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Release - February 2025

Release Notes



Release Notes


Accounts Payable

APOHININ: When the attachments are added with special characters the system will display an error message to remove the special characters and try again.


Accounts Payable 

APOHBTBP: The warning message will not be displayed when the Posting Date is valid. The warning message will be only displayed when Batch Proof utility has a Posting Date prior to the Initial encumbrance date.  


Accounts Payable

Client-specific for Brownsville AP and PY: Updated signatures for AP and PY checks.


ATS/Records Integration

HRINIS: A new sub-section Employee Details has been added under Unified Talent, Employee Records section. The sub-section has new checkboxes Send Employee Job Type, Receive Employee Job Type, and Send Supervisor to manage the Job Type and Supervisor sync.


Bank Reconciliation

BK99CB: The report now accurately displays the Grand Total for Non-Emp compensation. Previously, the report was dropping the 11th digit in the Grand Total.


Employee Online

Employee Online: The EO check stub displays the address line from the XPE-ADDR3 in the GENERAL INFO category of hr_eostub if a value is available for it. Previously, the XPE-ADDR3 value is not shown in the check stub resulting in missing address parts.


Employee Online

Employee Online : After upgrading to version, base64 images are no longer supported in custom home page messages; alternative methods for uploading images or banners are documented in the online help under Employee Online / Procedures - EO/ Adding a Form to Custom Messages.


Fixed Assets

FADPRS, FADPRD: When disposing of an asset and running depreciation, the asset is no longer excluded from the report due to an incorrect date comparison. Previously, the asset was excluded from the report, and an error message was displayed in the FADPRD process when the disposal date was the same as the last depreciation date.


General Ledger

GLUTSUUN: This release addresses an issue in the GL Undo Process where entering an incorrect Job Number could lead to the deletion of records unrelated to the General Ledger. The following changes have been implemented to prevent data corruption:

  1. Lookup Value Update: The lookup value for the question 'Please choose the subsystems to be affected' has been changed from JE to GL (General Ledger).

  1. Default Value Adjustment: The default value for the question 'Please choose the subsystems to be affected' has been set to GL. The previous default values (00-GL, BU, and EN) have been removed to prevent impact on all subsystems if an incorrect Job ID is entered. Users can now select the appropriate value from the lookup.

  1. Warning Message Addition: A warning message has been added to the GLUTSUUN screen on submit - Please ensure the Job number to be purged is correct.


Forms Printing

Client-specific for Weber School District AP: Fixed AP check issue where check number was in the wrong place.


Forms Printing

Client-specific for Grossmont AP: Updated signatures for AP checks.


Forms Printing

Client-specific for Weber School District AP: For AP checks, modified font to be larger and in bold after Forms Printing was added.


Forms Printing

Client-specific for Corpus Christi ISD PY: New client-specific option for PY checks to use common code PYFG/CCIHSA to set additional HSA CDHs. The long description holds the CDHs, delimited by commas. Also need a comma at the end of the list of CDHs in the long description.


Forms Printing

Client-specific for Federal Way Public Schools PY: Changed PY check data to bold, removed location field from PY check, and, moved signature on check.


Forms Printing

Client-specific for Littleton AP and PY: Updated AP SPFM file, AP and PY tifs for Forms Printing.


General Ledger

Ledger security has been updated to prevent users from distributing JEs for unauthorized ledgers. Users can now only distribute JEs to ledgers they have access to.

o GLJEDS (Distribution): Now fails if the user does not have access to the ledger.

o GLJEBP (Batch Proof): It still runs but will throw an error if the user lacks access.

Previously, users with GLJEDS access could distribute a Journal Entry (JE) batch for any ledger if they knew the batch name, even without access to that ledger.


General Ledger

GLJEBP: The Journal Entry Batch Proof report now accurately displays the correct PEID and name information. Previously, the report was displaying incorrect PEID and name in the journal entry.


Human Resources

HREMPR: The user can now add the Notes under the Emergency tab with mixed cases (Upper and Lower). Previously, the system displayed the Notes in mixed cases in the grid mode but not in the edit mode.



NUUPDF: The CMEncumItem column now appears under Contract Management in NUUPDF. Previously, the CMEncumItem was not available.



APPCCR: The Reconciler ID field in APPCCR now blocks only when the User Status is 'I - Inactive'. When updating the Reconciler ID to a user with a status of ‘P’ or ‘L’, a warning message is prompted, but the user is no longer blocked from saving the record.

o Status L: Reconciler ID <userid> is Locked in Finance User Settings.

o Status P: Reconciler ID <userid> requires a Password Change on next login in Finance User Settings.

NOTE: This is applicable for other fields as User ID, Back-Up ID 1 to 3. 



PYUPHT: The history transfer process now process all pay periods for a selected date range, ensuring that all pay period transfers and data are processed accordingly into the pyt_hrs_dtl and pyh_hst_dtl tables. Previously, history transfer process was working as expected for a pay period transfer but not always for a date range.



PYW2EOSE: Archive Copy stored under Document Online records can be split into smaller groups based on the Common Code value of PYW2/EOMAX, Associate Numeric Code1. Previously the file size was too large and was saving the archive copy as .DATA file and the client was not able to convert the file to PDF for viewing.


Purchase Order

POUPPR: Users can no longer add or update purchase item details for dates that fall outside the POBU/OPEN date range. Previously, the system allowed adding or updating line items.


Records Integration

Records Integration: Introduced a new screen, Integration Transaction Details (HRINTR), to capture employee information (Demographic, W4 and Direct Deposit) updates from the Records application.



State-specific to MI: Updated Michigan Department of Taxation Addenda record.



State-specific to Kansas: Change SUI report to handle new 10 digit account numbers.



State-specific for Montana TRS Report: Updated TRS report to exclude ineligible employees and to use check date month to determine CDH eligibility.



State specific Kansas: Updated 2025 state tax common codes and updated the calc code for State Income Tax CDH code. 



State-specific to Washington ACA interface fix: The following changes were made to the file layout, Country was added to the file, Age was moved from the end of the file to the middle and now the overridden flag is now maintained from the 1095 master table.


Payroll Timecard

NUUPUS/PYTCDTUB/PYTCDTUK: If the user is idle, their session will remain active until the Inactivity Timeout (NUUPUS) ends. As the timeout approaches, a Session Expiration popup appears with the message - Your session will end in XX seconds. Click ‘Continue’ to resume the session.

The user must continue to keep the session active or they will be signed out, requiring them to log in again to relaunch the Payroll (PY) Timecards Entry pages.

The Inactivity timeout setting is defined in the Admin Console under the Manage Users section.



The workflow model PYW2EOAT (version 2) for C# A1 Activity is now set to ‘None’. Previously, an error occurred because the A1 C# Activity was set to 'Person: User Triggering Workflow'.



Workflow: The check box Notify All, no longer causes email failures when sending to a specific person. The trace file now displays a warning if, Notify All is checked with an invalid Role name or when the field Who is set to Person. Previously, this issue caused the email to fail to send. This update aims to prevent email failures when using the E-mail (Notify) action to send emails to individual recipients. 



Workflow: Updated C# workflow model activity logic to support workflow model trigger for the table on Insert, Update and Delete operations.



Increased State ID to 15 characters on 1099 forms and file.

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