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Multiple Dashboards


Additional dashboards can be added by administrators based on security associations. Users with multiple security associations will see those associations represented as circles located at the top of the dashboard area. The dashboard that is currently displayed is marked by a solid circle. Additional dashboards are indicated by open circles. Hover the mouse over each dot to display the dashboard name. Users can navigate to another dashboard by selecting an open circle.


  • In NUUPCD, add common code NUAS/WSEDITOR to create new user security association “WSEDITOR”
  • In NU Manage Users, Associations tab, assign the new association to administrative users and save the record


After WSEDITOR security association is added to an administrative user, they are ready add dashboards.

  • Log out of BusinessPlus and log in again
  • Enter Dashboard Edit mode 
  • A plus sign now appears next to available dashboard circle(s) 
  • Click the 
     sign to add a new dashboard
  • In the Select Association dialog, select a security association from the Pick Association drop-down (available selection is based on NUAS common codes) 
  • Click OK
  • A new circle is added to the dashboard indicator at the top of the page 
  • The new dashboard is displayed in Edit mode
  • Add components and customize the dashboard as needed
  • Save the changes 

Users that are assigned the security association for this dashboard will now see the new dashboard when they next log in.

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