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Release - July 2021

Resolved Issues

TicketComponentsRelease Notes
BPF-49532Accounts PayableAPOHININ - Budget warnings will no longer prevent document attachment.  
BPF-48431Accounts PayableARSPBE - Selection criteria for Account ID has been expanded. 
BPF-49936Accounts ReceivableARBTCRUB - Adding additional receipts to a posted batch is no longer permitted. 
BPF-48091Applicant APIRMUPHI - Able to Create employee without Date of Birth being mandatory.
BPF-49515Click, Drag & DrillCalendar lookup has been restored for CDD report prompts.  
BPF-49026Click, Drag & DrillWhen the CDD report is opened, the cursor must be in the text box or drop-down field. If a user then presses the ENTER button, the job must be submitted and report must be displayed
BPF-48999DashboardUser is able to edit mask/job names on Personal Dashboard.
BPF-48513Employee OnlineOption added to hide Federal Withholding exemptions on the employee check stub. When the new check box is selected, then the exemptions are hidden from the check stub. Else, the exemptions are displayed on the check stub.
BPF-45795Fixed AssetsFAUPPA - Resolved an issue with the merge and undo merge process.  
BPF-49614Human ResourcesHRUTTU - Fiscal Year is now updating correctly in HRPYPA.  
BPF-49401Human ResourcesHRCRCN - The CPU memory issue is resolved.
BPF-49390Human ResourcesHRUTZZ01 - The Pay Assignment conversion utility now accepts up to three decimal places precision in the data file. Any data with more than three decimal places, results in an error in the tail sheet.
BPF-48293Human ResourcesWhen moving from one page to another page, child record is now updated with the latest response.
BPF-48087Human ResourcesHRPYPA - After changing the index key, the Actual period value is now updated immediately on Save.  
BPF-45529Documents OnlineResolved the foreign key constraint error that prevented attachments from being deleted in HREMEN. Attachments can now be deleted without any errors.  
BPF-17196Human ResourcesHRPYPA - Export to Excel - The reporting function retains date related selection criteria.
BPF-48330PayrollPYTCIFXLRG - The utility now loads data into columns pytc_user_1 through pytc_user_9 of the pytc_hrs_dtl table.  The source is from USER-PART10 through USER-PART18 or USER1 through USER9.  If both sets of columns exist in the input file, then the second group takes priority over the first group.
BPF-48297PayrollPYTCDTUB - The display time of the Warning message is increased.  
BPF-45743PayrollPYACUPF5 - Fixed the issue of emp-id not getting mapped/displayed in the screen.
BPF-49663Position BudgetingPBCALC - Fixed an issue with text break in the statement text area that caused the calculation to fail. Additional spaces will not be added to the statement.  
BPF-50073PurchasingPOUPPR - Disabled the qty values fetch for POUPPR additional echo fields Qty Received, Qty Invoiced, and Qty Paid.
BPF-49857PurchasingPOUPRC - Seed selection is added for Asset ID
BPF-49701Stores InventorySIUPIN - Descriptions now show as individual lines on the screen. 
BPF-49304Stores InventorySIUPIN - Inventory/Additional Location - The Bin/Floor/Row/Shelf fields are not getting dirty after the Save and Save Changes prompts are not displayed.
BPF-49070Stores InventorySIOEUB - The Account is Required error is displayed if a user saves a record without specifying the account information. 
BPF-47816Timecard OnlinePayroll - Timecard Online now displays Submitted after successful submission.  
BPF-44740Timecard OnlineTO - Everett School District 2 - Client Specific - Custom panel fixed to avoid adding extra records with zero hours.
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