Release - December 2019
On this page:
Feature List
This release features an HTML5-compatible framework and responsive design.
- Personalized dashboard layouts.
- Six standard layouts available.
- Drag and drop functionality to create and update user dashboards.
- Standard dashboard components to create CDD favorites, Web links, Cognos Report favorites, Workflow Tasklist, and Job Monitor elements.
- Cognos reports can now be linked directly on the dashboard.
- New WSEDITOR association to allow district administrators to create and assign new dashboards to users based on their security associations.
- Updated ALL menu allows dragging screen favorites from any menu level to dashboard favorites.
- Ability to suppress additional amounts on supplemental payrolls.
- New protect net logic for mandatory, percentage-based deductions.
- Updated direct deposit calc code for districts utilizing protect net logic.
- Ability to warn when invalid accounts are detected late in the PY Encumbrance process.
User Help
- Help documentation is now available online, replacing the static PDF help.
- Page help is accessible from all screens, including utilities.
User Screens
- New screen framework.
- Customizable grid display and layout.
- Navigation from any screen using a typeahead mask search.
- Popular functionality from Classic and Express Track screens was combined into single screens.
- Updated account controls and lookups.
- Utilities and special functions now launch in their own screen.
- Mobile-friendly task list.
- Standard dashboard component.
Support Fixes
- Includes multiple support fixes found in earlier software versions. See release notes for a full listing.
Feature Gaps
Not all areas in the software were updated or included in the first cross-browser release of BusinessPlus. Affected items have either been scheduled for a future release, were phased out, or their functionality was replaced or merged.
Future Release
The following areas of the software are not updated to the new framework as of the 19.12 release. We will continue to develop and deliver additional features as part of upcoming releases.
Area | Description |
Archived document pages | Dashboard pages to view archived documents are not available 19.12. These pages are in development and will be delivered in an upcoming release. Until then, archived CDD reports* and Job documents** are available through the Administrative Console only. * Archived CDD Reports available in |
Regulatory Reporting SSRS/SSIS | Regulatory Reporting modules built in Silverlight are actively being converted to cross-browser. They are currently available through Internet Explorer only. |
Smart Client Screens | Various “Smart Client” screens (e.g., NUUPUS) are available only through the Administrative Console. These screens will be converted to the new framework and delivered in an upcoming release. |
Productivity Pack Web Forms | Web forms* are scheduled to be rebuilt for cross-browser. They can still be accessed in IE from their old location. * Cross-browser Vendor Request form available in |
Timecard Online & Professional Development | Not updated yet to the new UI. Still accessible from old location (https://<<servername>>/IFAS7/timecard or profdev); links can be added to dashboard Links component. |
Legacy Customize Dashboard | Scheduled to be updated to the new framework. Still accessible from old location (https://<<servername>>/IFAS7/home/customize/). |
Applicant API | Applicant API Screens (RMSSCI, RMUPHI, RMUPPI) are currently cross-browser but have not been updated to the new framework. |
Not Supported
The following areas are no longer supported or obsolete as of BusinessPlus 19.12.
Area | Description |
Vendor Online & Bid Online | Not supported as of the 19.12 release. The current products leverage early Microsoft Silverlight technology, which is no longer supported. This functionality will be replaced through partnership and API development providing vendor self-service and electronic bidding. |
Insight | Not available in 19.12. Insight-only screens will be converted on a screen-by-screen basis. |
Student Activities | Not available in 19.12. Replacement will be evaluated for a future release. |
HRATxx Screens | Obsolete |
HRNCxx Screens | Obsolete |
PYTCDTTM | Obsolete. Users are redirected to PYTCDTUB. |
PYUPEX | Obsolete. Users are redirected to PYUPEA. |
PYUTLVVW | Obsolete |
Modified Functions
The following functions changed in BusinessPlus 19.12.
Function | Replacement |
Express Track Screens | Express Track screens (e.g., HREEEM, HREPPA, etc.) have been combined with the classic screens. Users will be redirected to the classic mask when navigating to Express Track masks. |
HREPPR & HRPYMD | Combined into new mask HRPYPR. Users will be redirected to the new mask when they try to access the old masks. |
Threaded Notes | Now redirected to SYUTTXUP. |
Resolved Issues
Ticket | Component | Description |
BPF-17014 | Accounts Payable | APOHUTRP – Fixed issue of the process updating the starting number on the check format even when the process was not renumbering the checks. |
BPF-10403 | Accounts Payable | APOHUPGN – PO Extract Method setting "S" (Summary) was summarizing and showing split account records. Now when set to S, the PO line item displays in PO Extract window as one record. |
BPF-9651 | Accounts Payable | APTRBTDS – Option AP (Immediate Pay Posting) was removed from question, "Which method is to be used to post reversals?" |
BPF-9440 | Accounts Payable | APOHBTUB – Using the PO Extract feature to extract a standard PO (PO Type "P") resulted in a blank extraction screen where no data was displayed or could be entered. Now, standard POs are extracted correctly by populating the PO Extract window by quantity, not amount. |
BPF-9184 | Accounts Payable | APOHBTUBEX / PO Extract – Second partial pay on a Blanket PO was inserting into the PO Extract window as a negative amount. The system now inserts the correct amount when there is a receiving record or inserts zero when there is no receiving record. |
BPF-7715 | Accounts Payable | APOHBTUB – User default GL and JL ledgers may now be updated and set in Tools > Ledger Settings. |
BPF-5053 | Accounts Payable | APOHBTUB & APOHININ - After rolling an encumbered PO and its GL Account to the next fiscal year, the system was not disencumbering the original PO and re-encumbering the PO for the current year, resulting in a budget error blocking the invoice payment stating, "ORG KEY [key] OBJECT [object] over [year] [budget version] budget by $xx,xxx.xx (GL2)." Now an encumbered order that has its encumbrances rolled with ENUTRE from the previous year can be paid without issue. |
BPF-4848 | Accounts Payable | APOHPPPA – Fixed an issue of inserting the incorrect PE Association Value and Description information into the EPayable file. |
BPF-4075 | Accounts Payable | APOHPPPA – Fixed a table overflow error that occurred when too many invoices were paid by EPay to one vendor. The table was expanded from 500 to 1200 entries. |
BPF-3913 | Accounts Payable | APOHBTUB/APOHININ – Corrected an issue where ohb_pe_name (PE Name) in ohb_batch_dtl was not populated during data entry, causing further issues when running a batch proof sorted by name. |
BPF-3754 | Accounts Payable | APOHPPRP – Fixed issue of missing eighth digit of the Net Amount total on the Open Hold report. |
BPF-3671 | Accounts Payable | PO Extract (formerly APOHBTUBEX) – Fixed the following intermittent errors when opening, extracting, and updating invoice data: "Receiving is required for this PO. (OH45)," "Vendor ID Changes are currently not allowed. (OH3)," and "Invoice Changes are currently not allowed. (OH4)." |
BPF-3638 | Accounts Payable | APOHINBP – Fixed issue of the Vendor Name Sort not working. Now the Set Proof obtains the Vendor Name if it is missing. |
BPF-3585 | Accounts Payable | APOHBTUB – Fixed issue of the system seed values for the Invoice Number not working and no records being saved after the first invoice. |
BPF-3549 | Accounts Payable | APOHPPPA – Fixed issue of extra records being inserted into the PO Receiving and EN Transaction tables when processing an EPayable vendor and selecting to re-derive the posting code. |
BPF-3459 | Accounts Payable | APOHPPPA – Fixed issue of checks not being inserted into the BK database when processed with EFT or EPayables and paper remittance turned on but no format to print with. Now the system checks the setup needed to print paper remits before sending the information to the printing programs. |
BPF-3445 | Accounts Payable | APOHPPPA – Fixed an issue where records for EPay vendors marked as "NO CHECK" in PEUPPE were still being posted to the GL. |
BPF-3646 | Accounts Receivable | ARUTNC – Fixed issue of the interface not creating sets for Set IDs greater than eight characters. |
BPF-3577 | Accounts Receivable | ARUTFI – When trying to input an invoice number greater than 8 or a cash receipt number greater than 10, the reference was truncated, and all records were merged together into wrong totals. Now all 16 characters are correctly transferred into the table. |
BPF-5922 | Administrative Console | Security – Fixed an issue where rebuilding a security role (Administrative Console > Rebuild Security) was rebuilding the role but not the users associated with that role. |
BPF-4798 | Administrative Console | Administrative Console – Copy User tool no longer requires password. |
BPF-3764 | Administrative Console | Administrative Console – Updated to handle special characters in usernames. |
BPF-3682 | Administrative Console | Administrative Console – Updated user password validation allows users to sign in three unsuccessful times with the message, "User or Password is invalid," prior to locking them out and displaying the following message, "This account is LOCKED. Please contact the system administrator for questions regarding this account." |
BPF-5688 | Administrative Console | Administrative Console – Manage Workflow Groups – Search function is now working correctly to select users to add to a Workflow group. |
BPF-5416 | Bank Reconciliation | BKUTEP – Corrected an issue where only 250 characters were written for each record when creating a comma-delimited file. Now the record can be up to 500 characters. |
BPF-4823 | Bank Reconciliation | BKUTUR – Question BK95 was updated. It now says, "Please enter the Bank ID/Check ID to process." |
BPF-4573 | Bank Reconciliation | BKUPRE – Fixed a typo in Match drop-down menu. |
BPF-3710 | Bank Reconciliation | BKUTLB – Fixed an issue where the program was not able to locate the input file when the standard file upload method was used, resulting in totals on the tail sheet and report showing as zeros. |
BPF-3588 | Bid/Quote Management | BQUPBO – Time stamps on the Date fields are now displayed correctly in that a time of 00:00 in the database equates to 12:00 AM in the Date field, and 12:00 equates to 12:00 PM. |
BPF-17039 | BusinessPlus 7i | BusinessPlus – SSN fields no longer show autocomplete/previous SSNs in the drop-down menu. User must clear browser history for this update to work. |
BPF-16174 | BusinessPlus 7i | BusinessPlus – SSN is masked in grid view and in single record view. |
BPF-4809 | BusinessPlus 7i | BusinessPlus – Replaced "Sungard" with "PowerSchool" in Job Request window title. |
BPF-3490 | BusinessPlus 7i | NUUPJBQS – Updated "batch" reference to "set" in question PYAJ. |
BPF-3471 | BusinessPlus 7i | BusinessPlus – Lookup Vendor Controller – Removed the word "Triad" from Source ID "Human Resources." |
BPF-5502 | BusinessPlus 7i | BusinessPlus – Encrypted old and new password are now required when changing user passwords in the Administrative Console. |
BPF-10512 | BusinessPlus 7i | BusinessPlus – Fixed issue of random 503 errors causing the BusinessPlus app pool to crash. The issue occurred post-security patch, due to a custom Web form submitting requests not by the user logged into the system at the time. |
BPF-13449 | BusinessPlus 7i | BusinessPlus – Legacy Edge Apps – Fixed display issues in EO, TO, PD, and Leave Tracking, when using an updated version of Chrome Web browser. |
BPF-3458 | Click, Drag & Drill | CDD – Fixed issue of CDD Designer crashing when it reached 9999 pages. |
BPF-7061 | Click, Drag & Drill, Dashboard | CDD – Fixed an issue where date formats other than the long (10-digit) format were causing reports to fail from 7i or Dashboard when Drill Down Images was enabled in the report properties. |
BPF-11618 | Documents Online | DO – ACA and W-2 Forms – Historically, W-2 and ACA form attachments in HR all had a description of PYW2EO, making it difficult to tell which attachment was W-2 or ACA, or for what tax year. Key words were added to Associated Description 2 of common codes PYW2/EOxxxx and ACAR/EOxxxx to help identify attachments in HR. For W-2 forms, BusinessPlus now looks for key word "W2." For 1095-C Affordable Care Act forms, it looks for key words "ACA," "1095," or "PYW2EO." This allows users to specify more meaningful descriptions such as "W2_2019" or "1095C_2018." |
BPF-16781 | Employee Online | EO – Benefit Enrollment Wizard – Resolved issue with saving benefit and dependent selections. |
BPF-13808 | Employee Online | EO – Personal Information – Additional phone number fields were added. Phone 3 and 4 fields are formatted for US phone numbers; phone 5 and 6 fields have no formatting and can be used for international phone numbers. All fields map to hr_addrloc (HREMPR > Additional Addresses > Phone Numbers). Options to control the display of the phone number fields were added to the EO Settings page under the Employee card. |
BPF-13791 | Employee Online | EO – Family Record – When the "Check if same Address as Employee" box is checked, the address from HR Employee Master (hr_empmstr) record now populates. Note that the record needs to be in SEND approval status. |
BPF-13711 | Employee Online | EO – In the Benefit Update wizard, benefits that are set up to use Coverage Amount now require at least three digits be entered into the Coverage Amount field before the drop-down is populated with available options. The change was made due to too many items in the drop-down impacting performance. |
BPF-12076 | Employee Online | EO – Job Information – The displayed rates were a mixture of pay assignment actual values and total line values. Hourly and Daily values originated from the actual pay assignment, but the Period value came from the totals line which included additional contributions. Now, all three values (Hourly, Daily, Per Period) are derived from the pay assignment Actual values. |
BPF-9686 | Employee Online | EO – Deferred Compensation – Amounts can now be zero. |
BPF-8797 | Employee Online | EO – Dependents – Corrected an issue where the end date on HRPYBE dependent records was incorrectly updated after a switch in benefits in EO. This happened on dependent records that had an end date prior to the current pay period. |
BPF-8402 | Employee Online | EO – Personal Information – The City field is no longer required. If this field is left blank, it will no longer result in a question mark in the City field of the HR Employee Master record. |
BPF-8209 | Employee Online | EO – Check Stub – State Withholding information is now displayed, showing SIT Status/Exemptions. |
BPF-8134 | Employee Online | EO – Direct Deposit – To address decreased performance when a large number of records existed in the Bank ID table (HRTBBK), the Bank field on the EO Direct Deposit page is now filtered using a "starts with" concept whereby the drop-down requires at least three characters of the bank name (as it exists in HRTBBK) be entered before any drop-down values display. |
BPF-7014 | Employee Online | EO – Benefits – The Read-Only functionality was corrected. Now, if an employee already has a benefit assigned that is read-only, the Benefit Enrollment wizard shows the plan in the existing benefit section, not in the Select Primary Plan section. If the employee does not already have the plan assigned, it is not displayed in the wizard. |
BPF-7044 | Employee Online | EO – Check Stub – The banner now correctly shows Check Date rather than Period Ending date. |
BPF-6978 | Employee Online | EO – Corrected an issue where the Symbol field for Direct Deposit NET assignments was not allowing a blank value. The field now allows for blank or null. |
BPF-6208 | Employee Online | EO – Client-Specific – Lawrence Public Schools USD 497 – Changed the open enrollment status, added mandatory open enrollment, Legal Shield calculations and Disability Rider. |
BPF-6197 | Employee Online | EO - Leave Tracking - Refactored code in Leave Tracking - When Settings, Payroll, Leave Tracking, Show Unposted Leave was set to "NO," leave was still displayed. The issue has been resolved and the YES, NO, and OPTIONAL settings are now accurately reflected in Leave Tracking. |
BPF-5783 | Employee Online | EO – Modifications in EO caused the Smooth Tax Calc field on PYUPEM, Switches tab, to be set to "Y." This has been corrected. |
BPF-5232 | Employee Online | EO – Check Stub – The YTD Amount column heading in the Wages Summary section no longer appears when there are no check stub categories defined for YTD. |
BPF-4948 | Employee Online | EO – Corrected an issue where older check stubs were not accessible/viewable after an employee's SSN had been changed. |
BPF-4945 | Employee Online | EO – Settings – Hiding the Family card is now working correctly. |
BPF-4845 | Employee Online | EO – Corrected an issue where updating telephone numbers occasionally created extra records in the hr_addrwloc table for address type "PM." |
BPF-4808 | Employee Online | EO – Family Information – Corrected an issue where new records were added with an "EOU" Action code rather than "EOA" on HRPYBE, Family tab. |
BPF-4756 | Employee Online | EO – Direct Deposit – Fixed an issue where EFTs outside the Direct Deposit CDH range were visible to the employee. For a deduction to be recognized as an EFT and displayed to the employee, it must have "EFT" in Misc Code 1 and Relate To 8 fields and be within the EFT CDH range in Settings > Payroll > Direct Deposit. |
BPF-4630 | Employee Online | EO – The Benefit Enrollment wizard function was not showing checkmarks next to existing covered dependents. This was most noticeable during mid-year changes. The legacy EO system (7.9.10 and below) did show this information because it automatically brought in all the covered dependents as "checked" for coverage; the employee only needed to check or uncheck dependents that were changing. Now, within an existing benefit, already-covered dependents will have a checkmark next to their name. HREOTR has also been updated to reflect the new changes. HRPYBE, Benefit Assignments tab, now receives a new record and the old record is end-dated one day prior to the new record. On the Dependent Beneficiary tab, records are now reflecting the new records with new dates as well. |
BPF-4597 | Employee Online | EO – W-2 – Special characters used in HREOTR, Employee PIN, prevented W-2 display in EO. The code was updated to no longer check hr_empmstr.emp_pin. |
BPF-4590 | Employee Online | EO – Check stub no longer displays Taxes section if there is no activity. |
BPF-4392 | Employee Online | EO – Check Stub Settings – Corrected an issue with the Number of Days Prior field (activated when DAYSPRIOR option is selected under Check Stub Display). |
BPF-4234 | Employee Online | EO – EO Settings, Direct Deposit – Correct an issue where "Display Last X Account Number Digits" was not working. |
BPF-3803 | Employee Online | EO – An error occurred when an employee was assigned to a ZIP Code and city in PEUPZP (pe_zip_mstr table), but that same city did not exist in the associated pe_zip_dtl table. EO code now looks at both tables for valid cities. |
BPF-3790 | Employee Online | EO – Benefit Wizard – Corrected an issue with the Amount Type selection not being saved consistently for benefits with the option to select an Amount or Percent. |
BPF-3716 | Employee Online | EO – Resolved formatting issue with HRPYBE > Family > Member Name field, causing covered individuals to not display in EO. |
BPF-3494 | Employee Online | EO – Employees with EOPOWER user association are no longer able to update data that is marked Read Only. |
BPF-3417 | Employee Online | EO – Client-Specific – Des Moines Public School – Added functionality to expand DMPS_ACTIVITY Web form hours on the Employee Online check stub to display the individual dates/times. |
BPF-8634 | Encumbrances | ENUTRE – Added debug and various performance changes to the Encumbrance process. |
BPF-2267 | eSchoolMall | ESM – Added support for internal and external notes for ESM PRs. |
BPF-2166 | eSchoolMall | ESM – Corrected a spelling error in an ESM-related message on POMADECS tail sheet. |
BPF-2120 | eSchoolMall | ESM – Fixed an issue where an asset record was not created when the Short Description of common code POFA/CONTROL was set to AUTO and POUPGN was set to create an asset. Also added a warning message when trying to receive a PO with a quantity greater than 1 on an item marked with an asset flag = "Y." |
BPF-2000 | eSchoolMall | ESM – Purchase Request – Software was refactored. |
BPF-1988 | eSchoolMall | ESM – The ESM Interface now includes the Catalog Name from the ESM Transaction Request in the PR Item Description, along with the Product Name. |
BPF-7399 | Fixed Assets | FAUPPA – Fixed an issue where FA ID could be blank when dealing with additional components, causing the program to try and insert a record into fa_trans where there was already a record for the Fixed Asset ID that the user was trying to assign to the asset. |
BPF-5013 | Fixed Assets | FAUPPA – Create Asset Tool – When user did not select an invoice and pressed the CREATE button, an error said, "Please select the invoice to merge." This message was updated to say, "Please select invoice(s) to create Asset ID." |
BPF-4932 | Fixed Assets | FADPRS/FADPDS – For printing purposes, reports are now generated as PDF documents and saved to Documents Online. |
BPF-3705 | Fixed Assets | FAUTZZ01 – Corrected an issue of FAUTZZ not uploading when the FA Asset ID was 12 characters (allowed maximum). Also updated common code FARL/ROLLOVER to include "AS IS" in Associated Codes 2. |
BPF-6248 | General Ledger | GL – Code was refactored for GL Average Salary business rules. |
BPF-4176 | General Ledger | GLUPGN – Budget tab – The Enable Logging (glg_budg_dtl.gl_bud_log) flag is now correctly stored in the database. |
BPF-3696 | General Ledger | GLUPKY – Supplemental Parts – Updated GLUPKY to block users when attempting to enter an invalid key part for which the Validate flag is checked in GLUPGN > Org Key > Supplemental Key Parts tab. |
BPF-3432 | General Ledger | GLBUBATR – The Net Total was not calculated properly when less than 94 cents. Now the total is correct regardless of the net difference between the Total CR and Total Dr. |
BPF-12064 | Human Resources | HRTBRG – "Transfers" and "Requested" fields were removed from PCN by FTE and PCN by Amount tabs. |
BPF-11666 | Human Resources | HRPYMD – Mask HRPYMD is no longer used. Searches for this mask are redirected to HRPYPR. |
BPF-11454 | Human Resources | HREMET – Physical & Chemical Tab – Phone field was updated to (xxx) xxx-xxxx format. |
BPF-9500 | Human Resources | HREMEN – Primary Tab – The "Salary Anniv Mnth" field only accepts values of 0 - 12. There is no more support for common code HRPY/ANNMONTH which allowed values greater than 12 to be entered. |
BPF-4530 | Human Resources | HRPYPA – The PCN FTE changed when the PCN and Position were changed. Now, if there is a value greater than zero in PCN FTE and the PCN and Position or Calendar are changed, the PCN FTE will remain as originally entered. |
BPF-3744 | Human Resources | HR – Changes were made to pay-related contributions when prorating the salary but not the contribution. New HRPY/ADDLCONT Associated Description 2 setting of "CL HOURLY USE ACTUALS" uses the Actual rather than the Base amounts to calculate the additional pay. |
BPF-3739 | Human Resources | HRUTPC – Delete option was enabled to delete records from this screen. |
BPF-3685 | Human Resources | HRPYPA/HRPYQP – Corrected an issue where the Lmt field value (Special tab) was not multiplied by each distribution percentage, resulting in incorrect values placed in PYUPEP Budget field. |
BPF-3561 | Human Resources | HRUTSU, HRUTPU, HRUTPC – When Copy and Paste functionality is used, the new (pasted) record will have the Run By and Run Date fields updated to current user and date upon saving. |
BPF-3550 | Human Resources | HRUTFX – Refactored utility code and completed client-specific changes for Highline School District. |
BPF-3506 | Human Resources | HRPYPR – Taxes tab, SIT – When a State Code is changed, the CDH number changes as well. When the updated CDH information is sent to payroll (PYUPEC, Deductions tab), it now correctly creates a new record and sets the old CDH to inactive. |
BPF-13906 | Human Resources | HR – HREEEM now redirects to HREMEN. |
BPF-15205 | Payroll | PYTCIFXLRG – The process was updated to locate and use the correct record type. |
BPF-11177 | Payroll | PY – Corrected an issue with new employees where, if the start date was after the calendar start date and both dates were after the pay period begin date, an error was received, and the employee was not calculated. Now, if the calendar start date is after the employee start date, the system will use the calendar start for the pointer if it falls within the current period, rather than give an error and exit. |
BPF-9962 | Payroll | PYPAFC – Corrected an issue where Force Calc was not spreading Retro Taken to end-dated pay assignments even though the retro paid begin/end dates were active for the period. |
BPF-9861 | Payroll | PYUPAT – Corrected an issue where PYUPAT was not updated when Deduction Definition (PYUPDD) Process Switch #1 was set to "A" (Track arrears for auditing purposes only). |
BPF-7397 | Payroll | PYENFCFC – PYENFCFC was updated to only bring in CDHs when they are frequency-matched on the pay period definition (PYUPPR) and employee contribution assignment (PYUPEC). |
BPF-7131 | Payroll | PYUTCWEM - Multiple line check messages were not saving correctly. The first line was being copied over the other lines. The code has been refactored and each line is saved as it has been entered. |
BPF-7016 | Payroll | PYUTDUPH – Corrected an issue resulting in all employee arrears records being deleted during the pay period undo process. |
BPF-7012 | Payroll | PYTCDTBP – Corrected an issue where the totals line for an hour would not appear if there was not at least one active employee with activity on the hour. |
BPF-5782 | Payroll | PYENFCFC – Code was updated to ignore ZZ pay lines for hour codes with Switch 29 blank. Only hours with "Y" or "E" in Switch 29 are brought in by py200 and processed. |
BPF-5341 | Payroll | PYW2UP – Fixed an error on the Copy Report Definition tool. |
BPF-4958 | Payroll | PYRERRID01 – Fixed issue of PYRERRID01 failing after launch by removing a line in the JCL. A full restart of services is required after the fix. |
BPF-4282 | Payroll | PY – Client-Specific – Central Valley School District – Correction to CDH processing. |
BPF-4232 | Payroll | PYPACM – Initialized the internal program Timecard table between each employee as to avoid a table overflow error. Improved the table overflow message so the issue can be identified more quickly. |
BPF-3792 | Payroll | PYACUPF5 – Employee IDs tab – Data lookup was added to the Employee ID field to search by Employee ID and Name. |
BPF-3789 | Payroll | PYUPEM – The state of Oregon now recognizes the gender code of "X." Hard-coded options on PYUPEM Sex field (Dates/Other Info tab) now include "X - Unspecified." On the HR side, the new code can be added manually in HRTBHR using a Code ID of GENDER_CODE. |
BPF-3770 | Payroll | PYPADP – Expanded the posting table from 1000 to 1500 records. |
BPF-3702 | Payroll | PYUPEP – Field label "Pay Header:" was added. |
BPF-3659 | Payroll | PYTCDTUB – Fixed an issue where, when three or more split distributions were used, adding records resulted in distributions being multiplied. |
BPF-3601 | Payroll | PYPAFC – New common code setting for PYFG/PY200C03. Set Associated Description 2 to "SET DAYS WEEKS IN REG PRDS" to only set the Days and Weeks Worked on the Payroll History record when force calculating a regular (Type "REG") pay period. |
BPF-17592 | Payroll | PYTCDTUB – Fixed dashboard component link to PYTCDTUB. |
BPF-3467 | Payroll | PYUPED – Multiple Direct Deposit records active at the same time with the same Routing Number and Account Number, by default, are rolled up into one EFT Tape entry. Common code PYFG/PY604C Associated Codes 5 can now be used to report the records separately. |
BPF-3456 | Payroll | PY – Client-Specific – Washoe County – Code was updated to not validate Contract ID if contracts are not used. |
BPF-9827 | Payroll Timecards | PYTCDTUB – Fixed issue of PYTCDTUB Reports tab not displaying CDD reports. |
BPF-5228 | Payroll Timecards | PYTCIFPY – Added new common code functionality: PYFG/PY970C01 Associated Code 1 "BLOCKGL" allows GL block on incoming timecard transaction to pass to Daily Timecards, and PYFG/PY970C02 Associated Description 4 "NO WARN ON RT/PAY OVERRIDE" will suppress warnings about rate and pay overrides on the Timecard Interface report. |
BPF-5227 | Payroll Timecards | PYTCIFPY – Allow input file to contain REC-TYPE value with "*" when target is Timecard Online (ifpy_tc_imp table). |
BPF-3442 | Payroll Timecards | PYTCIFXLIF – Fixed issue of correct pay assignment not being selected based on the date. |
BPF-7400 | Payroll Timecards | PYTCIFPY – Question PY4Y – New "MULTI" command allows import of multiple timecard sets for the same pay period. E.g., entering "T%:MULTI" results in all timecard sets starting with "T" to be imported from the Timecard Online system into Daily Timecards. |
BPF-3472 | Person/Entity | PEUPPE – An attempt to update the Name field for a PEID that has posted Open Hold records is now blocked when validating against common code PEAP/STATCHK. Previously, only First, Middle and Last Name were blocked. |
BPF-2110 | Person/Entity | PEUTZZ – The PEUTZZ utility was converted from COBOL to C#. |
BPF-6214 | Position Budgeting | PBUPVP – Fixed an error in the lookup to the Payroll Work Schedule (PYUPSC) that caused incorrect Default Days/Year for vacant employees after selecting a calendar and tabbing out of the field. |
BPF-4728 | Position Budgeting | PB – Fixed encoding/decoding of non-XML friendly content. |
BPF-3569 | Position Budgeting | PB – PB now runs PRECALC queries before loading the data. |
BPF-5255 | Professional Development | PD – Fixed Evaluation column/link not appearing for a particular participant. |
BPF-5071 | Professional Development | PD – Corrected a receiving error when opening a syllabus and attachments. |
BPF-3519 | Professional Development | PD – Updated PD_SIGNUP Workflow model to check if the user password was created successfully during New User registration. If not, the us_usno_mstr record is deleted and the new user is notified. To use this new functionality, the client will need to load the newest PD_SIGNUP Workflow model. |
BPF-3746 | Professional Development | PD – HRPDUPCD code was refactored to correctly process updates when a course turns to "AC" (Active) status. In addition, class date and time are now loaded against the DSC BT20 record to avoid null values being returned. |
BPF-4367 | PunchOut | PunchOut – Support for NASCO PunchOut was added. |
BPF-8174 | Purchasing | POUPPR – Updated PO Extraction to add check box "Run as Job," allowing users to run the extract as a job (for larger number of items) with a tail sheet. |
BPF-8124 | Purchasing | POUPRC – Fixed an issue where a negative charge created for an invoice from a received blanket PO resulted in a zero-value invoice. |
BPF-3958 | Purchasing | POUPPR – Use Tax Records – "Invalid Div: USET" error was thrown when a Division code was used other than USET, e.g., "STAX" in the OHTX/TABLE1 common code, Associated Code 2. Now the system reads the Division Code from within OHTX/TABLE1 which is required. If a Division Code is present but is not defined in APOHUPDV, an error will display within the tail sheet of the AP proof or distribution report, regardless of the record having a single or split account. |
BPF-3740 | Purchasing | POUPPR – Fixed issue of the fiscal year being calculated upon the current date instead of the request date. |
BPF-3669 | Purchasing | AR, AP & PO – Corrected an issue related to SYCH/SYDU/SYTX - XXXX common codes. |
BPF-3663 | Purchasing | POUPRC – Corrected an issue where manually-created Type C POs processed like a standard PO (Type P), where receiving processed in terms of quantities rather than amounts. Upon PO extract into the AP system, the received contract item was not recognized as received, resulting in a message saying the item had not been received. |
BPF-3592 | Purchasing | POUPPR – When deleting an order that had the status PO, a message advised the user to use an "erase utility." The message was updated to say, "Printed POs may only be deleted using POMAER." |
BPF-3580 | Purchasing | POUPPR & PEUPPE – The "NO PO" checkbox within PEUPPE, Vendor tab, was blocking the creation or saving of a PR (purchase request). When a PEID is configured in PEUPPE with the NO PO flag, the PEID may now be used to generate PRs, but may not print the PR in order to convert the PR to a PO (purchase order). |
BPF-3545 | Purchasing | POUPPR – Fixed issue of the pop_total_amount field on the PO being incorrect when having multiple PRs on a PO. The total was the same for each PR when instead it should only reflect the amount of that PR. |
BPF-3466 | Purchasing | POUPPR – When using the Copy PR tool and the required fields are not populated, the message now says, "Either select a PR Seed or Type a unique PR Number." |
BPF-1999 | Purchasing | Purchasing – @@ ledger PR seeds now display on all ledger PR seed drop-down lists. |
BPF-6191 | Recurring Calculations | RCUTRC – Corrected summarization and calculation inconsistencies. |
BPF-15973 | Security | BusinessPlus – Browser autocomplete for sensitive data is disabled. |
BPF-12174 | Security | Security – Security Role Filters – Updated the Adjust Filters module to fix an issue with the same table having security enabled in both common and data areas. |
BPF-8421 | Security | User Security – The software was updated to return an error if the security was never built for a user. |
BPF-8094 | Security | CDD – Fixed intermittent issue of a user being granted too much access to tables when running a CDD report. |
BPF-7469 | Security | APOHININ – Fixed security filtering for PCARD. |
BPF-5716 | Security | BusinessPlus – Fixed an error related to midnight security patch, resulting in users seeing the following message when opening different screens, "Data being access refers to an invalid ledger (UN). This ledger is either not present in GLUPGN or the cached file for this ledger is not in the client-side ledgers directory for your connection." |
BPF-3962 | Security | Administrative Console – Fixed issue of login failure and crashes when entering user's AD credentials. |
BPF-3783 | Security | BusinessPlus – Resolved an issue where users intermittently received an Access Restricted message during logoff, which was related to their computer time being different from the system time. |
BPF-3743 | Security | Administrative Console – Corrected an issue where one of the security associations was stripped after security for new users was rebuilt. |
BPF-4426 | Security | Security – Prevented user from inputting their own returnurl. |
BPF-3489 | Security | BusinessPlus – The software was updated to use dynamically-created passwords for the encryption/decryption process. |
BPF-6247 | Stores Inventory | SI – Refactored SI code. |
BPF-3761 | Stores Inventory | SIBTDG – Fixed issue of SI receiving set records not inserting into the table when the Unit type is incorrect, or not specified for the vendor or defined in PEUN common codes. Now, Unit Type is validated in the set proof. The JCL was updated so that the GL budget is checked before inserting records into SI tables. |
BPF-3563 | Stores Inventory | SIBTUB – Set System Totals are fixed and now calculate correctly. |
BPF-2170 | Stores Inventory | SIUTUG - Fixed issue of only finding two SI transactions to undo at a time due to incorrect Account Number formatting, causing the GL side of the process to not complete. |
BPF-6251 | SubTracker | STUTMA & STUTCT – Code was refactored to use PYUPGN Interface Switch 10 to determine whether FQA is used. |
BPF-6181 | SubTracker | STUPSU – Code was updated to break longer SQL queries at a blank space, not in the middle of a word, and add a blank space after the break. |
BPF-5088 | SubTracker | STUTIA – New question prompt "Entity ID to process" was added, allowing users to specify an entity ID other than ROOT. |
BPF-3896 | SubTracker | STCSDC – Client-Specific – Everett – Updated custom SubTracker utility STCSDC to fix a null/blank data value issue for the data update. Also fixed an issue in the data type conversion when number of hours was less than one. |
BPF-11559 | Systems | Administrative Console – Removed the Add Server button on Monitor Servers plugin. The server list is now controlled in Configure Local Server > Miscellaneous Setting tab. |
BPF-8095 | Systems | CDD – Fixed an error some users received when running a CDD report after user security was rebuilt, saying, "Unable to cast object of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List'1." |
BPF-5509 | Systems | BusinessPlus – Fixed App Pool crash caused by a custom Web form submitting requests not by the user logged into the system at the time. The request is now submitted by the user logged in. |
BPF-5111 | Systems | Workflow/Security – Recent updates to user ID length requirements caused frequent database disconnects, resulting in failed Workflow approvals. Workflow now validates the user ID against us_usno_mstr; if the ID is longer than 12 characters, it will not process the request using that ID. The recommendation moving forward is that all IDs have a maximum length of 12. |
BPF-3793 | Systems | BusinessPlus Screens – Fixed a timeout issue that occurred when quickly browsing records. The previous error stated, "Accept request timed out, please requery your record to verify the results." |
BPF-16101 | Timecard Online | TO – Timecard Online now functions correctly using a Chrome browser. |
BPF-5182 | Timecard Online | TO – Corrected an issue where a custom detail panel was pulling the rate codes twice. |
BPF-2316 | Timecard Online | TO – A unique scenario existed where, when an employee had two active pay assignments/tabs in TO, and two timekeepers would enter and submit time, Workflow did not always process both time entries. Now each submitted time entry is managed separately, i.e., IFPY_TC_IMP records are sorted by WF Code, and the IFPY_WF_MSTR record is only processed when the WF Code changes. In addition, the Approval Code field now uses the correct data row value of the processed IFPY_TC_IMP record to get the correct approval code. |
BPF-3594 | Web Forms | Web Forms – Entering a date as 12/01/18, then tab out, loaded the date as 12/01/1918. A new property was added to the Web form date fields allowing entry of two-digit years. |
BPF-5037 | Workflow | Workflow Event Viewer – The following error displayed in the Event Viewer when a table was updated that was not listed in the DBCustom.xml file, "DidSignificantChangesOccur - DBCustom table definition not found." The error message was moved to BT60WF trace and updated to an informational message that can be viewed within the Trace Log when trace is enabled. |
BPF-4957 | Workflow | Workflow Email – SMTP to Office365 – Office365 changed their SMTP connection protocol to allow a maximum of three concurrent connections at a time. All Workflow threads were updated to use the same connection for email. |
BPF-4714 | Workflow | Workflow – When the system's date format was not MM/DD/YY, the Workflow model's TEST DATE button would not calculate the next scheduled dates correctly. Now the TEST DATE button properly calculates the next five dates regardless of the server's date format. |
BPF-4513 | Workflow | Workflow – Table Update Activity – Corrected an issue where conflicts occurred in the Workflow activity when threads were executing the activity at the same time. |
BPF-4230 | Workflow | Workflow – The Workflow email connection with the Exchange server was improved. |
BPF-3697 | Workflow | Workflow – Corrected an issue where the Workflow email attachment was only attaching the first page from a multi-page .TIF attachment. |
BPF-3665 | Workflow | Task List – When a Workflow model was made inactive, any pending tasks were not visible. To correct this, if an active Workflow model is not found when the Task List is loaded, the logic now reads the most recent Workflow Instance record processed that is "I" (In Progress) or "H" (Hold) and loads the Workflow model directly with a "ReadByKey," based on the most recent version being processed. |
BPF-16842 | Workflow | Workflow – Email Notify Activity – The Workflow engine was updated to correctly attach Process Output to email. |
BPF-4078 | Workflow | Workflow – Corrected an issue where Workflow email responses were not parsed properly when there were unknown tags. |
BPF-3584 | Workflow | Workflow – SMTP Email Account – Updated the Workflow email module to add registry flags to support Office365-based email server setup. |
CDD Reports
The following CDD standard reports can be found under the reports directory and must be loaded manually.
Subsystem | Report | Description |
AP | AP0001 | AP0001: General Information Report |
AP | AP0100 | AP0100: Division Codes |
AP | AP1001 | AP1001: Transaction Detail by Vendor ID |
AP | AP1002 | AP1002: Transaction Detail by Vendor Name |
AP | AP1100 | AP1100: IN - Invoices in Approval |
AP | AP1120 | AP1120: Outstanding Invoices by Vendor |
AP | AP1200 | AP1200: AP Un-posted Set Report |
AP | AP1200_DD | AP1200_DD: AP Un-posted Batch Report_ Drill Down |
AP | AP1300 | AP1300: Invoices with Errors in APOHININ Process |
AP | AP3000 | AP3000: Payables by Vendor |
AP | AP3001 | AP3001: SM - Summary Report - Order by PE ID |
AP | AP3002 | AP3002: SM - Summary Report - Order by PE NAME |
AP | AP3003 | AP3003: Invoice Distribution Detail |
AP | AP3100 | AP3100: Aging Report by ID |
AP | AP3101 | AP3101: Aging Report by Name |
AR | AR1001 | AR1001: Transaction Listing By ID |
AR | AR1002 | AR1002: AR Transaction Listing Sort by Name |
AR | AR1010 | AR1010: AR Transactions by Account |
AR | AR1200 | AR1200: AR Set Posting Status |
AR | AR3001 | AR3001: Summary By ID |
AR | AR3002 | AR3002: Accounts Receivable Summary By Customer Name |
AR | AR3100 | AR3100: Aging |
AR | AR3101 | AR3101: Smart Aging |
AR | AR3111 | AR3111: AR Category Numeric Information by ID |
AR | AR3112 | AR3112: AR Category Numeric Information by Name |
AR | AR3121 | AR3121: Account Text by ID |
AR | AR3122 | AR3122: Account Text by Name |
AR | AR3130 | AR3130: AR Codes - CALC |
AR | AR3131 | AR3131: AR Codes - Category |
AR | AR3132 | AR3132: AR Codes - Division |
AR | AR3133 | AR3133: AR Codes - Finance |
AR | AR3134 | AR3134: AR Codes - Misc |
AR | AR3135 | AR3135: AR Codes - Payt |
AR | AR3136 | AR3136: AR Codes - Stat |
AR | AR3137 | AR3137: AR Codes - Terms |
AR | AR3141 | AR3141: AR Category Numeric Information by ID |
AR | AR3142 | AR3142: Category Numeric Information by Name |
BK | BK1000 | BK1000: Payee Check Register by Bank ID and Check Number |
BK | BK1001 | BK1001: Check Status |
BK | BK1004 | BK1004: Outstanding Deposits |
BK | BK1010 | BK1010: Bank Recon Payee Report Verbose Format |
BK | BK1021 | BK1021: Outstanding Checks |
BK | BK1030 | BK1030: Deposit Listing by Bank ID |
BK | BK1060 | BK1060: Payee Report Verbose Format |
BK | BK3005 | BK3005: Consolidated Check Register |
BK | BK3010 | BK3010: Payee Report Short Format |
BK | BK3020 | BK3020: BR: Consolidated Exception Report |
BK | BK3030 | BK3030: Deposit Listing - Summary by Date |
BK | BK3040 | BK3040: Check Listing by Name with Address |
BK | BK3050 | BK3050: PA Payee Ordered Format by ID |
BK | BK3051 | BK3051: PA Payee Ordered Format by Name |
BK | BK3060 | BK3060: Payee Report Short Format |
GLBU | BU1200 | BU1200: Un-posted BU Sets |
CM | CM1000 | CM1000: Contract Management Status |
CM | CM1100 | CM1100: CM EM, XP, Retainage, Balance |
CM | CM3100 | CM3100: Contract Management Compliance Report |
CM | CM3300 | CM3300: CMEXENST (Triad) |
EN | EN0010 | EN0010: Division Codes |
EN | EN1101 | EN1101: TA - Transactions by Account |
EN | EN1102 | EN1102: TP - Transactions by Reference (PO#) |
EN | EN3101 | EN3101: SA - Summary by Account |
EN | EN3102 | EN3102: SP - Summary by Reference (PO#) |
EO | EO1001 | EO1001: Employee Online Changes to EMPMSTR |
EO | EO1002 | EO1002: Employee Online Changes to Direct Deposit |
EO | EO1003 | EO1003: Employee Online changes to Mandatory Assignments |
EO | EO1010 | EO1010: Employee Online Transactions Waiting Approval |
FA | FA0010 | FA0010: FA Codes Information |
FA | FA1001 | FA1001: Assets by In Service Date |
FA | FA1115 | FA1115: Fixed Asset Maintenance Improvements |
FA | FA1120 | FA1120: Fixed Assets Transaction Report |
FA | FA1125 | FA1125: Activity Summary by Department |
FA | FA1135 | FA1135: Depreciation History |
FA | FA1500 | FA1500: Physical Inventory by Location |
FA | FA1510 | FA1510: Fixed Asset End of Year Inventory |
FA | FA1520 | FA1520: End of Year Inventory by Department |
FA | FA1600 | FA1600: Asset Disposal |
GL | GL0001 | GL0001: Org Key Information |
GL | GL0002 | GL0002: Org. Keys and Parts |
GL | GL0003 | GL0003: Organization Part Codes |
GL | GL0004 | GL0004: Object Codes |
GL | GL0005 | GL0005: Object Group Codes |
GL | GL1000 | GL1000: Transactions Detail |
GL | GL1001 | GL1001: GL Transaction by Set ID |
GL | GL1002 | GL1002: Transactions by Job Number |
GL | GL1003 | GL1003: Transactions by Object and Key |
GL | GL1004 | GL1004: Transactions by Key and Object |
GL | GL1004FQA_DD | GL1004FQA: Transactions by FQA DD |
GL | GL1200 | GL1200: Un-posted JE Batch Report |
GL | GL1200_DD | GL1200_DD: Je Batches Not Posted Drill Down Detail report |
GL | GL1500 | GL1500: Budget Changes |
GL | GL1501 | GL1501: Budget History Report |
GL | GL3000 | GL3000: Trial Balance Summary by Fund |
GL | GL3010 | GL3010: Fund Summary |
GL | GL3020 | GL3020: Objects Within Fund |
GL | GL3020DDK | GL3020: Keys Within Objects |
GL | GL3020DDT | GL3020: Trans within keys |
GL | GL5000 | GL5000: General Budget to Actual with Encumbrances |
GL | GL5900 | GL5900: Budget to Actual with Encumbrances by Fund |
GL | GL5910 | GL5910: Budget to Actual with Encumbrances by Fund - Object |
HR | HR0000 | HR0000: Employee Age List |
HR | HR0002 | HR0002: Benefit Table Listing |
HR | HR0005 | HR0005: PCN-Position Table by Entity & Position |
HR | HR0007 | HR0007: Direct Deposits by Bank |
HR | HR0009 | HR0009: HR PCN Table Listing by Entity, PCN, & Position |
HR | HR0010 | HR0010: HR Salary Schedule Codes |
HR | HR0011 | HR0011: HR Location Codes |
HR | HR0012 | HR0012: HR Job Codes |
HR | HR0013 | HR0013: HR Benefit Codes |
HR | HR0014 | HR0014: HR Bargain Unit Codes |
HR | HR0015 | HR0015: HR Vendor Codes |
HR | HR0016 | HR0016: HR Bank Codes |
HR | HR0017 | HR0017: HR Pay Periods |
HR | HR0018 | HR0018: HR Employees |
HR | HR0020 | HR0020: Employee Benefit Information |
HR | HR0021 | HR0021: Employee Tracking |
HR | HR0022 | HR0022: Workers Compensation by Employee |
HR | HR0025 | HR0025: Employees by Position |
HR | HR0030 | HR0030: HR Non-Entity Specific Codes by Code ID |
HR | HR0031 | HR0031: HR Entity Specific Codes by Entity and Code ID |
HR | HR0032 | HR0032: Education Report |
HR | HR1001 | HR1001: HR Employee New Hires |
HR | HR1002 | HR1002: HR Employee Terminations |
HR | HR1003 | HR1003: Employee Pay Assignments by Index Key |
HR | HR1004 | HR1004: Employee Pay Assignments by Pay Class |
HR | HR1021 | HR1021: HR Salary Schedules by Step and Range |
HR | HR1022 | HR1022: Employee Pay Assignments by Bargain Unit |
HR | HR1023 | HR1023: Employee Pay Assignments by Name |
HR | HR1023_DD | HR1023_DD: Employee Pay Assignments by Name (Drill Down) |
HR | HR1050 | HR1050: HR Applicants Hired for a Requisition |
HR | HR1100 | HR1100: EEO Report |
HR | HR1200 | HR1200: HR Salary Listing |
HR | HR1300 | HR1300: HR Applicant Scores |
HR | HR3001 | HR3001: HR Applicants by Requisition |
HR | HR3010 | HR3010: HR Employee Mandatory Assignments |
HR | HR3020 | HR3020: Pay Related Contributions |
HR | HR3090 | HR3090: Licenses, Skills, Training & Education |
HR | HR3100 | HR3100: HR Personal Information |
HR | HR3200 | HR3200: Applicant Master Inquiry by Requisition Number |
HR | HR3300 | HR3300: HR: Hurdle Score Sums |
HR | HR3301 | HR3301: Hurdle Scores by Requisition |
HR | HR3302 | HR3302: HR View Applicant |
HR | HR7000 | HR7000: Employee Demographics |
HR | HR7003 | HR7003: Employee Mandatory Assignments |
HR | HR7010 | HR7010: Performance, Grievances & Disciplinary Action |
HR | HR9000 | HR9000: Employee Mailing Labels |
NU | NU0005 | NU0005: Attribute Listing SBI |
NU | NU0010 | NU0010: Monthly Audit Totals |
NU | NU0015 | NU0015: Common Codes |
NU | NU0020 | NU0020: Cluster Information |
NU | NU0030 | NU0030: Crash Messages |
NU | NU0035 | NU0035: Error Descriptions |
NU | NU0040 | NU0040: Report & Screen Headings |
NU | NU0045 | NU0045 Masks with JCL |
NU | NU0050 | NU0050: Audit Master Entry |
NU | NU0055 | NU0055: Next Question Desc & Prog |
NU | NU0060 | NU0060: Questions, Menus, and Help |
NU | NU0065 | NU0065: Questions and Menus |
NU | NU0070 | NU0070: Question Definition |
NU | NU0075 | NU0075: Subsystems Installed |
NU | NU0080 | NU0080: Scheduled Jobs |
NU | NU0085 | NU0085: Audit Trail of Overrides |
NU | NU0090 | NU0090: System Default Def |
NU | NU0095 | NU0095: Logged Job Information |
NU | NU0100 | NU0100: IFAS Jobs Details |
PA | PA1000 | PA1000: Projects Sorted by Project ID |
PA | PA1100 | PA1100: PA Funding Sources |
PB | PB3005 | PB3005: Position Budgeting: Position Detail by Employee |
PB | PB3010 | PB3010: Position Budgeting By Key, Obj, Emp |
PB | PB3015 | PB3015: Position Budgeting Model Comparison by Emp within Dept |
PB | PB3020 | PB3020: Position Budgeting Model Comparison Summary by Department |
PB | PB3030 | PB3030 - Model Report FundKeyObj |
PB | PB3035 | PB3035: Position Budgeting by Fund, Key, Obj, Emp |
PB | PB3040 | PB3040: Position Budgeting by Fund, Key, Emp, Obj |
PB | PB3045 | PB3045: Position Budgeting by Pos, Emp, Key, Obj |
PB | PB3050 | PB3050: Position Budgeting by Key, Obj, Emp, Pos |
PB | PB3055 | PB3055: Key and Objects in pcbdcalc not in GL |
PB | PB3100 | PB3100: PB Print Model Info |
PB | PB3500 | PB3500: Position Budgeting Model Comparison |
PD | PD1001 | PD1001: Participant Transcript |
PD | PD3001 | PD3001: Registration Report |
PD | PD3002 | PD3002: Attendance Roster |
PD | PD3003 | PD3003: Course Information |
PD | PD3003_DDP | Pre-requisite Drill Down |
PD | PD3003_DDR | Registration Drill Down Report |
PD | PD3003_DDS | Schedule Drill Down |
PD | PD3004 | PD3004: Course Summary |
PD | PD3004_DDD | Course Details |
PE | PE0004 | PE0004: PE Listing by PE Name |
PE | PE0008 | PE0008: 1099MISC by PEID |
PE | PE0010 | PE0010: Association Code Listing |
PE | PE1001 | PE1001: PE Listing by Name |
PE | PE1002 | PE1002: PE Listing by ID |
PE | PE1099 | PE1099: 1099MISC by PE Name |
PE | PE1100 | PE1100: 1099 PEID without TID |
PE | PE1101 | PE1101: PEIPPR, Product Information, Order by Product ID |
PE | PE1102 | PE1102: Product Information, Order by Product Description |
PE | PE1201 | PE1201: PE Listing by Owner ID |
PE | PE1202 | PE1202: PE Listing by Association Code |
PE | PE5000 | PE5000: Vendors over limit |
PO | PO1100 | PO1100: IT - Item Information |
PO | PO1200 | PO1200: Outstanding Purchase Orders by Account |
PO | PO3001 | PO3001: Purchase Order Status Inquiry |
PO | PO3001_DD | PO3001: Purchase Order Status Drill Down |
PO | PO3200 | PO3200: PO - Purchase Order Summary |
PY | PY0020 | PY0020: PY - Pay Period Listing |
PY | PY0030 | PY0030: Pay Class Definition |
PY | PY0080 | PY0080: Payroll CDH Listing |
PY | PY0080_DD_CDH_Calc | PY0080: CDH Calculation Formula |
PY | PY0090 | PY0090: Payroll Calendar Listing |
PY | PY1010 | PY1010: Payroll Timecard Set Listing by PE Name |
PY | PY1012 | PY1012: Payroll Timecard Set Listing by PE Name, Includes SYSTM |
PY | PY1012_INF | PY1012_INF: Payroll Timecard Set Listing by PE Name, Includes SYSTM |
PY | PY1020 | PY1020: Payroll Timecard Set Listing by PE Name for 7.99 |
PY | PY1020_INF | PY1020_INF: Payroll Timecard Set Listing by PE Name for 7.99 |
PY | PY1100 | PY1100: Payroll History Report |
PY | PY1200 | PY1200: User Defined PY History Report by Department |
PY | PY1201 | PY1201: User Defined PY History Report by Entity, Employee ID |
PY | PY1202 | PY1202: User Defined PY History Report by Pay Period |
PY | PY3000 | PY3000: Employee Definition (Sort by ID) |
PY | PY3001 | PY3001: Employee Definition (Sort by Name) |
PY | PY3050 | PY3050: Payroll Register |
PY | PY3110 | PY3110: HR to PY Contract Report |
PY | PY3110_DD | PY3110_DD: HR to PY Contract Report Drill Down |
PY | PY3505 | PY3505: PY_Paycheck_Summary_with_Distribution |
PY | PY3510 | PY3510: PY_Paycheck_Summary_by_Employee |
PY | PY5001 | PY5001 - Employee XTD Accumulator |
PY | PY5100 | PY5100: Quarterly 941 Report |
PY | PY5501 | PY5501: Monthly CDH Accumulators by Employee |
RC | RC0001 | RC0001: Recurring Calculation Listing |
RC | RC1001 | RC1001: Recurring Calculation Details |
RC | RC1001_DD | RC1001_DD: Recurring Calculation Details: Drill Down |
SA | SA0001 | SA0001: SA Student Activity Event Information |
SA | SA1000 | SA1000: SA Transaction Details by Activity (Key) and Object |
SA | SA1000_DD | SA1000_DD: SA Transaction Details Drill Down |
SA | SA1010 | SA1010: SA Transaction Details by Event (Ref 2) |
SA | SA4002 | SA4002: SA Income Statement by Event |
SA | SA5003 | SA5003: SA Summary Trial Balance - Activity (Key) |
SA | SA5004 | SA5004: SA Summary Trial Balance - Activity (Key) & Object |
SA | SA5005 | SA5005: SA Summary Trial Balance - School (K4) |
SI | SI1001 | SI1001: SI Orders Ready for the Warehouse |
SI | SI1100 | SI1100: Stores Activity (By Product ID) |
SI | SI1201 | SI1201: IN - Inventory Information (SIIQIN) |
SI | SI1202 | SI1202: IT - Order Item Information (SIIQIT) |
SI | SI1203 | SI1203: OE - Order Entry Information |
SI | SI1302 | SI1302: TR - Transactions - Old First (SIIQTR) |
SI | SI2000 | SI2000: Warehouse Return Receipt |
SI | SI3000 | SI3000: General Information |
SI | SI3001 | SI3001: SI Order Status Summary |
SI | SI3002 | SI3002: Stores Inventory Summary |
SI | SI7001 | SI7001: Stores Order Summary (Customer Order Report) |
SI | SI7002 | SI7002: Stores Catalog by Description |
SI | SI7005 | SI7005: Year End Value Report |
ST | ST1001 | ST1001: SubTracker Attendance Error Listing |
TO | TO1010 | TO1010: Employee Time Entry Report (IFPY) |
TO | TO1020 | TO1020: Supervisor Time Entry Report (IFPY) |
TO | TO1030 | TO1030: Standard Timecard Proof (PYTC) |
US | US5100 | US5100: User Assigned to Role |
US | US5101 | US5101: Roles Assigned to User |
US | US5500 | US5500: User Security Report |
US | US5501 | US5501: User Menu Access |
US | US5502 | US5502: User Role Assignment |
US | US5503 | US5503: User Table Access |
US | US5504 | US5504: User Common Access |
US | US5505 | US5505: User Function Assignments |
US | US5506 | US5506: Workflow Roles Assignments |
WF | WF0001 | WF0001: Workflow Model Report |
WF | WF0050 | WF0050: Workflow Queue report |
WF | WF1000 | WF1000: Model Instance History Report |
WF | WF1000DD | WF1000DD: Drill Down to Instance Variables |
WF | WF1000DD2 | WF1000DD2: WF History Notes Report |
WF | WF1100 | WF1100: Report of Workflow Tasklist Items waiting by User |
WO | WO0010 | WO0010: Work Order Summary |
WO | WO1000 | WO1000: Work Order Estimate |
WO | WO3050 | WO3050: Assignment Information |
WO | WO3100 | WO3100: Work Order Listing |
WO | WO5000 | WO5000: Work Order Actuals |
WO | WO5100 | WO5100: Compare Estimate to Actuals |