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Release - April 2021

Resolved Issues

TicketComponentsRelease Note
BPF-44399Accounts Payable

PEUPPE - Add New option to PEUPPE Vendor > Method of Payment > Addenda Type TXP. If Addenda Type = TXP and PE Assoc TXPVERIF both exist for a vendor then use the Ohio City Tax format.

  • New Common code
  • Category: OHEF
  • Code: TXPOH

Associated codes:
  • 1 Tax Payment Type Set to '11'
  • 2 Amount Type Set to 'T'
  • 3 Determines Tax period Ending Date - If set to PAYPEROD it will use the last day of the quarter associated with the invoice date. Otherwise, it will use the invoice date.

Associated Description:
  • 1 Taxpayer ID (Clients Fed ID no Dashes)


On the VENDOR tab in the Payment Method, the EFT/ACH option needs to be selected and the EFT type set to CCD+, and the Addenda Type set to TXP.  Even though it says Florida, it will use the Toledo format if a tax verification code is associated with this vendor in the associations with a code of TXPVERIFY.

May need to add a new PEAS/TXPVERIF to see that option in the Association tab of PEUPPE.
BPF-44187Bank Reconciliation

Bank Reconciliation - Additional fields have been added to the BKUTZZ utility:

  • bank_type_2
  • bk_subsystem
  • The check type value if provided is used otherwise, the check type will be set to HW.  
BPF-45265DashboardDashboard - Additional handling is introduced to ensure duplicate dashboards are not created.
BPF-43579Employee OnlineEO, Direct Deposit - The Bank routing number drop-down functions when you enter a combination of the first three characters of a bank name and the first three digits of a routing number.  
BPF-45716Human ResourcesHRCRCN - Subject and Code drop-down now loads correctly in Add mode.  
BPF-45679Human ResourcesHRPYPA - The distribution entries do not disappear when you click the Additional Pay Tab.  
BPF-45386Human ResourcesHREMEN - The handling of null values is improved to ensure that record totals are calculated correctly. 

The following WA Regulatory pages now load without any errors:

BPF-44421PayrollPYUPHT - PYUPPH can now have multiple transfer records.
BPF-42412PayrollPYRRERRCANU - The PERS Retirement screen for California now loads without any errors. 
BPF-45263PurchasingPurchasing - The user is now able to increase the PO amount when the line item description exceeds nine lines. 
BPF-45264SystemsBPSYS - Saved searches are now controlled by security and not visible to all users.  
BPF-39255Work OrdersWOCSWO - Client-Specific - Everett - The custom WOUPWO data entry screen is converted as required. 
BPF-45611WorkflowWorkflow - The user can now approve pending tasks from the Pending Tasks screen if less than 15 history records are listed. In addition, when the user clicks on a direct and indirect task, which is on hold, the system redirects to the respective record.
BPF-45532WorkflowWorkflow - The Task List now allows you to group by first group level using a drop-down with valid group values. You can refine the grouping further by using the search functionality.  
BPF-45530WorkflowWorkflow - The Primary/Secondary/Direct approver indicator now appears on the Workflow Task List.  
BPF-41769WorkflowBPWF - Resolved an issue with Workflow that was causing the engine to stop processing threads and required services restart. 
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