Salary Table Information - PBTBSL
The Position Budgeting (PB) Salary Table Information (PBTBSL) page contains salary table records from the HR Salary Table (HRTBSL) page. The amounts on this page are used by the PB Employee Information (PBUPEM) page in conjunction with the salary index and salary lookup dates to determine an initial salary amount for the pay assignment.
Model: This field stores the Model to associate with the records. Model IDs are defined in the PB Setup (PBSTRQ) page.
Index Prefix: This field represents the displayed salary indexes without the steps. The Index Prefix can be used as a selection criteria field for performing salary table increases that include the entire salary table.
Begin Date: This date represents the date that the salary table is active.
End Date: This date represents the date that the salary table is active.
Bargaining Unit: This field is populated with the bargaining unit. Code values are stored in PBTBLC, Bargaining Unit Codes tab.
Schedule Type: This field represents the type of salary schedule to which the displayed salary table is attached.
Axp: This field indicates how the Amount field is treated in determining an annual salary.
Misc 1-8: These fields will display any entered values from the eight Misc fields from the HRTBSL page.
Salary Step: This field is the step value associated with an individual salary index.
Step Description: This field displays the description for a particular step. When the step increase utility is run, the "next step" is simply the next displayed step on the salary table. Using the displayed salary table as an example, if an employee was on step 07 and they received a step increase, they would move to step 08. If any step is not to be considered a valid step to move to when performing a step increase, then enter NOSTEP anywhere in the step description field. This can be done by hand, in HR and imported into the model, or it can be set using the PB Run PBUPDATE SQL (PBUTPU) utility.
Salary Step Index: This field is the concatenation of the Index Prefix and Step fields. This index is assigned on the PB Employee Information page.
Salary Step Amount: This field represents the amount associated with an individual salary index.
Misc: This field displays the value entered in the Misc field from HRTBSL page. This Misc field is unique per salary index as opposed to the eight 4-character Misc fields at the bottom of HRTBSL page. The salary index Misc fields from HRTBSL page can be used to reorder an HR salary table when it is imported into the model.
Provides convenience links to relevant pages used by PBTBSL.