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Release - November 2021

Resolved Issues



Release Notes

BPF-56875Accounts PayableAPOHBTUB- Adding additional invoices to a posted batch is no longer permitted.
BPF-56940Click, Drag, and DrillResolved the issue where the first page of some CDD reports were not displaying correctly. 
BPF-56070Click, Drag, and DrillResolved the issue where the report drill-down links displayed as links but users were not able to click them. Users can now click on links within the report.  
BPF-53930Employee OnlineDirect Deposit - A new NET direct deposit record can be assigned when an old/expired record already exists.
BPF-49151Employee OnlineBenefit Enrollment - After Open Enrollment ends, benefits that were in Pending Approval status but still not yet approved in HREOTR, will continue to display in the Future Enrollment section with Pending Approval status. To get to Pending Approval status, the employee must have clicked the Confirm All button. The benefits that were not yet submitted from EO will no longer appear in the Future Enrollment section.
BPF-52140General Ledger

GLJEUB - Debit and Credit formatting have been updated to include commas to improve readability.

BPF-57424Human Resources

WA S275 - Fixed issue with Common code settings because certain settings were causing buffer issue and program to crash.

BPF-57225Human ResourcesHREMEN - The field was truncating to 30 characters. Now, the field length is 128 characters.
BPF-56725Human ResourcesResolved the issue where masked values were appearing as asterisks when security was set to read-only.  
BPF-53924Human Resources

Updated pcemptbl.emp_name column to store 128 characters to sync with to ensure that it matches and will allow the data to synchronize without errors.

BPF-57611PayrollPYUPEP - Negative values can be entered into Numeric 1, Numeric 2, Numeric 3, Numeric 4, and Numeric 5 fields.
BPF-57597PayrollHRPYPA - Contract processing for Payout Types of PF and PS has been corrected.
BPF-55853PayrollEO Check Stub - The check stub displays the earnings separately for each pay assignment. PYFG/PY660K12 common code setting for the field CD-ASSOC-CODE (2) is added with a value NO-PYT to disable the default setting of EARN-FROM-PYT to ensure that wages are not summed up from time card. On PYUPHH, if SWITCH2 is set to R irrespective of SWITCH16 set to "J"/"P", then hours and rate are shown on the paystub.
BPF-10944PayrollPYUPEM, Dates/Other Info tab, FLSA field has been changed from a check box to a drop-down value.

Client Specific - Billings Public Schools - MPERA Reporting will now use a special code field on the deduction assignment screen to determine if an employee is a TRS or PERS employee.

BPF-57330PurchasingPOUPPR, Layout Management - Layout name must have three characters or more to create a new layout. The space is not allowed for the first 3 character positions in the layout name and if space is entered in the first 3 positions by the user, then the Save button will be disabled. 

POUPPP - The error message, which appears after checkout from the shopping page when account or ship to ID is incorrect, is updated to be more specific to assist in troubleshooting.


POUPPR - User is able to configure and use up to 5 screen layouts with the WSEDITOR association. The Layout Management can be accessed through the add/edit mode only. Users without the WSEDITOR association cannot configure new layouts and they can only view/use the screens layouts listed in Manage Layouts.

BPF-56849Stores InventorySIOEUB - When a user clicks on Quantity Ordered on the grid view and presses the ENTER key, 500 error is no longer reported.  
BPF-57132SystemUpdated the security module to check the Execute access also, instead of only checking Read and All access for the list of screen masks when performing type-ahead search. 

BusinessPlus page banner has been updated to align with PowerSchool standards for all products.

BPF-56989System & NucleusNUUPDF - Updated setting to case Insensitive to ensure that the enable tag from SetControlProperties will be applied properly. 
BPF-56814Web FormsProductivity Pack Webforms - Default data will be populated from the setting.xml file in the Productivity screens, Budget transfer, Vendor request, and Direct Reimbursement.
BPF-55102Web Forms

Webform – Grossmont– Client Specific - Custom webform for Grossmont Public School District is called Personnel Action Form.


Link To Record for AMPOSTINGFILL tasklist, is made clickable and clicking it navigates to corresponding posting details page-RMUPPI.

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