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Select Statement Storage - PBUPSS

The Position Budgeting (PB) Select Statement Storage (PBUPSS) page is used to store user-defined "where clauses" for commonly used or complex SQL statements. These user-defined where clauses are added to the system-created "select statement" when running PB utilities.
By storing commonly used and/or complex user-defined where clause additions, the running of the PB utilities is made significantly easier. Users do not need to know anything about SQL statements, they simply choose from one of the predefined options and the SQL is built for them.

Model: This field stores the Model ID.

Screen SQL Applies To: This field is used to identify which PB page the entered SQL is going to affect. For example, any entered SQL that is going to be used with one of the pay assignment utilities should have a record on the PB Employee Information (PBUPEM) page. The reason for the page identifier is that different pages have different column names. If an SQL was entered that referenced the PCBENCOD.BENE_FTE column and then that SQL was added to a pay assignment utility, then the SQL statement would generate an error. Possible values for this field are PCPAYTBL (for pay assignment utilities), PCBENCOD (for benefit utilities), PCSALTBL (for salary table utilities), and PCBDCALC (for calculation results utilities).

Sequence # and Description: These fields are used to identify a sequence number and description for the entered SQLs. The sequence number may contain letters and/or numbers. The description should be detailed enough to assist the user when running the utilities.
The user, when running the PB utilities, can view the description field. Thus, entering detailed descriptions is very helpful.

SQL: Enter any commonly used and/or complex SQL where clauses. When referencing columns, the exact column name must be used.


Copy to Model Tool

The Copy to Model tool is specific to the current record. A pop-up window appears where a model can be selected from the drop-down. This tool is used to copy the select statement from one model to another. By selecting the destination model and clicking Submit, the tool copies the select statement of the current model to the selected model.

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