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Release - October 2023

Resolved Issues



Release Note


Accounts Receivable

ARBTCRIC: User can now add the Account in Grid mode.


Accounts Receivable

ARBTCRUB and ARBTARUB: ARUTFI utility now derives the Posting Code on each ARBTCRUB and ARBTARUB child record based on the Posting Preferences defined in GLUTSPPP. Previously, the correct code was not derived.


Administrative Console

SSO Admin Console: The user can now remove the SSO mapping without an exception error. Previously, the system was sending a NULL value to the column, which produced an exception error.



Client-specific for Oakland (Rochester) PY: Updated signature for PY checks.



Client-specific for Chief Leschi PY: Set up new PY checkwriter and ELF for client.



Client-specific for Blue Valley Forms Printing: Forms Printing storage was updated.



Client-specific for Lawrence Unified School District AP and PY: Updated signatures for AP and PY checks.


Employee Online

EO: The menu tree displays all the items without a scroll bar. Previously, the menu tree bar did not open completely and there was a scroll bar to display additional menu items.


Employee Online

EO: The Employee Online Server Connection display box has been removed to prevent the display of sensitive information. Previously, the box appeared in a window when a user clicked the PowerSchool P logo.


Employee Online

EO: The user can log in to EO using single sign-on (SSO), even when the MOTU ID is null. Previously, logging directly in to EO using SSO resulted in an error instead of loading the home page.


Employee Online

BP_Config Tool: The bp_config application has been updated to preserve existing Employee Online setup for sites that use single sign-on (SSO).


Employee Online

EO: Required fields are now being enforced on the Payroll: Direct Deposit card, Personal Information: Emergency card and the Family card. If any required fields are not populated, a message appears indicating which fields require data. Previously, it allowed a record to be saved without all the required fields populated.


Fixed Assets

FAUPPA: The In Service Date now fetches as follows:

  • When common code POFA/CONTROL2, 1st Association code is set to OLDEST, the earliest receiving date of an item will fetch as In Service Date in potential fixed asset.

  • When common code POFA/CONTROL2, 1st Association code set to LATEST, the latest receiving date of an item will fetch as In Service Date in potential fixed asset.

  • When common code POFA/CONTROL2, 1st Association code is blank, the posting date of an item will fetch as In Service Date in potential fixed asset.

Previously, the common code POFA/CONTROL2 accepted only REC or blank to fetch the earliest receiving date and posting date as In Service date, respectively.


General Ledger

GLUTDICP and ENUTCP: Recompute performance issues that were caused by an OLEdb driver update have been resolved. This is no longer making the jobs take extra time to complete. 


General Ledger

GLIQ: The GLIQ page loads as expected. Previously, when Object Group parts were set as blank on the GLUPGN page, the GLIQ page would hang or spin without fully loading.

BPF-78592 and BPF-78558

Human Resources

HRRQOT, HRWCEM, HRWCES, HRWCOD: The pages are available from the menu tree and the menu search field. Documentation for each page is also available.


Human Resources

HRWCEM: The Establishment Code field is accessible in Search, Add, and Update modes.


Human Resources

HREMEN: The Age field now displays a value when the browser size changes. A display issue was resolved by increasing the size of the field and setting it to be right-aligned. 


Human Resources

HRTBRG: Because the page has three separate tabs representing three separate tables, the user's entity (as associated on HRRQUS) cannot be defaulted in Search mode. The entity still defaults to the user's entity in Add mode.


Human Resources

HREMEN, EO, RMUPHI:  Multiple changes have been made to the entry of employee Race Codes.

  • Race Codes are still optional across all three subsystems.

  • Common Code HRRA/CONFIG is now obsolete. Only one of each race code is allowed to exist between the Primary Race and the Additional Races grid. An Additional Race cannot match the Primary Race.

  • EO, Personal Information, Ethnicity and Race card: A Primary Race drop-down list field has been added before the Additional Races grid.

  • HREMEN and EO: When adding Race Codes, an entry into the Primary Race field needs to exist before an entry is made in the Additional Races grid. An Additional Race cannot match the Primary Race.

  • HREMEN and EO: When deleting Race Codes, entries need to be deleted from the Additional Races grid before the Primary Race field.

  • RMUPHI, EEO tab: Upon hiring the applicant, the first Race Code in the list is entered into the HREMEN, Primary Race field.

  • PYUPEM, Dates/Other Info tab: Because the HREMEN Primary Race field is being entered, the data passed to the AA Code is more accurate.

Clients need to validate their employee data. If the rules above are not currently being followed, an error message will display to users when they update records, and corrections can be made at that time.


Human Resources

HRPYPA/HRPYQP: If a distribution line is over budget, upon saving the record a warning message appears on the page. Additionally, for any individual budget line over budget, the Over Budget field populates a Y. 

Common code HRPY/PC TOL defines whether a distribution is over budget. The common code identifies a range of tolerance for budgeting.



Client-specific for Kansas City Public School District PY: For PY/EFT checks, fixed the YTD total (previously, it was skipping entries with a current amount of zero and a non-zero YTD). Also included YTD on EO (but not on paper check stub), even if the current amount is zero.



PYPADP: A processing improvement has been made to the code that creates the accumulators.



PYUPPH: Changing an item like the Object Code on this page is not recommended because it bypasses the official PYUPHT process. However, if a user changes the Object Code, a new Num code is created and reflected in the Pay String.



APPCEZ: The import process now automatically assigns a value to the new field: Fiscal Year, when the posting date for the charge is within the fiscal year defined in ledger settings in the GL General Information page (GLUPGN).

Users can also select the Fiscal Year for the charge manually.

This enhancement is intended to make the reconciliation process effective and efficient.


PDF Forms Printing

Forms Printing: Added the dash (-) symbol for MICR font conversion when the equals (=) symbol is used as a MICR character for checks.


Professional Development

HRPDUPCD: The Allow Wait List checkbox is now functional. If it is selected, participants can register for a course and will be placed on the wait list. If it is cleared, then instead of displaying a Register button for the course, a message appears: Course is full. Participants cannot register for the course.



Workflow: Punchout will now describe the reason for the error when the PO is rejected due to an invalid Punchout Order. If the reason is an invalid value of 'Ext Ref', it will display the current value and the expected value of '_PUNCHOUT'.



Security: Manage Security Role plug-in is properly replacing the old role ID with the new role ID when the role is copied and pasted.



State-specific for WI DPI WISE Data Extract: Fixed issue with Budget records file format missing commas. Also, rules with no selection criteria are now skipped. Previously, applying such rules was making the extract run longer.



State-specific for Washington DRS: Changed the DRS calculation for deductions and contributions (Ded/Cnt). The calculation was changed from using math.floor to math.truncate due to unexpected behavior in limited situations which caused Ded/Cnt to be off by a penny.



State-specific for Idaho PERS: Fixed total Employer contribution amounts. Previously, the total was changed to read actuals (total of all employee contributions). This was flawed due to rounding at the employee level.  Now the total is the Class Gross Total multiplied by the applicable rate.



State-specific for California PERS: Fixed negative special compensation on the PERS page (PYRERRCANU).  Previously, users were not allowed to enter negative amounts.



State-specific for Georgia CPI report:

  • For the A record, added the Email field.

  • For the B record, removed the Field Status field.

  • For the C record, added the Consolidated Fund Flag field, and removed the Field Status field.

  • For the D record, added the Parental Leave field to the D record.

  • For all record types, updated the submission file format to include the new fields and adjust filler spacing.



State-specific for California PERS: Resolved the issue of the PERS page freezing upon entry. In addition to this, the typo on the screen definition has been corrected. Previously, PYRERRCANU was unresponsive upon opening.



State-specific for Illinois TRS Gemini: Changed name validation to exclude all characters except A through Z, a through z, period, hyphen, and apostrophe. Changed address validation to exclude all characters except A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, hyphen, and forward slash.



State-specific for Washington Paid Family Medical Leave Report: Altered the report to allow reporting for Cares-exempt employees and birth dates.

With this, there are some additional common code changes:

  • PYWA PFML Associated Code 1: Added NO FICA to tell the program to not track the FICA limit.

  • PYWA PFML2 was created.

    • Associated Value 1 is the Care Pay Base.

    • Associated Value 2 is the Cares Deduction Number.

Both the Ded/PB are displayed on the reconciliation file to help with auditing.



State-specific for Louisiana: Added Export feature to all Louisiana maintenance pages.

BPF-78081 and BPF-75567


The .Net Core for BusinessPlus is upgraded from version 2.0 to 6.0 since .NET Core 2.0 reached its End of Life on October 1, 2018.


Web Forms

Client-specific for Jefferson Parish Webform: Updated PAF webform with new drop-down list enhancements.


Web Forms

Budget Transfer Web Form: The following enhancements have been made:

  • Stylesheet now displays FQA.

  • Attachments are available when a record is opened using Link to Record.

  • When an update is made to a record and it is not submitting a new request, the existing task is updated.



Workflow: WF task list header for pe_name_mstr stylesheet tag names are formatted to display Vendor Name and Vendor ID correctly.

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