)
Base salary: 100,000 Amount to add to base salary from ADDLCDH C: 5,000 Total salary to calculate CDH D: 105,000
Note: The amount to add to base salary from ADDLCDH D (CDH D) is not added to base salary when calculating CDH D (to prevent over paying of the CDH), but the amount from ADDLCDH C is still added.
CDH D = 105,000 * .10 = $10,500
Example of ADDLCDHS
An employee has 4 CDHs and a base salary of $100,000.
CDH A is a $1000 annual flat dollar CDH CDH B is a $2000 annual flat dollar CDH CDH C is a 5% CDH CDH D is a 10% CDH
Amount to add to base salary from ADDLCDH A: 1,000 Amount to add to base salary from ADDLCDH B: 2,000 Amount to add to base salary from ADDLCDH C: 5,000 Amount to add to base salary from ADDLCDH D: 10,000
Total salary to calculate all percent CDHs (other than C and D): $118,000
Total salary to calculate CDH C: $113,000
Total salary to calculate CDH D: $108,000
If a percent CDH is not to be calculated on the inflated salary generated by the ADDLCDHS setup, then set the Use Base Sal field to Y on the PBUPEM, Benefits tab CDH record. This can be done using the CDHOVRDx (x being 1 to 10) code on PBSTIS, or by using the PBTBPU page, or by manual entry.
Data Element: The selection criteria value that is appropriate for the entered Data Element Screen and Data Element Attribute.
Code 0: Not used.
Code 1: Not used.
Code 2: Used to store descriptive text about the CDH entered in Code 4.
Code 3: A limit to be placed on the amount added to the employee's salary for a CDH, if required. The limit amount must be entered as an annual flat dollar limit.
Code 4: The CDH the line of values (Data Element, Code 0 – Code 3, and Code 5) applies to.
Code 5: Not used.
Code 6: Not used.
The ADD2PBBENTBL option will insert into Benefit Plan Information (PBTBBE) CDHs that normally would not be exist. Any new CDHs that do not exist in HR but need to be available for assignment should be entered using the ADD2PBBENTBL code. All entries listed under this code will be inserted into the PB Benefit table for validation to, and assignment on, PB benefit assignments.
Data Element: The selection criteria value that is appropriate for the entered Data Element Screen and Data Element Attribute.
Code 0: The CDH associated with the benefit plan.
Code 1: The object code associated with the benefit plan.
Code 2: This field can be used to store descriptive text about the benefit plan.
Code 3: The rate for the benefit plan.
Code 4: 0 if the rate, in Code 3, is a flat dollar rate, or 1 if the rate is a percent.
Code 5: The Axp (amount expressed as) for the benefit plan. This field can be left blank for percent benefits.
Code 6: Not used.