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Release - March 2022

Resolved Issues

TicketComponentsRelease Note
BPF-51880Accounts ReceivableARBTCRUB - The user is able to update unique Acct Name for ZZBLANK (as per ARBT/BLANKID common code) receipts, matching legacy behavior. 
  1. The Acct Names are disabled other than ZZBLANK accounts id.
  2. The user is able to create a receipt by filling both master and detail sections, otherwise the system will throw a 'Pay Type is required' error.
BPF-43268Accounts Receivable

Fixed common code-based lists to address cached data after updates, causing the wrong code to be defaulted. 

BPF-59878DashboardDashboard - Page links will open without dependence on the case of the URL (upper, lower, or mixed).
BPF-58755Employee OnlineBPEO - Menu, Personal Information, Job Information: Current Position, Future Positions, and Historical Positions use the Pay Begin and Pay End dates to obtain salary schedule and related information from the Salary Definitions page (HRTBSL).
BPF-59595Employee Online

BPEO - BT70YR.CreateEOAttachments has been refactored to remove unnecessary trace messages, to add more meaningful trace and tail-sheet messages.

BPF-59715Employee OnlineBPEO - Client Specific - Davenport Community School District - EO legacy check stubs link issue has been resolved.  
BPF-60100Employee Online

EO and HRPYBE, Dependent/Beneficiary Assignments tab - Background processing has been improved for high traffic volume.

  • The Transaction ID on HREOTR has been changed to a system-generated 36-character string and the default sort order is now by Original Request Date.
  • The format of the Notes field entry on the HRPYBE, Dependent/Beneficiary Assignments record has been changed to accommodate the longer Transaction ID.
BPF-60016General LedgerGLBUBAUB - The Amount field has been moved to follow the 'From GL Account' field on the Main tab of the Budget Adjustment page. 
BPF-59772General LedgerGLJEUB - Performing search on credit or debit displays results based on entered value.
BPF-58226General Ledger

GLUTSUCP - Job will now complete without error when key or object parts are blank or empty in the first few rows in the GLUPGN setup.

BPF-58519Human Resources

New utility logic added to archive and delete hr_eostub data for a given begin/end date and/or pay period.  Data can be archived and restored as needed.  Feature will be available in a future release.  

BPF-57163Human Resources

HRUTZZ01, Education table - A couple of changes and corrections have been made.

  • The INSTITUTE column is not required in the input file.
  • MAJOR_CD - If a value is provided, the MAJOR_CD will be included in the primary key, otherwise ENTITY_ID (defaults to ROOT), ID, DEGREE, and DATEAWARD will be the primary key.
BPF-58752PayrollEO Check Stub - The PY660K12 program has been modified to show more than 25 hr_eostub lines with category EA in the regular Wages section of the check stub instead of rolling them up into 'OTHERS'.   
BPF-11065PayrollPYUTCWEM - Cosmetic changes have been made.
BPF-56483PayrollHREMEN - User can add values in alphabet, symbols and numbers for Phone Ext 1 and 2 fields.

PYPYDP / PYTPDP - The Fiscal Year Grand Total for the Deduction Register has been corrected. It now calculates and displays correctly.

BPF-52143Person/EntityPEUPPR - Internal and External Object ledger code defaults to logged-in user's ledger if they are NULL/blank in DB. Manipulating the data for Internal and External objects on UI updates the DB columns as expected. 
BPF-59139PunchOutPunchOut - Special characters and double spaces no longer cause errors in extract.
BPF-52142Stores InventorySIINCTUB - Product ID text field displays description.
BPF-58245Stores InventorySIBTUB, Set tab - The system calculates ‘Set Total’ when saving detail tab records without any error.
BPF-59756SubTrackerSTUTCT - Report header updated to "PowerSchool Software Time Card Report".  
BPF-55651WorkflowThe "Hold" button in the PR model will be displayed when the group task is created in the workflow model.
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