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Release - January 2022

Resolved Issues



Release Notes

BPF-57634Accounts PayableWe have fixed the issue of key not getting displayed on PO extraction screen for FQA ledger if the format is "K-O".
BPF-57352Accounts PayableIn APOHBTUB, when a user uses the Copy OH Set Tool, the Create By and Last Update By User ID are being set to the actual user copying the OH Set.
BPF-58516Accounts ReceivableARBTCRIC, Direct Cash - Account, and Division fields will auto-populated based on the settings for Finance Code in ARUPCD. 
BPF-58249Accounts ReceivableARBTCRIC, Direct Cash tab - The user must save/update the direct cash entries by clicking on the Add Receipt or Update button before processing a receipt else system will throw an error - "Could not locate Account information. The division is blank or undefined." 
BPF-58041Accounts ReceivableARBTCRIC - Direct Cash, the Object and Description are automatically populated based on the Product ID entered. 
BPF-57456Accounts ReceivableARBTCRIC - A cash receipt is able to process without any error when OverpayIsChange is set to 'N' in *ARBTCRIC_Settings.xml*.
BPF-56922Accounts ReceivableScreen filters will be not be checked by default. 
BPF-56482Accounts ReceivableARBTARUB - Address Code value is populating when user selects the PEID lookup.
BPF-50470Accounts ReceivableAccounts Receivable - The PEID lookup now allows the user to search records by using more than one search filter option when pedbCodes.xml is enabled for Person Entity. For example, when using the Account Id Data Lookup in the ARBTCRUB screen, user can search on the PED ID and Name concurrently.
BPF-44929Accounts ReceivableARBTCRIC - When an overpayment of a penny (one cent) is entered, the screen creates a direct cash entry as expected and is able to process the receipt.
BPF-57122Applicant APIRMUPHI - Frontline AppliTrack API will no longer default gender to F when this value is not specified or does not match the existing gender codes.  
BPF-58087Click, Drag & DrillLarge CDD reports will no longer skip pages upon completion.  
BPF-56879Click, Drag & DrillIssue with the CDD Print Conditions has been resolved. The code has been refactored to properly handle print conditions.  
BPF-56537Click, Drag & DrillRegions with a top / bottom border only are now rendering in the thin client.
BPF-56433Click, Drag & DrillCDD Reports that generate excel files are now attaching properly when the report completes. 
BPF-53642Click, Drag & DrillIn CDD reports using month end date, it will display the current month's date value in the report date field in the thin client.
BPF-49178Click, Drag & Drill

Resolved issue where CDD picklist does not load when selected. CDD Prompt Picklist values IS NULL / IS NOT NULL / IS BLANK / IS NOT BLANK/ LESS THAN/ GREATER THAN EQUAL TO/  GREATER THAN are now included in SQL select statement.  

BPF-46358Click, Drag & DrillCDD picklist values are now displaying correctly from the dashboard.  CDD Prompt Picklist value IS NULL / IS NOT NULL / IS BLANK / IS NOT BLANK are now included in SQL select statement.  
BPF-58759ComplianceMT-Billings- Corrected MPERA issue with Job classification value, where running the bi-monthly report some employees were not getting the Job classification code calculating correctly.
BPF-57674Employee OnlineTotal Course Units in Personal Information in Employee Online - Courses will be calculated based on checkbox selection for "Show Course Totals" and "Exclude Pending Units" in EO Settings. The Completed and Pending courses will be identified based on values provided on HREMES screen.
BPF-55545Employee OnlineCheckWriter - Everett - Client Specific - Checkwriter change for Everett to display custom fields in Employee Online 20.11.
BPF-51084Employee OnlineHighline School District 401 - Custom checkwriter - Update Earnings Hours Total to be a sum of CDH 3001 + 3009.
BPF-58230EncumbrancesResolved the issue where the add button on the Transaction tab was not working properly when adding a second transaction.  
BPF-56126Fixed AssetsThe FAUTLI utility can run with a flat file that has the PO length of 8 char and 16 char. 
BPF-57853General LedgerThe Budget version is populating based on ledger selection in GLBUBAAN/AJ/TR screens. 
BPF-57125General LedgerGLBUBAUB - User is able to save JL ledger budget versions without any error.
BPF-56876General LedgerGLRESR04JB - Ledger is selected according to the Budget version that is displayed.
BPF-58632Human ResourcesHRUTZZ01, Salary Table - The program will no longer add a leading zero to the step if the correct exists in the input file.

The STEP must now equal the step section of the INDEX KEY. The program will validate and display an error on a row where there is a mismatch.
BPF-58524Human ResourcesHRPYPR - Enabled the user to be in edit mode after adding/editing the record that provides a similar legacy experience.
BPF-58094Human ResourcesIn HREMPR screen, user can add Attachments to the HR_leaveinfo table application.
BPF-58086Human ResourcesHREMEN - The termination utility function no longer requires the existence of the HRPY/TERMDT and HRPY/TERMDT2 common codes.
BPF-57917Human ResourcesThe screen links are redirecting the filtered records as expected.
BPF-57819Human ResourcesHREMEN - The First, Middle, and Last Name fields allow for a maximum of 40 characters each.  They are all concatenated into a Full Name and stored in the table. If the Employee ID exists in Nucleus security, the first 30 characters of the HREMEN Full Name is updated to the us_usno_mstr . us_name column.
BPF-57643Human Resources

HRUTZZ01, Pay Assignments - The record's PY St. value (py_send column) is derived based on the Approval (apprv_cd01 column).  The APPRV_CD01 value defaults to WAIT if the column is not included in the data file.

  • If the APPRV_CD01 value ends up being SEND, then the PY St. value will be WAITPY.
  • If the APPRV_CD01 value ends up being <> SEND, then the PY St. value will be WAITAP.
BPF-57476Human ResourcesHRUTZZ01 - Credential Card Holder (CRDHOLDR) - Cities in the data file are now validated to the PEUPZP master and detail tables.
BPF-57319Human ResourcesLUMP SUM is added to the HREMEN screen.
BPF-57317Human ResourcesHRUTZZ01 - Dependent/Beneficiary Assignments (hr_depdbenf table) - The Begin Date has been added as part of the unique key.
BPF-57217Human ResourcesHRUTZZ01, hr_mandded table - The CDH numbers will default from the HRRQSS record, where the entities match, if they are not in the data file.
BPF-56704Human ResourcesHRPYBE, Benefit Package tab - The Package drop-down listing considers the begin and end dates on the screen as well as the Package End Date on the HRTBBE, Package Definition screen, if it exists.
BPF-55646Human ResourcesUsers can add a threaded note for other data sources in the HREMPR screen.
BPF-53645Human ResourcesThe HRATAU process runs without any error when Primary Race is blank/empty for an employee.
BPF-49937Human ResourcesUsers will be able to view the PCN Description and Position Description while searching in grid mode on HRPYPA mask.
BPF-46816Human ResourcesHRPYPA/HRPYQP - The delete record function allows the HR record to be deleted while the PY record is not deleted with I - Inactive status when clicking the No button in the "Please Choose Yes/No pop-up".
BPF-42341Human ResourcesHRPYPR, All tabs except Taxes - numerous field label changes have been made.
BPF-9219Human ResourcesHRRQSS, Tax Info: The fields and labels are rearranged as Federal, State, Earned Income Credit, and Other.
BPF-57678NucleusUser can add more than 20 role IDs on the Security tab in the NUUPUS screen 
BPF-58699PayrollHeartland Area Education Agency - Custom Checkwriter - Corrected overlapping of the description text in the Earnings area.
BPF-58545PayrollPYUPHT - Pay string selection by date is now available. 
BPF-58400PayrollPYRECM - Corrected typo on Question - "Which History Transfer distributions do you wish to select?"
BPF-57933PayrollPYTCDTBP - The Batch Proof Listing report shows Payment amounts in the negative 10's of thousands (-24,000.00).
BPF-57825PayrollClay County School District - Added custom checkwriter to 20.11.
BPF-57596PayrollJohnston Community School District - Custom Checkwriter - Fixed the print issue, where text is overlapping in the "Description" and "Total Earnings" area.
BPF-57412PayrollPYTCDTUB - The Hours/$$$ field accepts values in the range of -99.99999 to 999.99999. The Rate field accepts values in the range of -999.99999 to 9999.99999.
BPF-56907PayrollPYTCDTUK - The Hours/$$$ field accepts values in the range of -99.99999 to 999.99999. The Rate field accepts values in the range of -999.99999 to 9999.99999.
BPF-56487PayrollPYRERRCANU: Added Category, Amount and Type missing fields and refactored screen fields as per legacy.
BPF-56484PayrollPYRERRCATU - The title is displayed as PY - California STRS
BPF-45569PayrollXTDs starting with 1, 2, 5, 6, and 8 will have all the amount fields with 2 decimal place precision. XTDs starting with 3 and 7 will have all the amount fields with 5 decimal place precision.
BPF-32975Position BudgetingIn PBUPEM, the Amount field is formatted and right-justified as expected.
BPF-11940Position BudgetingIn PB screens, unnecessary hyphens are removed for multiple drop-down values.
BPF-57410Professional DevelopmentUser can Export to Excel from the HRPDUPCD screen. 
BPF-58240PunchOutThe vendor site is opening through Punchout POUPPP without any error.
BPF-57687PunchOutAdded condition to fetch address from Person Entity if the address does not match the common code hierarchy to resolve the issue where PunchOut PO is created with an incorrect vendor address code.  
BPF-56552PunchOutPunchout - Resolved the issue where NUUPDF INITNEW rule was not being triggered by the Punchout order. The INITNEW rule is being applied correctly after fix. 
BPF-51540PunchOutPOUPPP - Punchout recognizing the alphanumeric accounts, able to process shopping without any error.
BPF-58319PurchasingPurchasing - Buyer field is now auto populated based on the product code entered on the first line item.
BPF-57496PurchasingWhen Beginning search (as of date ) is not valid, the tail sheet will show the message "No entry selected as of the search date - Date provided on running POUTRO using the entered PO/PR."
BPF-57464PurchasingLayout Manager - The WSEDITOR user updates the default layout components to ensure that users without WSEDITOR do not get any warning. When the WSEDITOR user updates the default layout name field, the system throws a warning message "Group layout is updated or deleted by Admin. Reverted to stock layout." and default layout will be reverted to stock.
BPF-56073Stores InventorySIOEUB - Field help has been updated to match legacy functionality for account field values. The individual account parts are not displayed from the account controller at this time.  
BPF-9426Stores InventorySIUPTR - The account control field is displayed on the left with a label Account or GL Account
BPF-58122SubTrackerSTUTRS - Updated sub-tracker processes to check the value for filename if it is longer than 12 characters.  
BPF-57603SubTrackerSTUPAT: The Repeat Last Changes functionality is working as expected.
BPF-56485SubTrackerThe STUTRS will prompt questions for multiple filenames based on the STUPSU setup.
BPF-58176SystemUser is now able to cancel the job through the job monitor when the job is in progress.  
BPF-56941SystemBusinessPlus users should be able to perform searches in drop-down lists with partial values.
BPF-10835SystemSYUTTX, SYUTTXUP, SYUTDS menu mask title does not contain "(7i)". 
BPF-9435SystemWhen a Search Criteria for a mask is being entered, clicking save criteria, entering the "save search criteria", and clicking save saves the new Criteria Name.
BPF-57415SystemDocuments are now updated with the correct data when changing a key value from a screen. 
BPF-51716TasklistNo vertical scroll bar displays when there are no tasks or tasks are not loaded.
BPF-57310Timecard OnlineUsers can add the Global Login Message and it will display as a pop-up in Timecard Online.
BPF-56225Web FormWebform - Beaverton - Client Specific - Office Depot Webform for Beaverton School District.
BPF-55889Web FormWebform - Des Moines Public School District - Client Specific -Â Web Form Payroll Authorization and Report Form Webform for Des Moines Public Schools.
BPF-58684Web FormsWebform - Washoe - Client Specific - 3 WebForms: TempAssignment, TimeKeeperChange, and HrMaintenance for Washoe. 
BPF-58720WorkflowWith this change, if users make any change in the WF model, the WF engine may not see that change unless WF services are re-started.
BPF-56984WorkflowIn Screenside workflow tasklist approval, Since Date and time only will be displayed for User triggered workflow and Group Approval.
BPF-56396WorkflowPR Workflow Approval Tasklist - Default stylesheet displays GL and JL accounts as expected. 
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