Release - February 2023
Resolved Issues
Ticket | Component | Release Note |
BPF-63109 | Accounts Payable | AP Transactions were not updating the status after payment when the invoice number had the word KEY in it. Now, any invoice number entered or generated via seed, when distributed and paid the status of the record in APOHUPTR will be updated to PD. |
BPF-70443 | Accounts Payable | BKUTPP: Created new common code APOH/INCZERO. If the medium description contains the value ALLOWZERO then zero-valued checks are created in the positive pay file using BKUTPP. |
BPF-61534 | Applicant API | RMUPPI: Posting Copying action was deleting some details (Reason, Replacing and one of the distributions) on the master posting when saving the new posting. This has been fixed. |
BPF-70871 | BusinessPlus 7i | Screen Grid Mode: A new Close button appears next to the Restore button in the Add Columns check list grid. Use the Close button to save changes and close the column grid selector. |
BPF-51477 | Click, Drag, and Drill | CDD reports: CDD Report thin output now displays a dynamic page count and the report status (In Progress). |
BPF-71157 | Click, Drag, and Drill | CDD: The PDF generation depends on a dynamic PDF (3rd party dll). We have upgraded to Version 11.27, which has efficient memory handling. We have also removed the call to BTMQAPI from CDD. CDD directly calls BLOB, which reduces the load on BTMQAPI. |
BPF-70608 | ELF | Client-specific for Oakland Schools MI (Ferndale) AP and PY: Updated signature on AP and PY ELFs. |
BPF-70609 | ELF | Client-specific for Oakland Schools, MI (Clawson) AP and PY: Removed first signature and adjusted placement of second signature for AP and PY checks. |
BPF-70890 | ELF | Client-specific for Dayton Public Schools AP: Updated signature on AP Check Survey ELF. |
BPF-70939 | ELF | Client-specific for Johnston Community School District AP and PY: Updated signature on AP and PY ELFs. |
BPF-70940 | ELF | Client-specific for Caddo Parish School District AP and PY: Updated signature on AP and PY ELFs. |
BPF-71046 | ELF | Client-specific for Shawnee Mission USD 512 AP and PY: Updated signature on AP and PY ELFs. |
BPF-71091 | ELF | Client-specific for St Claire (Farmington) AP and PY: Updated signature on AP and PY ELFs. |
BPF-67322 | Fixed Assets | FAUPPA: Fixed the issue of the In-Service Date fetching the AP Invoice Post Date even when set to make the In-Service Date equal to the Received Date. It will now fetch the earliest received date on process AP to FA method where the Associated Code 1 is set to REC for common code POFA - CONTROL2. |
BPF-58231 | General Ledger | GLBUUP, GLBUFTUB: The font size of the grid input cell has been increased for readability. |
BPF-66414 | General Ledger | GLUTRIIJ: When uploading a file through GLUTRIIJ to create a JE set, it was adding extra info to the Set ID description field. This has been fixed. The GLJEUB Set ID's description field is kept blank once processed through GLUTRIIJ. Only the transaction description will be processed. |
BPF-69718 | General Ledger | GLJEBP: The 'Sort JEID by record number?' question is added when the 'Sort journal entries within each JEID?' question is set to No. The JEIDs will sort by a record number in the Journal Batch Proof report when the 'Sort JEID by record number?' question is set to Yes. |
BPF-20395 | Payroll | PYUPPH: Pseudo fields Net Pay and EFT columns display in the Summary by Check # tab for grid view. |
BPF-65772 | Payroll | Client-specific for Billings Public Schools PY: Shortened pre-tax deduction description in PY checks so that there is more room for large amounts. |
BPF-68005 | Payroll | Client-specific for Mount Diablo Unified SD PY: For PY Checkwriter, increased size of FIT Additional Taxes field. |
BPF-70314 | PCard | PCard: Amount calculation was not correct when extracting type C (Contract) POs from APPCRC page. This has been corrected. |
BPF-70906 | PCard | APPCUTCH: Fixed the import for Card Holder file. |
BPF-70992 | PCard | APPCRC: Line item was not available for extraction when ledger setup in APOHUPGN ID was set for @@ ledger and not specific ledger type. This has been fixed. |
BPF-71216 | PCard | PCard: A Fixed Asset (FA) record was not being created when the Create Fixed Asset checkbox was selected on APPCBK. The fix is provided so that when the Create Fixed Asset checkbox is selected for any bank code, that bank’s transactions are sent to AP. This creates a fixed asset and the AP set. When this is distributed and processed, a record is created in FA. |
BPF-70479 | PEIMS | PIEMS: Corrected the issue where PIUPFA and PIUPFB were getting an invalid error message: Invalid PEIMS Code Organization. CAMPUS code values are added on PIUPCD and are 9 characters long, a combination of the District ID (first 6 characters) and Org Key (last 3 characters). The values that appear on PIUPFA, PIUPFB,, PIUPSA, PIUPSR, PIUPSC in the Organization drop-down list are restricted based on the selected District ID. |
BPF-67964 | PunchOut | POUPPR: After release of a user was no longer able to split GL accounts on PunchOut without having the POXP/OPTIONS common code set to ALLOW PR UPDATE. The user is now able to split funding or modify account information on PunchOut orders irrespective of the POXP/OPTIONS common code setting. |
BPF-71283 | PunchOut | Workflow: There was an issue when the PO_CXMLSENDER instance was trying to process a vendor name that includes the special character & (ampersand), resulting in the error: CXML PARSE ERROR: An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 1, position 1078. This has been fixed. |
BPF-62633 | Security | Enhancement for Security: New tool called Rebuild All Roles and Users was added to the Admin Console plugins Manage Security Structure and Manage Security Roles. It is same tool and can be accessed from either plugin. It rebuilds the security for all users in all roles without running out of memory. |
BPF-70587 | State | State-specific for California (CA) DE9: Expanded the DE9 report gross wage column by 1 digit to support larger numbers up to 999,999,999,99. |
BPF-71274 | State | State-specific for Washington (WA): Changed numeric formatting on Employee Detail lines on MetLife Remittance to always show cents. |
BPF-70612 | Webforms | Client-specific for Blue Valley Unified School District Webforms: Changed how the code reads the pe_email_dtl record from PR to PO, upgraded the style sheet, and fixed issues on the webform pertaining to the Link to Record button. |
BPF-70855 | Workflow | Workflow Designer: Workflow Designer crashed when a model was opened that had a transition line that was not linked to an activity. This has been fixed. When a user opens a model which does not have a transition line linked, a warning message appears. |
BPF-70859 | Workflow | Workflow Email: Employee Online Forgot Password was not sending emails to staff. It seemed to be Office 365 SMTP related. The application will now force-reconnect to the email server every 60 minutes (refresh token) to keep the connection alive. This ensures that emails are sent out from workflow, without OAuth2 SMTP authentication failures. |
BPF-71139 | Workflow | Workflow: When the 'Do not skip activity if assignee notified already' checkbox was cleared for the activities: E-Mail (Response required) and Task List (Response Required), sometimes the workflow engine was skipping the activity in error, even though the assignee was not previously notified. These issues were fixed. |
BPF-71220 | Workflow | Workflow: When the 'Do not skip activity if assignee notified already' checkbox was cleared for the activity: E-Mail (Notify), sometimes the workflow engine was skipping the activity in error, even though the assignee was not previously notified. This issue has been fixed. |
BPF-71004 | Year End | Client-specific for Canton Ohio W2s: Ignores CIT code when printing W2s. |
BPF-71243 | Year End | Client-specific for Grand Rapids MI W2s: Handles Walker tax correctly when printing W2s. |