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Release - August 2021

Resolved Issues

TicketComponentsRelease Notes
BPF-49363Accounts PayableAPOHUTCB - Fixed the issue of Invoice detail lines not getting created when Vendor Name has an apostrophe.
BPF-46784Accounts PayableAPOHBTUB - Screen links are opening without any error. 
BPF-50724Click, Drag, and DrillHeader icons are no longer covered when scrolling through a report in the report viewer.  
BPF-50437Click, Drag, and DrillExport to excel is now processing large reports correctly. 
BPF-50424Employee OnlineEO Check Stub - The PY660K12 program has been modified to show the CDH titles when the PYUPHH CDH Process Switch #16 is set to K. This is effective only for Hours (the 3000 series CDH numbers).
BPF-50490General LedgerFixed Budget version drop-down values listing based on the account ledger selected in GLBUBAUB.
BPF-40074General LedgerGLBUUP - Screens links are opening without any error. 
BPF-49995Human ResourcesHRUTZZ01, Salary Table Records - The following issues have been resolved:
  • In Trial Mode, no records are inserted into the hr_slrytble_mstr table.
  • In Live Mode, if a detail record fails, the system does not insert a master record even if the master record is good.
  • A leading zero is only added to numeric steps 0-9 including fraction values. For instance, "0" = "00" and "2.3" = "02.3". A step with a character in it or a value of 10 or more is not modified.
  • The system generates a salary index value and compares that value to the value in the data file. If there is a mismatch, an error is displayed and the record fails.
BPF-26753Human ResourcesHRTBJB - The error message received when a Requirements tab (hr_jobdesc1 table) record does not exist has been corrected. The error message is changed to - "A Requirements record needs to exist for this Entity and Job Code combination."
BPF-26750Human ResourcesHRUTTU - The reference to HRPYPC menu mask changed to HRPYPA Additional Pay tab. 
BPF-25401Position BudgetingPBUTAI - Missing questions are added that allow you to increase the step without any error.
BPF-45215Procurement CardWhile processing the P-Card records, the Send to AP process no longer fails when the security code is required on AP records. 
BPF-50467PurchasingPOUPRC - Fixed the issue where the warning message resulted in a block message. 
BPF-49353PurchasingPOUPPR line item description with a product code update is working as expected.
BPF-48390PurchasingClient Specific - Orange County - Resolved an issue where the description was being assigned incorrectly to multiple records.  
BPF-10410PurchasingPOUPPR screen default split type is based on the POPR/SPLIT common code setting. When Associated Code 1 is set to P or A, the split type defaults to Split by Percentage or Split by Amount respectively. If the common code is not set or missing, the split type defaults to Split by Percentage.
BPF-50717System & NucleusPYUPCC, PYUPDD, and PYUPHH -> Process Switches tab. The description for switches 25 and 26 is read from the PYFG / PY335C common code.
BPF-50866 and BPF-50856SystemsTo add the scheduling functionality for a particular BT70 job, you need to update its JCL with 's' as: COMMENT\[*_s_*job://BT70WR:Extraction]. Then, restart the service and IIS to get an option for date-time to schedule the job.
BPF-45110SystemsSSN is now masked in system timeout logs.
BPF-50120Timecard OnlineTO - Client Specific - Grand Rapids Public School District - Code related to security has been changed.
BPF-50711WorkflowModel versions are now combined in Workflow tasklist as expected. 
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