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Release - May 2021

Resolved Issues

TicketComponentsRelease Note
BPF-48108Accounts PayableAPOHBTUB - The PO Extract select checkbox functions as expected for received and non-received PO items that have split accounts. 
BPF-47368Accounts PayableAPTRBTUB - A user is able to save Invoice Text without any error.
BPF-47496Accounts ReceivableARBTCRIC - When AutoGenerateReceiptNo =Y, the Receipt number auto populates as expected.  
BPF-48031Click, Drag & DrillCDD - The CDD Picklist is correctly building the full query when run from the dashboard.
BPF-47250Click, Drag & DrillCDD - The report name is now displaying correctly when output screen is minimized.  
BPF-44662General LedgerGLBUBAUB - GL Budget From field is now completely visible.  
BPF-44177General LedgerGLUPKY - The Select code field drop-downs have been restored. 
BPF-46337Human ResourcesRMUPHI - The hired employee records are now filtered out in initial search by default. The option to include hired employees in the search results has been added. The hired employees are identified by the populated Employee ID field. 
BPF-47332Human ResourcesHRPYPA - Searches for multiple selection criteria in a single field no longer result in a screen error.  
BPF-47122Human ResourcesHREMES, Continuing Education, Course Units tab - The Fiscal Year Totals are getting calculated and displayed.
BPF-46992Human ResourcesHRPYPA/QP and HRRQEL - When the Employee Pay Assignment Lock functionality is engaged (HRRQSS, Additional Pay check box and HRRQEL records), the software uses the User ID of the logged in employee for comparison with the HRRQEL records to determine if a record can be changed.
BPF-45959Human ResourcesPYRERRWA01 - The links to HREMEN and HRPYPA correctly launch the respective screen.  
BPF-45789Human ResourcesHREMEN - When using the Create Employee option, the primary email address is now populated from the RMUPHI email field.  
BPF-25196Human ResourcesHRPYPA - PYHR/EDIT_PCN common code is now working correctly. HRPYQP will be addressed as a separate case. 
BPF-42996PayrollEO Check Stub - The EO Stubs are displaying Rate values, YTD totals, and Leave Balance data.
BPF-34851PayrollEO - Client Specific - Wicomico County School District - The Pay 24 Balance displays correctly.
BPF-43960PayrollEO - EO Check Stub, Check Message - Updated EO to recognize category “CMNT” with name = “DESC”.
BPF-47658PayrollPYUPHT -  The Post Date is correctly defaulting to the screen.
BPF-8649PayrollPYUPCA - Calendar dates are getting populated when using the Copy Calendar tool. 
BPF-47643Position BudgetingPBMDHR - Process improvements have been made to streamline the import process.
BPF-47620PurchasingPO Extract - Unit price and pay amount field width display has been expanded. 
BPF-47484PurchasingPOUPPR - User roles with PR entry are not able to auto-seed to assign a PO Number on screen and it is assigned automatically only through the POPO process.
BPF-47110SubTrackerSTUPSU - Long SQL statements are divided, by the software, into a series of four database columns. Each column holds a maximum of 234 characters. The software separates and stores sections of the SQL statement and puts them together again to display on the screen and for processing use.
BPF-47244SystemsDocuments Online - The Attachment delete button is no longer visible to users without delete permissions. 
BPF-44853NucleusNUUPAUSY - System option to prevent login is now working correctly. The Login message is updated to "System update in progress. Login has been disabled."
BPF-35766WorkflowThe pending jobs now display the status as Pending instead of Invalid Date.  
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