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Release - January 2023

Resolved Issues

TicketComponentRelease Note
BPF-69335Accounts ReceivableARBTARUB: When a user enters a second invoice for the same Account ID in ARBTARUB and presses Enter, the screen no longer freezes. The record saves successfully. 
BPF-68793Accounts ReceivableARBTCRIC: ARBTCRIC_Settings.xml recognizes DefaultHitAR where the Value = Y and the Hit AR field in the ARBTCRIC is selected.
BPF-58085Bank ReconciliationClient-specific for Northshore School District BKCSNS: Fixed a file label error for the custom mask.
BPF-69306ELFClient-specific for Oakland Schools (Rochester) AP: For AP checks, modified the location of:
  • Pay Exactly
  • To the order of
BPF-67115ELFClient-specific for Oakland Schools MI (Clawson) AP and PY: Created new AP and PY ELFs for new bank.
BPF-69946Employee OnlineTax Withholdings: State tax changes are updating to HRPYPR correctly.
BPF-69641Employee OnlineDirect Deposit: When the EO Settings, Payroll, Direct Deposit, Test EFT checkbox is selected, the HRPYPR, Direct Deposit record Test EFT is also selected.
BPF-67240Employee OnlineFixed an issue where an employee was able to modify data that was marked uneditable.
BPF-69428General LedgerAccount lookup: The horizontal scroll bar appears at any zoom mode (to 125% max) and a user can scroll left or right at any point without scrolling down. The lookup header remains on the page if user scrolls down.

Functionality is designed to work up to 125% zoom.
BPF-68812General LedgerGLBUBAAJ, GLBUBAAN, GLBUBATR, and GLBUBAUB: A Set ID field was added in the Budget Adjustment and Budget Transfer tabs on GLBUBAAJ, GLBUBAAN, GLBUBATR, and GLBUBAUB pages. It is a read-only field available in Find, Add and Edit modes that fetches respective Set ID values from the Set tab with respect to the selected record.

The Net total refreshes correctly if a user changes the credit or debit values, particularly if the difference is of 0.01 value. 
BPF-69323Human ResourcesPYACUTIP: Dependent names import into PYACUPF5 correctly.
BPF-63974NucleusAdmin Console: The Single Sign-On (SSO) mapping value is not deleted when NUUPUS user records are updated. 
BPF-23910NucleusAdmin Console:  The Assign Security Roles plugin has been updated to a maximum limit of 2500. It can fetch and display 2500 users when loading into NUUPSA or when assigning security roles from Admin Console. The previous limit was 2000.
BPF-68280PayrollEmployee Online Check Stubs: Zero or blank Rate and Hours display as blank.
BPF-66151PayrollPYUPHT: The History Transfer program writes Pay to the SYSTM Batch in pyt_hrs_dtl.   

APPCRC: A user can manually close or update the statement status of a bank statement to CL when all the transactions in the bank statements are sent to AP and payments are processed for all of the transactions.

BPF-70284PCardAPPCCR: The card_holder_name length is increased to 128 characters in the pc_stmt_holder table and a user can update the Person/Entity ID in APPCCR without an error.
BPF-70203PCardAPPCRC: Users can save and process PO and Non-PO reconciliation records without errors.
BPF-70064PCardAPPCRC, APPCEZ, APPCTR: Block or warning messages are cleared automatically after updating the records in the Accounts tab without manually reloading the screen.

There is one exception which will be resolved separately. The following message is not cleared automatically: An attachment is required for all transactions
BPF-69987PCardAPPCTR and APPCEZ: Description field label format was changed to bold with a red asterisk to indicate it is required.
BPF-69921PCardAPPCEZ and APPCTR: Deleting a record on the Accounts tab does not reload the transaction records. It stays on the same transaction record.
BPF-69739PCardAPPCEZ, APPCRC, APPCTR: Able to save reconciliation records in the Accounts tab without an error. 
BPF-69552PCardAPPCRC: Deleting a record on the Accounts tab does not reload the transaction records. It stays on the same transaction record.
BPF-69296PCardAPPCRC: For a reprinted PO, the PO Extract tool extracts the PO.
BPF-69295PCardAPPCRC: When PO Extract method is set to W and quantity or amount are entered as received, it extracts only the received quantity or amount.
BPF-69248PCardAPPCRC: Added the ability to extract the PO Number to Account Details for each line item during PO Extract.
BPF-69228PCardAPPCRC: Added the ability to extract multiple PO line items and reconcile them with the existing record during PO Extract. The amount on the existing record is credited per the amounts being extracted in. A user can also add additional lines that will credit against the existing record amount.
BPF-69017PCardThe PCard mapping webform displays two options for the order of dates. Dates can be entered with slashes, hyphens, or no spaces but must be in order of month first or day first based on the option selected.
  • Month Day Year (default)
    • mm/dd/yyyy
    • mm/dd/yy
    • mm-dd-yyyy
    • mm-dd-yy
    • mmddyyyy
    • mmddyy
  • Day Month Year
    • dd/mm/yyyy
    • dd/mm/yy
    • dd-mm-yyyy
    • dd-mm-yy
    • ddmmyyyy
    • ddmmyy
BPF-67750PCardPCard: Updated PCARD_APPRG.wdl and PCARD_APPRT.wdl Workflow models and stylesheet to trigger in VA status. 
BPF-66018PCardAPPCEZ: Transactions only appear if a user is configured as a reconciler in APPCCR, either as Primary (Reconciler ID) or as Back-Up (Back-Up ID).
  • Primary Reconciler: When checking the filter, it will only display transactions where the logged-in user is configured as the primary reconciler in APPCCR.
  • Back-Up Reconciler: When checking the filter, it will only display transactions where the logged-in user is configured as a back-up reconciler in APPCCR.
BPF-69399Pcard TasklistPCard Workflow Tasks: Fully qualified accounts appear with correct formatting on the PCard stylesheet. 
BPF-67749Person EntityPEUTZZ01: The Name field populates correctly in PEUPPE by the update mode of the PEUTZZ01 process.
BPF-70168PurchasingPOUPPR: When using split by percent and the total is not 100%, an error appears: Total account split percent must equal 100%.
BPF-68832PurchasingClient-specific for Blue Valley Unified School District 229 Purchasing: On PO ELF, changed Vendor Contact label to Contract Number.
BPF-66569PurchasingPORERR: If a user enters inconsistent information in the prompts, a warning appears: WARNING - No detail was found for the particular selection criteria
BPF-70066StateState-specific for Idaho: Corrected the index definition for the RRID_FTD table.
BPF-70003StateState-specific for Washington DRS: Fixed Unique id column to start at current max id plus one. Previously it was being set to zero in some cases which generated a duplicate id warning.
BPF-69803StateState-specific for Washington S275 process: The annual amount was being calculated from the benefit period times the number of months the assignment was active. Now the process also multiplies by the number of periods in the month as defined from the period definition. The change calculates the amount for semi-monthly payrolls accurately.
BPF-69771StateState-specific for Washington Unemployment report: Initial release of the Washington State-specific unemployment report (PYRESRWAUI). This allows multiple sites to test at the same time.
BPF-64425StateState-specific for Idaho: Added a new page for the Idaho Financial Transparency Data Collection report.
BPF-63137StateState-specific for Idaho FTDC: Adjusted FTDC Extract SQL and added additional debugging outputs. Removed common code from rootrool to prevent overwrite of client configuration.
BPF-69596SystemsHREMxx pages: The Entity field defaults in Search Mode if a record for the logged-in user exists in HRRQUS. Pages affected are: HREMEN, HREMES, HREMET, HREMMS, HREMPF, HREMPR, and HREMTS.  This ticket is phase 1 of 4.  
BPF-68766SystemsJQuery CDN is updated to the 3.6.1 version in Login, Forgot Login, Change Password, and Signout pages. 
BPF-67235SystemsValidation checks the encryption key before validating the email account in the OAuth configuration.

In Workflow Designer Activity Properties, if “Do not skip activity if assignee notified already” is not selected and an email was sent from a previous activity, no email is triggered for the user.

BPF-69200WorkflowWorkflow: If there are no error details in the Workflow email activity, it will send a generic email message.
BPF-68186Workflow7i: Updated the code needed for webform backwards compatibility.
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