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Review Calculation Results

The Position Budgeting (PB) PC Budget Calculation (PBGLCR) page holds all of the calculated values and distribution splits for any calculated model.

Calculation of Salary, Budget and Fringe Amounts

The PBUPCE calculation process produces results based on employee information within PB. The specific fields in PBGLCR are Salary, Budget and Fringe. These fields are calculated based on the below information.


Salary is pulled directly from PBTBSL based on the Salary Index assigned to an employee on the PBUPEM page. It is then annualized based on PBSTRQ's Setup Global Data – System Setup tab Period Type and the dates specified on the Create Model Definition tab. This model/employee setup will cause the annualized amount to calculate the salary over an entire year. Note that salary will usually be blank on benefits that are inserted into PBGLCR during the calculation process.


The budget amount will usually be the same as the salary amount when salaries are calculated and inserted into PBGLCR during the calculation.


Fringe can be one of two amounts depending on the benefit being a percentage or flat amount. This is distinguished on the PBUPEM page's Benefits tab. When an amount is entered, the benefit is considered a flat amount. If the percentage is specified, the benefit is considered a percentage benefit. Note that the Fringe amount will usually be the Budget amount as well.

Flat Amount

Fringe = annualized amount of the "Amount" specified on PBUPEM's Benefits tab.

The annualized amount is specific to how the benefit's AXP value instructs the software to calculate. In the case where the AXP value is P thus the amount will be annualized by multiplying the amount by the number of periods. The number of periods is specified by the model's Period Type of B on PBSTRQ's Setup Global Data – System Setup tab. Thus, for a benefit with a flat amount of $275 this will be $275 x 26 = $7150.


Fringe = (salary from PBUPEM's Pay Assignment tab linked to the pay table by Salary Index) + (PBUPEM's Pay Assignments – Position tab's additional benefits amount) * (the Percentage from PBUPEM's Benefits tab / 100) * number of years between the Begin/End dates of the model (from PBSTRQ).
So, for an annual salary of $62,722.92 the Social Security benefit would be:
($62,722.92) * (0.062) = $3,888.82

CDD Reports

There are several standard CDD reports that begin with "PB" which can be used to verify the calculated Position Budgeting data. During initial testing, a good report to run is PB3045 since it provides good employee-level detail.

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