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Release - April 2023

Resolved Issues

TicketComponentRelease Note
BPF-71783Accounts PayableAPOHININ: In grid mode, the user can add, edit, and delete records. This applies to Parent and Child records.
BPF-71776Accounts ReceivableARBTARUB: In grid mode, the user can add, edit, and delete records. This applies to Parent and Child records.
BPF-72114Administrative ConsoleThe Admin Console Manage Security Structure plugin now has only one tool: Rebuild All Roles and Users. The tool rebuilds all users in all roles and updates the roles with a timestamp reflecting when the role and all users in the role were last rebuilt.
BPF-64652Budget Item DetailBDUTLP: Utility job imports the record into BDUPDAPB as expected. Previously, the mask had a hidden TD at the beginning, an old mask format.
BPF-73073BusinessPlus 7iDashboard: The Help icon on the BusinessPlus Dashboard directs to the new product help portal. There is a new look and feel for Online Help, with better search functionality.

You can reach the portal from any help page, such as a mask page, by clicking the PowerSchool P logo. The portal page displays all help spaces and by default it searches across spaces for more robust results.


Click, Drag, and Drill

CDD Reports: Removed the page count in the header, next to the report title. It was intended to be removed when the new page counter was added.


Documents Online

Workflow: Larger size tailsheets (for example, more than 1 GB) will be trimmed to 750 MB. Larger tailsheets with debug were causing WF crash and stall issues.

BPF-69133Documents Online

When a user deletes a record from a BusinessPlus page that includes an attachment, the link to the attachment is removed. The following tables are involved:

  • im_attach_mstr: Attachment definition, not deleted.

  • im_index_mstr, im_index_dtl: Related to attachment definition, not deleted.

  • im_index_data: Linkage table, deleted when all records using the link have been deleted.

  • im_info, im_paage: This is where DO blob lives, not deleted.



Client-specific for St. Clair (South Lyon Schools) AP and PY: Updated signatures for AP, PY and Bond 2020 ELFs.



Client-specific for Fort Wayne Community School District PY: Created py660fwc.cbl for their PY checks. Updated their PY check ELF.



Client-specific for Clay County AP and PY: Updated signatures for AP and PY ELFs.



Client-specific for Puyallup School District PO: Created new PO ELF that is the same as the regular PO ELF, except that the new ELF has no Terms and Conditions.



Client-specific for Oakland Schools MI (Bloomfield) AP and PY: Updated signatures for AP and PY ELFs.


Employee Online

EO: Record updates or inserts into various HR tables did not capture the logged in User ID into the update_who and create_who database columns. The following database tables are now updated with the logged in User ID.











Employee Online

EO Benefit Wizard: Client was occasionally receiving Bad Request error during benefit selection and saving. The issue has been resolved.

BPF-40962Employee OnlineClient-specific for Rockford School District EO Check Stub: Added an FTE column in the Wages section of the check stub.
BPF-72508General LedgerGLJEUB, GLJEUN: The label for the Balance Status column has been fixed. Previously it was pulling text into the column name that should have been description text for a record.
BPF-70733General LedgerGLRESR02: Fixed Search menu for when searching GLRESR02 in the top right search, so that it returns the correct page. Previously it was including obsolete pages that would not load.


Human Resources

HRPYPA/HRPYQP: The JL ledger object code was being required when a JL Key was used. That has been corrected and the JL Object code is no longer required.  

BPF-70937Human ResourcesHRTBBE - HRUTZZ01, Benefit Definitions (hr_benetble table): The Category is no longer required. The Benefit Plan needs data in one or more of the columns Benefit Code, Benefit Type, and Benefit Category. The software concatenates this data to create the Benefit Plan, which is a unique character string.

For example, if the Benefit Code is BS, the Benefit Type is PT, and the Benefit Category is blank, the Benefit Plan becomes BSPT, using the data from the Benefit Code and Benefit Type.


Human Resources

HRPYPA and HRPYQP: During the copy and paste process, sometimes the Object code pasted to the new record was not the correct object code. The coding has been corrected and now the object code of the record that was copied is the object code of the pasted record.


Human Resources

HRPYPA: A primary key constraint error appeared when a record was copied, pasted, and existing distribution deleted. The warning message about the record not being able to be approved without a distribution would display two times, resulting in the primary key error.

The code has been changed to show the warning about the missing distribution only one time. 


Human Resources

HRPYPA: The Bargaining Unit was not consistently populating from HRTBPC with new pay assignment records. The issue has been resolved and the Bargaining Unit populates from HRTBPC if it is present in the PCN/Position record.

BPF-20043Human ResourcesHRRQSS: The Deferred Pay tab has been removed because the software no longer supports the Deferred Pay function that, in the legacy software, used to link to HREMEN. The functionality has never existed in the new framework software.
BPF-70569InstallSYS - App Server Upgrade: Upgrade on an app server is now working based on the connection name.
BPF-60638InstallBusinessPlus installer has been updated to accept all special characters in the complex password except ; (semicolon) which is a reserved character.
BPF-73016NucleusA NUUPDF rule was causing performance issues and crashes in BTMQHOST. The issues were resolved by including Init_New() function in the VBScript section in NUUPDF for PPvDetails script.
BPF-72398NucleusUpdated the syscat login module to support every special character in the odbc password except ; (semicolon). Semicolon in odbc password is not supported because it is a reserved character that we use as a delimiter in the connection string.
BPF-71850NucleusPYUPHH: The primary datasource used on the PYUPHH page was a pseudo datasource, so modified field labels using NUUPDF, PYCdhMaster was not working. Fixed the data source, modified from PYHoursMaster to PYCdhMaster. 



Client-specific for Canton City OH SD PYRECSCN: Checked in JCL, mask was missing on the menu.



PYUTAP: Dollar amounts larger than single millions were being truncated in the Payroll to AP Interface report. The width of the Amount column has been increased to allow for amounts in the 100's of millions of dollars. For example, an amount such as 102,723,879.99 will display in the single row amount field as well as the total amount field.


Payroll Timecards

PYTCDTUB / PYTCDTTM / PYTCDTUK: The Include in Subtotal grid field was not allowing new set entries when a match character was found in another set name, for example, if TC2301004 set name existed, the page was not allowing a new set name of C2301004 within the same pay period, due to the string of matching characters. The code control has been changed to do a character match from left to right only, so it allows all new entries into the field.

BPF-73171PCardAPPCRC, APPCEZ: When validating records on APPCRC and APPCEZ pages, the group status is now updated automatically to VA when all of the transactions within the group are validated.
BPF-73066PCardAPPCTR: The button label has been updated from Validate Group to Validate.

P-Card help page links are directing to the respective online documentation for the following P-Card pages:






You can find the APPCUTMP help page in

Pages - P-Card because there is no Help link on the web form page.

BPF-72872PCardAPPCTR: When changes are made to an approved transaction, the approved checkbox is cleared by the system.
BPF-72721PCardP-Card: Updated PCARD_APPRG.wdl and PCARD_APPRT.wdl workflow models to include the rejection process. To use the revised models, a client needs to import the updated models.
BPF-72506PCardAPPCEZ, APPCRC, APPCTR: A new lookup code and value, RJ - Rejected, has been added for the Status field. The status will be updated to RJ when workflow rejections for PCard transactions occur at the group level or transaction level.

APPCUTMP: Import will work for date format (month day year) or (day month year) with the date in one of the following formats:

  • Hyphen: mm-dd-yyyy or dd-mm-yyyy

  • Slash: mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy

  • No space: mmddyyyy or ddmmyyyy

BPF-72201PCardAPPCUTSI: Added an exception report to the tailsheet.
BPF-72064PCardAPPCUTMP: Visa Commercial 4.0 and Mastercard CDF3 have been added as Pre-Defined Formats.



APPCUTMP, Add New Format page: Two very minor cosmetic changes have been made.

  • A period was added at the end of the second sentence. 
  • A hyphen was inserted between P and Card in the label for the P-Card Schema Name drop-down field.



APPCBK: This is a cosmetic field label correction. Some field labels were inconsistent with regard to text case. The field labels now appear in title case.


CDD has new standard P-Card reports:

  • PCRD1000: Unreconciled Purchase Card Report
  • PCRD1001: Purchase Card Transaction Report - A user is able to enter criteria to generate the report.
BPF-73140Person/EntityPEUTCI, PEUTCB, and PEUTCH: The documentation links have been corrected.



PEUTZZ01: The Name field was not populating correctly when using First & Last Names. The NAME field should populate as LAST, FIRST but was populating FIRST LAST. This has been corrected. The Name field now populates correctly in PEUPPE by the update mode of the PEUTZZ01 process.



In POUPPR for PunchOut PRs and POs, by default the description field is not editable. This aligns with how it worked in previous versions of BusinessPlus. If you want to allow users to edit the description, use the POXP\OPTIONS common code to ALLOW PR UPDATE. Review the common code guide for setup.



POUPPP: Entering JL accounts in the PunchOut process is getting recognized in POUPPR. Previously, JL accounts were displaying blank in POUPPR after checkout.



APOHININ, APOHBTUB: The JL key & objects no longer show up twice on the PO extract window. 

BPF-72564RecruitmentBusinessPlus (BP) and Applicant Tracking (ATS) Integration: Degree & Certificate Object Mappings

The user payload with Degree & Certificate information is mapped and saved in RMUPHI on the Education & License tabs, respectively.



RMUPHI: Auto-fetch for Calendar & Salary Schedule drop-down list was not working before Save record, after manual date entry for Pay Begin/End and Work Begin/End dates and Tab out. It was requiring you to save, close the page, and reopen it. This has been fixed for these calendar fields with manual date entry & Tab out.



Rebuild All Roles and Users: When the user disables the workflow model (REBUILD_ALL_USRS) the error message that appears is: Unable to load workflow model "REBUILD_ALL_USRS". Previously the error did not specify the model.

BPF-73185StateClient-specific for Cincinnati CDD: EMIS CK reporting file backup.



State-specific for FL Reemployment file (Florida's unemployment): Made change to py781fl.cbl to adapt to 22.4 framework where the file names for questions that have a !DATA qualifier add .DATA.ADMIN to the question response. Needed to strip off the qualifier when issuing Unix commands from within the Cobol program.

For example, question PY1D prompts you to enter a file name. You enter NEWFILE and !DATA in the Qualifier field appends .DATA.ADMIN, creating a file name NEWFILE.DATA.ADMIN. Unix commands assume the ADMIN/DATA directory, so .DATA.ADMIN is deleted from the file name and the file name is reverted to NEWFILE before it is given to the Unix command.



State-specific for Washington DRS: Fixed issue where the summation of Reported Dollars was incorrect.  A previous change reversed the logic by mistake. Also allowed P > E entries to add to unique period table.  The second issue only applies to sites that do not report monthly.



State-specific for Washington DRS: If an employee had more than one record for a specific earning period in the retwa_reported table it was not adding them together correctly. This has been resolved.

BPF-72637StateState-specific for Idaho Reporting: Resolved an issue where BT10RRID.dll was not being built and delivered with releases.



State-specific for WI DPI WISE Data File Enhancement: Added calculation of Ending Fund balance for specific balance entries in the actuals extract process and removed Fund 07 from the file. Also made the Function Code associated with each Fund configurable so it works for all clients.



BDUTFI jobs: BDUTFI would sometimes randomly fail to submit, and display the error: Nucleus job launch failed. This issue has been resolved.


Timecard Online

Client-specific for Highline TO: Updated custom TO position panel to handle GL keys of fewer than 4 characters.

BPF-65710Web FormsClient-specific for Hazelwood School District Webform: Final version of Hazelwood’s BCR, JER, and TER webforms built in 20.11 framework.
BPF-72502WorkflowSecurity - Rebuild All Roles and Users: Updated REBUILD_ALL_USRS workflow model to update the Last Rebuild timestamp on the roles table when all users in the role are rebuilt.
BPF-67662WorkflowWorkflow Task List: When modifying the Workflow Task List Header for the AP Approval Workflow Model, some fields were displaying incorrectly and some fields were not appearing when they should. Updated the OHBirMaster table definition so that it displays the proper columns available. Now the AP_APRV workflow model Task List headers Invoice Date and Invoice Total will appear as created and the Pseudo column name is updated.
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