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Release - March 2021

Resolved Issues

TicketComponentsRelease Note
BPF-44218Accounts PayableAPOHININ - Restored previous tab order on the screen to match the legacy application. 
BPF-43952Click, Drag, and DrillBPCDD - Dynamic criteria prompts are now displaying correctly.
BPF-43849DashboardDashboard - Resolved the issue where loading dots continue to display after the dashboard loads.  
BPF-43958Document CaptureDocument Capture - The PNG format image is no longer stretched. - This issue was inadvertently excluded from and will be included in
BPF-43947Employee OnlineEO, Benefits - Each of the four cards (based on setup of EO Group) of the benefits page will show only the current benefit assignment.
BPF-16146Human ResourcesHRCRCN - The Subject and Code field validation drop downs located in the Primary View tab are functioning.
BPF-16044Human Resources

HRCRCN - Grid mode added to page.  

BPF-44674Human ResourcesHRPYPA/HRPYQP - Copy/Paste no longer displays an error on save.  
BPF-44342Human ResourcesHREMES - Course Date has been changed to text field to match the field type.
BPF-44026Human Resources

HREMEN - District Seniority and PCN/POS Security fields have been re-added to the HREMEN screen.  

BPF-44185PayrollPYUPEC, PYUPED, PYUPEH - The PYUPECDH menu mask no longer functions.  There is one screen, PYUPEC, which holds all the employee contributions, deductions, and hours assignments.  They display on separate tabs as has always been the case.  When PYUPED or PYUPEH menu masks are selected or entered in the menu search bar, they will redirect to the PYUPEC screen.
BPF-40254PayrollPY - Inactive Hour codes are eliminated earlier in the payroll process.
BPF-37572PayrollPYTCIF - Imported timecards have matching amounts as what is calculated, based on hours times the employee’s rate. Timecards, history record, batch proof all match.
BPF-43249PunchOutPOUPPP - Client-Specific - Olathe - Resolved the issue where the FQA format did not display on the screen.  
BPF-45002PurchasingPOUPPR - Screen no longer go into Add Mode after initial save allowing users to continue their data entry.
BPF-43260PurchasingPOUTZZ01 - Fixed the issue of POUTZZ01 error when PR default length is less than 8 characters.
BPF-9930SubTrackerSTUTRS - Extra field displaying an asterisk with no label has been removed.  
BPF-43688SystemsSecurity - Update screen logging to hide SSN data if the user has any security filter on the table.  Logging will display '***' instead of actual data regardless of user security access to the SSN column.  If the user has full security to the table then they will be able to see the data values of SSN.  
BPF-40807SystemsBPSYS - Nucleus - Manage user now shows the last login date for SSO users.  
BPF-44202SystemsBPSYS - Job Monitor - Jobs now sort by the most current first. 
BPF-41613SystemsBPSYS - Job Monitor - Updated Job monitor web page to include the scheduled jobs in the list until the job is processed. If the job is 'SD' and in the future, it will show in the Job Monitor.  
BPF-43436SystemsBPSYS - Multiple page scans are now displaying correctly. 
BPF-40807SystemsBPSYS - Nucleus - Manage user now shows the last login date for SSO users.
BPF-44153WorkflowBPWF - Unique Key now passes correctly to the record URL. 
BPF-35427WorkflowBPWF - Improved date handling for XSLT transitions in the Workflow model.  
BPF-7120WorkflowBPWF - Updated WF designer to send the flush request after 'Save' operation without expecting the response back.

BPWF - Improved date handling for XSLT transitions in the Workflow model.  

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