Release 7.11-2021JUN - June 2021
Resolved Issues
Ticket | Components | Release Notes |
BPF-48306 | Accounts Payable | APOHUTCB - Vendor names longer than 22 characters do not cause the insert error anymore. |
BPF-49848 | Human Resources | HRCRCN - The screen no longer locks up. |
BPF-49846 | Human Resources | HRUTZZ, Pay Assignments - When the data file column ov_dayhrs = Y, then hr_pcntble values are not transferred into the hr_emppay table. |
BPF-49842 | Human Resources | HRUTZZ01, Employee Tracking Records, County Credential - The Description field value under the HRCRCN Details tab at the bottom, is based on a match with HRTBCRMA Credential Type, Code, and Table Type. The actual description fetched into HRCRCN is the Long Description. |
BPF-49840 | Human Resources | HRUTZZ01 - Alternate cities, as stored in PEUPZP, are now acceptable entries. |
BPF-49838 | Human Resources | HRUTZZ01, - In the hr_family table table, the issue of a city error appearing when the column SAME_ADDR = Y has been resolved. |
BPF-49836 | Human Resources | HRUTZZ01 - The City error no longer occurs in the hr_empmstr table. Records are now inserted correctly. |
BPF-49834 | Human Resources | HRUTZZ01 - The Pay Assignment conversion utility now accepts up to three decimal places precision in the data file. Any data with more than three decimal places, results in an error in the tail sheet. |
BPF-49833 | Payroll | PYRERRWA08R3 - Records with Option = "X" can be edited. |
BPF-50427 | Purchasing | POUPPR - Disabled the qty values fetch for POUPPR additional echo fields Qty Received, Qty Invoiced, and Qty Paid. |
BPF-49569 | Workflow | SQL Query activity - Import Data - When importing a variable into the SQL statement by using the Import Data feature, it now retains the variable you imported. |
BPF-48833 | Workflow | The format issues for emails sent using the PoPPvDetail.xsl file are Addressed. |