Release - August 2020
Resolved Issues
Ticket | Component | Description |
BPF-28294 | Accounts Payable | APOHINBP/APOHINVP – Fixed issue of batch proof report totals not matching when multiple invoices are entered against a PO with account splits having multiple job ledgers. |
BPF-28293 | Accounts Payable | APOHININ – Pending Tasks, Direct Task Items Awaiting ID Approval – Corrected an issue where, after selecting invoices awaiting approval, clicking a pending task displayed the invoice attachment rather than the invoice record. |
BPF-21840 | Accounts Payable | AP – Updated caching logic so that changes to common code APOH/DUPCHECK to warn or block duplicate invoices take effect immediately. |
BPF-28615 | Accounts Receivable | ARBTCRIC – Corrected an issue where the System Rec Total amount did not update correctly when using the Reverse Receipt tool. |
BPF-20037 | Administrative Console | Admin Console – Monitor Servers – The "Server Status Updated" timestamp reflects the last time the server list was updated and saved in Configure Local Server, Miscellaneous Settings tab. |
BPF-29583 | Click, Drag & Drill | CDD – Upgraded version of Newtonsoft to resolve an issue of CDD reports not running after upgrade. |
BPF-28955 | Click, Drag & Drill | CDD – Fixed an issue where PYPT01 report data was not exporting to an MS Excel file when selecting the highlighted (yellow) paperclip icon. Also corrected an issue with Gross of Exception Differences being duplicated. |
BPF-10306 | Click, Drag & Drill | CDD – Consolidated Query was removed from Report Properties, Performance tab. |
BPF-26809 | Cognos | Cognos – The installer now preserves Cognos configuration settings during installation. |
BPF-30933 | Dashboard | Dashboard – Reduced the number of calls made from the Links component(s) to improve dashboard loading speed. |
BPF-29781 | Employee Online | EO – Benefit Enrollment – If, after updating primary, secondary, or dependent pieces of a benefit, the user clicks the Exit button without saving, a message is displayed informing the user, "You have made changes to the current records. Would you like to save them now?" Clicking "OK" returns the user to the Benefit Enrollment wizard where they can save their changes. Clicking "Cancel" clears out the changes and returns the user to the Benefit Enrollment page. |
BPF-29186 | Employee Online | EO – An "Access Restricted" message is displayed to users who are not authorized to view employee data. |
BPF-28229 | Employee Online | EO – Job Information – Step value on the Position cards is now read from Index Key rather than Step column of the hr_emppay table. |
BPF-26682 | Employee Online | EO – Benefit Enrollment – Active benefit plans with Begin and End dates surrounding today's date appear in the Current Enrollment section. Future-dated plans or plans that are in Submitted or Pending Approval (HREOTR Approval Type <> APPR) status appear in the Future Enrollment section. |
BPF-26250 | Employee Online | EO – Benefit Enrollment – When a family member is deleted in EO and there are no associated Dependent/Beneficiary Assignment records in HRPYBE, the member is removed from the Dependent/Beneficiary screen (hr_family table). If there are associated benefit records, the Dependent/Beneficiary and Dependent/Beneficiary Assignments record(s) are retained with an Action code of "EOC." Records with "EOC" Action codes do not display in EO. |
BPF-4849 | Fixed Assets | FADPRS – Fixed issue of total purchase amount being doubled for fixed assets with two lines of depreciation when the report is run with Sort by GL Account option. |
BPF-31515 | General Ledger | GLBUCB – Corrected an invalid date error. |
BPF-28533 | General Ledger | GLUPGN – Updated FA account input format to accept four types of delimiters: Dot ( . ), Plus ( + ), Space (" "), and Hyphen ( - ). |
BPF-19072 | Human Resources | HREMEN – Address – Updated HR business rules to address an email validation issue when sending a second address to PEUPPE, despite valid HRRQSS "Add/Update PE DB" and "2nd Address Type to PE" settings, resulting in an "Emailed required" error. The error is fixed; however, the second address is not submitted to PEUPPE. This issue is handled in a future release. |
BPF-10870 | Human Resources | HRUTBU/HRUTSC – HRUTBU process that makes use of HRUTSC (stored SQL) no longer fails with parsing issues. |
BPF-28578 | Payroll | PYUTCF – Fixed an issue where the utility retained old calculation code values when compiling modified calc codes. |
BPF-26966 | Payroll | PYW2PW – Updated the code to reduce the job run time from two hours to 15 minutes. |
BPF-10984 | Payroll | PYUPEP – Various field label updates for easier identification. |
BPF-9562 | Payroll | PYUPDD – Copy CDH Calc Code tool is now functional. |
BPF-9561 | Payroll | PYUPDD – Copy CDH Definition tool is now functional. |
BPF-29385 | Payroll | PYUPDD – Corrected a formatting issue with date fields. The fields now accept year values up to 2099. |
BPF-17517 | Payroll | PY – Client-Specific – Beaverton School District – Updated checkwriter program to improve performance. |
BPF-31094 | Person/Entity | PEUTZZ01 – Corrected an issue where the process failed when inserting data into pe_name_mstr Contact column due to a missing property definition in BT10PE. |
BPF-20891 | Person/Entity | PEUPPR – When a product is received from the SI subsystem, information on the History tab is now correctly updated. |
BPF-7169 | Position Budgeting | PBUPCE – Corrected an issue where PBUPCE was not bringing in annual salary amounts after PBUTIS was run. Process now looks at the correct PBTBSL records, based on model dates. |
BPF-6995 | Position Budgeting | PBUPCE – Calculation process now correctly calculates fringe to be zero when the employee benefit assignment has an amount or percent equal to zero. |
BPF-32267 | Purchasing | POPO – Purchase requisition numbers can be entered using *, @, %, and ALL or leaving the field blank to print all PRs that were approved and not yet printed. When printing a range, separate valid PR numbers using a dash. |
BPF-29382 | Purchasing | POUPRC – Tag number provided while receiving a fixed asset item is now updated in FAUPAS to the fixed asset ID generated in POUPRC. |
BPF-28295 | Purchasing | POUPRC – A standard PO is now received as quantity. |
BPF-27907 | Purchasing | POUPPR – Records can now be updated in Grid mode. |
BPF-26436 | Security | BusinessPlus – Fixed an issue where an unsuccessful LDAP login attempt resulted in the BusinessPlus user security account, as well as the domain user account, being locked. Now, when an LDAP user logs in, the domain handles the authentication and account locking process, leaving the BusinessPlus user security status unaffected. |
BPF-28104 | Stores Inventory | SIOEUB – Records can now be updated in Grid mode. |
BPF-15635 | Workflow | Workflow – Corrected an issue where the access restricted policy (wf_instance.wf_change_policy) was not cleared when instances were migrated to a new version. Now, wf_change_policy is set to N prior to migrating to a new version. |
BPF-28292 | Workflow | Workflow Tasklist – PR Approval – A "Link to Record" link is now available to view the purchase request record awaiting approval. |
BPF-25191 | Workflow | Workflow Designer – The yr_addltax table now appears under the RR (Regulatory Reporting) subsystem. |