Release - November 2021
Resolved Issues
Ticket | Components | Release Notes |
BPF-47669 | Accounts Payable | APIPBTUB - The page is now available in 20.11 release. |
BPF-51301 | Bank Reconciliation | BKUPCD, Address tab - The zip, street, and city display values as expected. |
BPF-56357 | Click, Drag, and Drill | If the user adds any special characters for a Drill down description, the report in the UI will generate without any console error. |
BPF-56702 | Compliance | Corrected rounding issues with Washington Specific Navia Retirement Report. |
BPF-56701 | Compliance | WI-State ED-FI data File creation and format to send to DEX. |
BPF-56700 | Compliance | Completed changes to bring Montana TRS reporting up to date with the current output format. |
BPF-56544 | Dashboard | Menu links can now be added to the dashboard from any menu level. |
BPF-56781 | Employee Online | Benefit Enrollment - Benefit selections are continuing to display through to and after the Confirm All process. |
BPF-56595 | Employee Online | Payroll Check Stub - Front end changes have been made to display Section 125 items. The name column in the hr_eostub table needs to contain SEC125-TOT-PTD or SEC125-TOT-YTD for an item to be recognized, |
BPF-53925 | Employee Online | Benefit Enrollment Wizard - Benefits requiring an amount to be entered will display an error if at least a minimum amount is not provided. |
BPF-56065 | Fixed Asset | FAUTLI - The dynamic prompt PO Number Length (8 or 16) is added to enter the appropriate PO number by the user to allow a PO length of 8 or 16. |
BPF-56048 | General Ledger | GLBUUP - In the GLBUUP mask, the user can add and edit values for Budget fields. |
BPF-55549 | General Ledger | Total credit and debit are updated correctly in GLJEUB when set descriptions are updated. |
BPF-56772 | Human Resources | HREMPF - Evaluator ID lookup is no longer causing a page issue when selected. |
BPF-56480 | Human Resources | HREMES - Units Accepted 2 field has been re-added to the Course Units tab. |
BPF-56278 | Human Resources | HRRTCA - Missing fields Pay Cd (hr_mandret.pers_code) and Work Schedule (hr_mandret.perscd01) are added to the screen as per Legacy. |
BPF-56204 | Human Resources | HRPYPA - After changing the index key, the Actual Period value updates after clicking Save. |
BPF-56150 | Human Resources | HREMEN, Termination tab - The behavior of the termination process is correct. If the HRPY/TERMDT common code has LAST-PAID in the Short Description field, then that date is used to populate the screen end date fields. |
BPF-56069 | Human Resources | HRPYPA - Calc Option 26 processing has been corrected. There is no longer a need to use the Override Salary or clear the Prorate Salary field. The value placed into the designated Misc Value field is the result of the Actual Per Period minus the Default Per Period multiplied by the Actual Periods. |
BPF-55795 | Human Resources | HRPYPA - The user is able to save a record without any error when the GL account is the same and JL accounts are different in distribution lines. The issue was fixed for HRPY/MISCDIST common code as well. |
BPF-54988 | Human Resources | HRPYPA - The distribution line is not deleting on saving empty/blank objects. |
BPF-55723 | Human Resources | HRPYPA - Contract Stop/Start is correctly calculating the Actual Per Period value. |
BPF-53724 | Human Resources | HRUTSU - Resolved issue where custom SQL was not being applied properly. |
BPF-53719 | Human Resources | HRUTZZ01 - HRPYBE, hr_family table - The Suffix column in the data file validates to common codes (cd_codes_mstr) where cd_category = PESF. |
BPF-50716 | Human Resources | HRTBPC - The Salary Schedule, Range, and Step fields are no longer tied to HRTBSL (Salary Table) begin and end dates. The drop-down lists have been changed to display unique items / no duplicates. |
BPF-50127 | Human Resources | HRUTPU and HRPYPA - Two fixes have been made as follows:
BPF-48328 | Human Resources | HRPYPR - Ensured that the user remains in edit mode after adding/editing the record to provide an experience similar to legacy. |
BPF-44855 | Human Resources | HREMEN - Field label Dist. Sen has been changed to Dist. Seniority. |
BPF-16284 | Human Resources | HRCRCD, HREMEN, HREMES (License/Certification tab) - NCLB Credential field check box and processing has been corrected. Business rules behave as follows:
BPF-55438 | Payroll | PYACUTIP - The tail sheet is displaying the correct employee ID when there are more than 100 tax year records. |
BPF-51660 | Payroll | PYTCDTTM - Common code PYFG / PY397NLK affects the CDH numbers that display in the timecard page. CDH codes are normally filtered by pay class but if the common code is ON and contains a code up to four characters in Associated Codes #1, then the CDHs are further filtered by a match between the Associated Codes #1 value and the PYUPHH record's Relate To Code #8 match. |
BPF-47025 | Payroll | PYRESPRE - The Reconciliation report First period to compare (example, 2101001) and Second period to compare (example, 2101002) shows prompt with example year according to the current year. |
BPF-46983 | Payroll | PYTCDTUB - Period has been added to the Advanced Search popup. The field is now display-only based on the period entered on the page itself. |
BPF-9117 | Payroll | PYUPDD, Misc Code/Relate To Code tab - The three parts of the eight Relate To Code fields are labeled with the letters A, B, and C. |
BPF-55558 | Person/Entity | PEUTCI - The PEUTCI does not fail for key constraint PE_LOG_DTL_L when merging two vendors. |
BPF-11942 | Position Budgeting | PBGLMB - An asterisk has been added to the end of the Fiscal Year field to visually indicate the field is required. |
BPF-53580 | Procurement Card | Procurement Cards (P-Cards) - Default security code is now defaulted correctly on P-Card records. |
BPF-48548 | PunchOut | POUPPP, Ship To Address code will be populating based on POAH/ADDRESS hierarchy from the list of addresses in PEUPPE for the selected PE-ID. |
BPF-55797 | Stores Inventory | The account number now defaults on SIBTUB from SIUPWH when using fully qualified accounts. |
BPF-55784 | Stores Inventory | SIOEUB - User is able to update quantities in the grid view without deleting the account on Save. |
BPF-42205 | Stores Inventory | SIOEEX - The Quantity to Ship and Use Exception Quantity fields are editable in the grid view. |
BPF-55902 | System and Nucleus | User can delete the Association code from the NUUPUS page. |
BPF-56547 | Timecard Online | Hour code column has been expanded to display additional characters. |
BPF-56061 | Timecard Online | Search ID (x) has been fixed to display with Firefox browser. |
BPF-55866 | Workflow | Workflow has been updated to not keep a failed instance in memory if it did not fetch it for the specified criteria. Workflow will remove the failed item from its memory so it can re-process with updated data. |
BPF-55696 | Workflow | Tasklist - PR approval default stylesheet displays FQA accounting format correctly when more than one line item exists for a PO. |
BPF-55062 | Workflow | The workflow is updated to re-try sending the email if it fails in the first attempt. The re-try will happen only if the connection and other required parameters are correct and only for the SendEmail activity. |