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Release - February 2021

Resolved Issues

TicketComponentRelease Note
BPF-39430Accounts PayablePEUPPE - Add New option to PEUPPE Vendor-> Method of Payment Addenda Type TXP. If Addenda Type = TXP and PE association "TXPVERIF" both exist for a vendor then use the Ohio City Tax format.

New Common code:
  • Category: OHEF
  • Code: TXPOH

Associated codes:
  • 1 Tax Payment Type Set to "11"
  • 2 Amount Type Set "T"
  • 3 Determines Tax period Ending Date - If set to PAYPEROD it will use the last day of the quarter associated with the invoice date.  Otherwise, it will use the invoice date.

Associated Description:
  • 1 Taxpayer ID (Client's Fed ID no Dashes)


On the VENDOR tab in the Payment Method, the EFT/ACH option needs to be selected and the EFT type set to CCD+, and the Addenda Type set to TXP.  Even though it says Florida, it will use the Toledo format if a tax verification code is associated with this vendor in the associations with a code of TXPVERIFY.

May need to add a new PEAS/TXPVERIF to see that option in the Association tab of PEUPPE.
BPF-36628Accounts PayableAPOHPPPA - Fixed the issue of deposit amount getting truncated in AP-EFT report.
BPF-35949Accounts PayableBPAP - After the fix, PO is extracted successfully without any block errors for multiple fixed assets with account splits.
BPF-32776Accounts PayableBPAP - If common code OHIN/WFNOTIFY exists then APOHUTIN sends a WF notification each time a new invoice (oh_bir_mstr) entry is created.
BPF-39842Employee OnlineEO - The screen name has been added to the title bar for each screen.
BPF-38817Employee OnlineEO, Menu, Employee Online Settings, Global Settings - A new checkbox Indefinite Access has been added to the Terminated Access section.  It allows for former employees to have unlimited access to Employee Online after they are terminated.  When the checkbox is selected the Number of Months field disables and the value clears.  The Access Level still directs what type of access the former employee receives: Read Only or Read/Write.
BPF-37522Employee OnlineEO - The Re-Enroll option is removed when the current plan is not part of future plans.
BPF-37182Employee OnlineEO - If dependent information is modified for future enrollment then the user has to re-enroll the dependents manually again.
BPF-36918Employee OnlineEO - Modified the check writer program to keep the RATE in the EO check stub to 4 decimal points and to avoid any truncation of the values if the RATE is greater than 999. 
BPF-35413Employee OnlineEO - Supplemental tracking has been added to the Employee Portal. Districts may select which tracking records to expose to the employee.

HR screens involved are:
  1. HRTBCE, Entity Specific Codes tab = hr_hrencode table where codeid = "TRACKING CODE"
  2. HREMET, Supplemental Tracking tab = hr_emptrac table

All tracking items, current and expired, display to the employee.  A future enhancement will provide a setting for clients to indicate if they want to exclude expired items.

The tracking card can be added to the Educational and Skills page via the Menu Setup page so it shows under the Education and Skills section.

The tracking card includes the following information:

  • Tracking Code and Description (Header) - description from HRTBCE, Entity Specific Codes where Code ID = TRACKING_CODE
  • Recorded Date = HREMET, Supplemental Tracking, Track Date
  • Expiration Date = HREMET, Supplemental Tracking, Expiration Date

New Setting card for Tracking:

  • Loads Tracking Codes from HRTBCE, Entity Specific Codes where Code ID = TRACKING_CODE
  • Displays a checkbox for each code
  • If the checkbox is checked, the code will be included in the employee tracking card

The Tracking card can be renamed or hidden using the fields in the Settings, Employee, Personal Information card

A custom message can be added to the Tracking card using the Settings, Custom Messages, Education and Skills, Tracking card

BPF-35411Employee OnlineCourse units which are having non-empty values in 4/Pend in HREMES are displayed as the pending course units in the course card.

This is based on EO Settings.  If "Exclude Pending Units" is checked, pending units are not included in the total course units.

Units that are pending display (Pending) next to the Unit amount

Districts can update "Exclude Pending Units" checkbox in Courses EO Settings to include or exclude pending units.

Courses are stored in the descending order of the fiscal year.
BPF-29366Employee OnlineWhen Exempt filing status is selected:
  1. The 2c 2 Jobs Total checkboxes are greyed out and do not allow entry.
  2. The PY Switch for 2 Jobs is set to N.
  3. The 3 Dependent Amount Total is cleared, greyed out, and does not allow entry.
  4. The 3 Dependent CDH assignments is end-dated in the yr_addltax table following the EO Date logic rules.
  5. The 4a Other Income is cleared, greyed out, and does not allow entry.
  6. The 4a Other Income CDH assignment is end-dated in the yr_addltax table following EO Date logic rules.
  7. The 4b Deductions are cleared, greyed out, and do not allow entry.
  8. The 4b Deductions CDH assignment is end-dated in the yr_addltax table following EO Date logic rules.
  9. The 4c additional amount is cleared, additional amount end-date greyed out and does not allow entry.
  10. The additional amount end date on the hr_mandded record for FIT is set to empty.

If the employee changes their Filing Status from EXEMPT to any other status, all fields are available for data entry and follow existing data entry rules.
BPF-7303General LedgerGLUPKP/GLUPOG - Account Matrix no longer allows entry of duplicate parts.  
BPF-5650General LedgerGLUTSUCC - Copy org keys utility applies account matrix rules. The key description populates based on GLFG/NEWKEY common and report format. 
BPF-40678General LedgerGLUPKY - Client-Specific - Pinellas - Background parts are now updated from Account Matrix when creating a new key.  This functionality is only available for customers using auto-generated accounts.  
BPF-37811Human Resources

HRUTZZ01 - The program has been rewritten from COBOL into .NET code.

The menu prompts have changed:

  • Name of the Flat File
  • Trial Mode? (Y/N)
  • Which Functional Area would you like to update?
  • Table Name - A drop-down with the contents dependent upon the above question.
BPF-34976Human ResourcesHRTBCE, Location Codes - Four fields have been added to the screen.  They make use of existing columns in the table. 
  • Addl 1 = date field
  • Addl 2 = numeric field with 2 decimal point precision
  • Addl 3 and Addl 4 = character fields with 15 character length. 
BPF-24263Human ResourcesHRUTBU and HRUTBL - Changed the field label "Entity ID" to "Entity" for software consistency.
BPF-30294PayrollBPPY - Charlotte County Public School District - Client-Specific - Fixed the truncating issue on Total Hour value on custom checkwriter. 
BPF-38818PayrollPYACUPF5 - There no longer is an error when editing a new manually entered record.
BPF-31940PayrollPYUTRTRP - Contract Retro Utility has been fixed to correctly move the pay when the pay line information changes retroactively.  
BPF-39672PurchasingBPPO - When an account is added in split, in grid mode it displays as "Split:n Accounts" where n is the number of accounts into which the amount splits.
BPF-40199Sub-TrackerSTUPBR - Users can now enter lower case values in the Misc1 and Misc2 fields in the Pay Rate/String tab.
BPF-35644SystemsHRTBCE, Bargaining Unit tab - The code has been refactored such that adding a new Bargaining Unit code no longer requires a restart of IIS or clearing browser cache.  The new code will immediately be available for use by the other HR screens.
BPF-37918WorkflowWF - Updated WF to re-process a failed instance one extra time.
BPF-35025WorkflowBPWF - After the fix, the workflow generated emails with links redirect to the login page if the user has not logged in. After the successful login, the link redirects to the screen mentioned in the URL.
BPF-25083WorkflowWF - Workflow was updated to report when an object is missing in the DBCustom file if the data file failed due to a missing object. 
BPF-40484Year-EndPYACREAL - The mask has been modified to include "Include Zip Codes" and the report has been modified to include the zip code and "AGE". 

- "AGE" appears in the left section of the report, next to ID.  The system derives the employee's age as of January 1st of the current year.

- "Include Zip Codes" appears in the "Additional Options" section and is a check box.  If checked, there is a column called "Zip Code", as the last column, in the report.  If not checked then the column will not appear in the report.
BPF-38748Year-EndPYACUPF5 - The read-only fields for dates and hours are now displaying correctly.
BPF-38027Year-EndPYACREAL - The mask has been modified to include "Include Zip Codes" and the report has been modified to include the zip code and "AGE". 

- "AGE" will appear in the left section of the report, next to ID.  The system derives the employee's age as of January 1st of the current year.

- "Include Zip Codes" appears in the "Additional Options" section and is a check box.  If checked there will be a column called "Zip Code", as the last column, in the report.  If not checked then the column will not appear in the report.
BPF-40917Year-EndBK99CC - Process now handles the new 1099-NEC form for 2020 reporting requirements.  
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