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Releases and Updates

Update Information

The following BusinessPlus releases are available:


If your BusinessPlus software is hosted by PowerSchool, you must request to update your software. To start the process, create a Support case to request the upgrade to the stated version. An agent will contact you to schedule the upgrade at a time of your convenience.


If your organization is currently running BusinessPlus on premise, download the installation files and update instructions from PowerSource. Select the folder for your version of the software. Review pertinent release documentation prior to the install.

If your organization would like PowerSchool to perform a BusinessPlus update on your behalf, contact the PowerSchool Technical Solutions Group at for information concerning scope, cost, and availability of services. 

Enterprise Management Service (EMS)

On-premise BusinessPlus instances managed by the Technical Solutions Group's EMS offering will continue to receive all updates according to the schedule of their choosing and can schedule their update.

PowerSchool Sales Representatives 

If you are interested in upgrading your environment, contact the ERP Service Solutions team at 

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