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Update Selection Templates - BDUPST

On the upper half of the BD Selection Templates (BDUPST)page, you can see that there is a Fiscal Year Field, Level Field, Ledger, and Version. These fields do not refer to where the budget is going, they refer to what the BID items have in the record, to be used as a form of selection criteria. For all items listed, you will have the option either to fill out "matches" criteria or to fill in a range labeled "is between."

Main Window

Selection Template: A name for the template you are creating. This will act as a reference that links a set of selection criteria (i.e., ALL) and it will be used in the following tabbed pages.

Description: Enter a short description of the budget entry (i.e., ALL).

Fiscal Year: Select the fiscal year for budget records to be gathered by this selection template.

Ledger: Select the ledger code used in the records to be gathered by this selection template.

Budget Level: Select the budget level relating to the Object Code or a defined Object Group (i.e., OB, Object Group 1=G1, etc.) used in the records to be gathered by this selection template.

Budget Version: Select the budget version used in the records to be gathered by this selection template.

Priority Reference

For all items listed, the user will have the option either to fill out “matches” criteria or to fill in a range labeled “is between.” Some of these fields will have “%”.  This is because originally this page was a cobalt page and “%” was the standard wildcard symbol.  The “%” is still used in these pages although the “*” is used in other parts of the system.  Both Priority Matches and Reference Matches have the “%” in them, meaning that on the matching field on the BD line items, the utility will import all entries.

Priority Matches: The % symbol is the wild card to select all Priority values, a particular Priority, or a range of Priority values.

Reference Matches: The % symbol selects all References, a particular Reference, or a range of references.
Enter the selection criteria (if any) for the Priority. If all priorities are to be selected then leave the "%" in the "Matches" box. The "%" is the wild card character, meaning select all priorities. If you want to select all Priorities that begin with zero you could enter "0%". (Note that "*" may be substituted for "%" in most cases but "%" is the preferred wildcard character.)
If you only want items with Priority of "01" to be selected, you need to remove the "%" and place "01" in both "Matches" boxes, indicating that only budget items with a priority "01" will be selected for GL interface.
Alternatively, if its priority levels "01" through "03" that you are interested in, remove the "%" and enter "01" and "03" in the "is between" boxes respectively.
You can enter similar criteria for the Reference, Organization Key, Key Parts, Object Codes, and Object Group information.

Org Key

The Org Key tab deals with the Org Key part of the template. This page allows narrowing the selection by Org Key and/or by the Org. Key background parts. Note: The titles on the left side of the page are derived from the Org Key Parts defined on the GL Information (GLUPGN) page, Org Key tab, and are specific to the ledger selected in the main window of the selection template.  For any of the above-defined parts you can enter either a particular code or a range or codes. You may also use the "%" character in the "Matches" box. For example, if you want to select all Fund Codes that begin with zero you could enter "0%".

Object Code

The Object Code tab deals with the Object Code and Object Group area of the template. This page allows narrowing the selection by Object Code and/or by the Object background groups. Just as with the Org Key tab, the exact groups that show up here will be as defined for the ledger code in the GL Information page, Object Code tab.   For any of the above lines you can enter either a particular code or a range or codes. You may also use the "%" character in the "Matches" box. For example, if you want to select all Object Codes that begin with zero, you could enter "0%".

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