Release - April 2022
Resolved Issues
Ticket | Component | Release Note |
BPF-27247 | Accounts Payable | CalSTRS accepts the current AP EFT Addenda option 7. EFT file will fetch the Invoice number for the payment types 04, 05, and 06 and leave it blank for the other three payment types 01, 02, and 03. |
BPF-45045 | Accounts Payable | APOHBTUB: Total quantity extracted is equal to the pay quantity chosen. |
BPF-57454 | Accounts Payable | Petty Cash Print Receipt button functionality has been restored on the APIPCSPCUP page. |
BPF-60866 | Accounts Payable | Documents added to the invoice through APOHBTUB will refresh immediately. |
BPF-60895 | Accounts Payable | APOHPPRP reports including discounts and calculations perform correctly. |
BPF-61068 | Accounts Payable | The Bank ID display has been fixed when the security filter is applied to CKID common code. |
BPF-61601 | Accounts Payable | Converted Restricted Check Entry (APOHCSRCRC) page to 20.11 framework. |
BPF-61216 | Accounts Receivable | ARBTCRIC: When a user adds receipt details, clicking the Save button displays an error message “Save is Not Allowed. Please click Process Receipt button." |
BPF-39927 | Bank Reconciliation | Converted Restricted Check Issue (BKCSCI) page to 20.11 framework. |
BPF-60870 | Click, Drag & Drill | Resolved issue with CDD Drill Report skipping selection criteria prompts. |
BPF-61170 | Click, Drag & Drill and Systems | In Thin CDD, drill down pop-up will display for 10 seconds. Multiple drill downs will display individually. |
BPF-59170 | Cognos Reporting | Cognos has been updated to use JWT token when SSO is active. |
BPF-59794 | Employee Online | Client-specific for Mesa County: Migrated custom checkwriter to standard checkwriter to support Employee Online checks. |
BPF-60817 | Employee Online | EO Benefit Wizard, Re-Enroll button:
BPF-60418 | General Ledger | GLUTSUCP02: Fixed missing questions and functionality to match legacy. |
BPF-61151 | General Ledger | GLBUFTAS mask is accessible in 20.11 and functionality matches legacy. The common code GLFG/AVGSAL should be set to the user's ledger to take effect of label change on the page. |
BPF-61152 | General Ledger | GLBUFTFR mask is accessible in 20.11 and functionality matches legacy. The common code GLFG/FRINGE should be set to the user's ledger to take effect of label change on the page. |
BPF-60144 | Human Resources | HRPYPA: The PCN FTE auto-calculation, when the field is zero and Ovrd Hours/Days/Perds is selected, has been corrected. |
BPF-60639 | Human Resources | Added logic to broadcast clear cache for all 7i web servers when miscellaneous HR codes are updated. |
BPF-60826 | Human Resources | HRPYPA / HRPYQP: The Import Default Budget function brings budget entries into the distribution section and they remain, regardless of whether other tabs are utilized during record entry. |
BPF-60827 | Human Resources | Employee Master (HREMEN), Others tab, Miscellaneous tab, Misc Values #1-5 fields range is adjusted to 99999.99999 to match legacy |
BPF-51573 | Installer | Modified Installer to update the CDD Reports location to the blob directory. |
BPF-60598 | Nucleus | Added logic to broadcast clear cache for all 7i web servers when common codes are updated. |
BPF-60592 | Payroll | Client Specific for Cincinnati Public Schools: Update made to Regional Income Tax Agency file for "W" record calculation. |
BPF-60635 | Payroll | PYUPHT: The precision of the Percent field has been increased to five decimal places. |
BPF-61365 | Payroll | EO Check Stub: The PY660K12 program has been modified to not miss any of the earning lines. |
BPF-57601 | Payroll Timecards | PYTCDTTM: A new setting for common code PYFG / PY397NLK, Associated Codes #2, has been created to prevent existing rate and payment values from being overridden when updating rec type. |
BPF-57938 | Payroll Timecards | PYTCIFPY: The ifpy_gl_key and ifpy_gl_obj column data from the ifpy_tc_imp table are pulled in even if ifpy_account data exists. |
BPF-61338 | Person/Entity | The PEUTCI job doesn’t display a "subsystem invalid" error when “Choose which Subsystems to change” question is selected for AL, AP, AR, BK, EN, GL, PO, or SI options. |
BPF-60360 | Position Budgeting | Resolved an error during the PB Model Import process (PBMDHR) related to an invalid column in hr_empmstr. |
BPF-60440 | Purchasing | POUPPR: The split account Percent field does not allow decimal percentages. Total and Remaining data display without decimal percentages, for example Total: 100% Remaining: 0%. |
BPF-59138 | Student Activities | Converted Student Activities Check Request page (SAUPCR) to 20.11 framework. |
BPF-59315 | Student Activities | Converted Student Activities Deposit Request page (SAUPDR) to 20.11 framework. |
BPF-59319 | Student Activities | Converted Student Activities Transfer Request page (SAUPTR) to 20.11 framework. |
BPF-60298 | SubTracker | STUPAT/STUPBR: Copy and Paste of records does not duplicate accounting information. |
BPF-60720 | Systems | Dashboard: Added the ability to pass additional parameters to dashboard links that will allow the user to add a new record with pre-defined fields. |
BPF-61209 | Systems | SIUTRC: Job performance has been improved, reducing the run time from days to hours in some cases. |
BPF-60403 | Workflow | Workflow has been updated to read transaction status. Trace has been modified to assist in troubleshooting. |
BPF-61291 | Workflow | 'Select User' will reset to nobody after reassigning or delegating a Workflow item in the Workflow Tasklist screen. |