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Release - April 2024

Resolved Issues



Release Note


Accounts Payable

APOHBTUB: Users can no longer update or modify a set with status DS (distributed).


Accounts Payable

APOHBTUB: When using the copy and paste function on the page and updating invoice numbers, orphaned records are no longer created. Previously, records were orphaned and did not appear in the set upon refresh, and the invoice number became unusable even though it was not added to the set. 


Accounts Receivable

ARBTCRIC: Users can now submit a payment for an AR invoice when it is properly coded with the corresponding Job Ledger Key and Object. Previously, it was producing an error.


Accounts Receivable

ARBTCRIC: A cash receipt is now processed without a rounding error when the switch OverpayIsChange is set to N in ARBTCRIC_Settings.xml. The Receipt Total is now calculated with correct rounding. Previously, the Receipt Total had rounding issues.


Applicant Tracking Integration

Applicant Tracking (ATS) to RMUPHI: The mapping of Phone 1 and Phone 2 has been modified,

  • The Primary Phone Number is captured as Phone 1.

  • The Primary Phone Extension for the Primary Phone is mapped to Phone 1 Ext.

  • The Work Phone Number is captured as Phone 2.


Applicant Tracking Integration

Applicant Tracking (ATS) Integration: Requisitions sent from BusinessPlus to ATS now contain the correct current employee name. Previously, when a requisition was sent from BusinessPlus to ATS as a replacement requisition, the current employee was mapped to an incorrect employee name.


Bank Reconciliation

BKUPRC: Bank Reconciliation pulls and displays data correctly from BKUPBA for amounts equal to, less than, or greater than 999,999.99. Previously, it did not display the correct amount if it was over 999,999.99.


Bank Reconciliation

Client-specific for Mount Diablo USD BKCSMD: Put subfund total into credits instead of debits if the total is negative.



Workflow Tasklist: The Link to Record button is now redirecting to the correct URL. Previously, the button was generating an error message and not directing to the correct destination.


Click, Drag, and Drill

Client-specific for Chief Leschi CDD and PO: Updated the signature on their ChiefLeschi Font File. This is used by at least 1 PO CDD report.


Contract Management

CMUPTK: Comment field now accepts mixed-case entry and retains the entry as entered.



Client-specific for Rockford SD AP and PY: Updated void text for AP and PY ELFs.



Client-specific for Chief Leschi: Updated signature on AP and PY ELFs.



Client-specific for Bellflower AP and PY: Updated signature for AP and PY checks.



Client-specific for Charlotte County PSD AP and PY: Changed the logo for AP and PY ELFs.



Client-specific for Corpus Christi ISD PO: Updated text on the PO ELF.



Client-specific for Heartland AP and PY: Updated signature for AP and PY checks.



Client-specific for Beaverton SD PY: Modified PY and EFT checks so that the check appears before the details. The client does not use pycheck.tif.


Employee Online

Client-specific for Eau Claire PY: Resolved issue where Employee Online check totals did not match details when rates changed.


Employee Online

EO: The Direct Deposit can now be saved even if tax information does not exist. Previously, when adding a direct deposit, records were not saved if there was no tax information.


Employee Online

EO: The Historical Positions feature in Employee Online now displays correctly. Previously, older positions did not expand to display details.


Employee Online

Employee Online Settings: In Benefits, Other Benefits, Read Only checkboxes have been removed, including from Dependent Coverage. Previously, if the Read Only checkboxes were selected, the benefit wizard did not display enrollment options.


Employee Records Integration

Unified Talent Records Integration is still in Controlled Availability. Contact Services at for more information. General Availability is anticipated 6/14/2024.

Employee Records to HREMEN: The mapping of Phone 1 and Phone 2 has been modified.

  • The Primary Phone Number is captured as Phone 1.

  • The Primary Phone Extension for the Primary Phone is mapped to Phone 1 Ext.

  • The Work Phone Number is captured as Phone 2.



Client-specific for Chula Vista Elementary School EN: The ENCSCV mask is now available on the menu.


Fixed Assets


  • The system overrides the existing component only when the Invoice Number, Invoice Amount, Item Amount, and Item Description match.

  • If the Input file has duplicate records consecutively, and if Fixed Asset ID, Invoice Number, Invoice Amount, Item Amount, and Item Description match, the system will produce an error and skip the duplicate record.

  • In case one or more than one of these values: Fixed Asset ID, Invoice Number, Invoice Amount, Item Amount, and Item Description does not match, the system inserts a new record.

Previously, the system always overwrote the existing record, even if it was a duplicate.


Forms Printing

Client-specific for Lee’s Summit PDF Forms Printing: Stored finished files for ELF to PDF project.


Forms Printing

Client-specific for Highline School District 401 Forms Printing: Adjustments were made for Forms Printing.


Forms Printing

Client-specific for Beaverton SD PY: Moved fields for PY checks and EFT.


Forms Printing

Client-specific for Farmington PDF Forms Printing: Stored finished files for ELF to PDF project.


General Ledger

GLUTRILD: An error was encountered when attempting to load default mapping from the file due to two missing definition files, MGLDEF & DGLDEF. Previously, the upload utility was not updating the database even though it indicated success in tailsheets.

MGLDEF and DGLDEF files must be located on the app server. 


Human Resources

HRUTSL: When in Search mode, the Entity was not defaulting to the user entity as defined in HRRQUS. As part of an ongoing project, HRUTSL now displays the user-associated entity in Search mode.


Human Resources

HRUTSC: When in Search mode, the Entity was not defaulting to the user entity as defined in HRRQUS. As part of an ongoing project, HRUTSC now displays the user-associated entity in Search and Add mode.


Human Resources

HRUTPL: When in Search mode, the Entity was not defaulting to the user entity as defined in HRRQUS. As part of an ongoing project, HRUTPL now displays the user-associated entity in Search and Add mode.


Human Resources

HRUTPC: When in Search mode, the Entity was not defaulting to the user entity as defined in HRRQUS. As part of an ongoing project, HRUTPC now displays the user-associated entity in Search and Add mode.


Human Resources

HRUTOR: When in Search mode, the Entity was not defaulting to the user entity as defined in HRRQUS. As part of an ongoing project, HRUTOR now displays the user-associated entity in Search and Add mode.


Human Resources

HRUTLL: When in Search mode, the Entity was not defaulting to the user entity as defined in HRRQUS. As part of an ongoing project, HRUTLL now displays the user-associated entity in Search mode.


Human Resources

HRUTFX: When in Search mode, the Entity was not defaulting to the user entity as defined in HRRQUS. As part of an ongoing project, HRUTFX now displays the user-associated entity in Search and Add mode.


Human Resources

HRUTEU: When in Search mode, the Copy from Entity was not defaulting to the user entity as defined in HRRQUS. As part of an ongoing project, HRUTEU now displays the user-associated entity in Search and Add mode.


Human Resources

HRUTDU: When in Search mode, the Entity was not defaulting to the user entity as defined in HRRQUS. As part of an ongoing project, HRUTDU now displays the user-associated entity in Search mode.


Human Resources

HRUTDL: When in Search mode, the Entity was not defaulting to the user entity as defined in HRRQUS. As part of an ongoing project, HRUTDL now displays the user-associated entity in Search mode.


Human Resources

HRUTTU: When in Search mode, the Entity was not defaulting to the user entity as defined in HRRQUS. As part of an ongoing project, HRUTTU now displays the user-associated entity in Search and Add mode.


Human Resources

HRUTCU: When in Search mode, the Entity was not defaulting to the user entity as defined in HRRQUS. As part of an ongoing project, HRUTCU now displays the user-associated entity in Search mode.


Human Resources

HRUTCI: When in Search mode, the Entity was not defaulting to the user entity as defined in HRRQUS. As part of an ongoing project, HRUTCI now displays the user-associated entity in Search mode.


Human Resources

HRUTCC: When in Search mode, the Entity was not defaulting to the user entity as defined in HRRQUS. As part of an ongoing project, HRUTCC now displays the user-associated entity in Search and Add mode.


Human Resources

HRWCEM: When in Search mode, the Entity was not defaulting to the user entity as defined in HRRQUS. As part of an ongoing project, HRWCEM now displays the user-associated entity in Search and Add mode.


Human Resources

HRCSKP: This page has been restored to the menu.


Human Resources

HRWCOD: When in Search mode, the Entity was not defaulting to the user entity as defined in HRRQUS. As part of an ongoing project, HRWCOD now displays the user-associated entity in Search and Add mode.



Unified Talent Records Integration is still in Controlled Availability. Contact Services at for more information. General Availability is anticipated 6/14/2024.

Applicant Tracking (ATS) and Records Integrations: The existing Applicant Tracking and Records Integration flag has been split into two distinct flags, Applicant Tracking Integration and Employee Records Integration. This is to enable or disable the integration with ATS and Records individually.



Client-specific for Lawrence USD 497 PY: The PY check background was adjusted so it no longer crosses the sealer lines.



Client-specific for Salt Lake City School District PY: Shortened the After-Tax Deductions description character limit in PY check. Previously, the text was overlapping amount information.



Client-specific for Mt. Diablo PY: Restored custom page, PYRECSMDIS, which generates TC-36 and IS files to submit to the county for processing.



State-specific for PA PSERS: Added the ability to exclude retirees by HR Benefit Codes. 



Client-specific for Wicomico County SD PY: Descriptions on the payroll ELF check Earnings box are no longer being overwritten.



Client-specific for Federal Way PS PY: Fixed PYRECSFWWC to properly check for a leap year. Previously, it skipped data on February 29th.



PYUPHH: PYUPHH now displays the Add New Attachment pop-up window for master and child table attachment definitions. Previously, the Add New Attachment pop-up window was not opening.



Client-specific to Alief SD Subtracker: Several fixes were done for conversion to C# code from 4gl.



Client-specific for Fort Wayne PY: Modified the following for pay stub to display long descriptions instead of short descriptions for the CDH codes:

  • Modified checkwriter to use the L option in 16 Chk Stub Flag field in PYUPHH, which uses the long position for CDH description.

  • Modified how the checkwriter uses the K option in 16 Chk Stub Flag field in PYUPHH to include deductions and benefits. Lengthened the description for EO only.

  • Fixed the issue where some fields were overwritten.



Client-specific for Mount Diablo USD PY: Modified PY Check writer so that Leave Balance shows up correctly for EO and checks.



PYW2UP: Field labels have been adjusted for alignment and a better appearance of the page.



P-Card: A new field, P-Card Ref (column name ap_pc_ref), has been added to APOHUPTR, GLJEUB, GLUPTR, and GLUTTR and pages. Currently, this field is read-only in add and edit mode.

This field will be made editable in an upcoming release.



APPCBK: The Cycle End Day value has been updated to allow setting it to the last day of the month.

A new common code has been introduced with Code Category APBK and Code Value CYCLEEND.

  • If the cycle end day is in the range of 1 through 28, no common code is required.

  • If the cycle end day is 29, 30, or 31, common code APBK\CYCLEEND is required with Associated Code 1 set to YES.



P-Card: The module has been enhanced with a new ap_pc_ref field in the oh_dtl and glt_trns_dtl tables. This improvement allows for the attachment of P-Card transactions to GL records, enabling users to link specific P-Card transactions to GL records and display attachment images.



APPRC: Updated P-Card approval workflow task list so it displays transaction details one time. Previously, it displayed duplicated information.



P-Card: Adjusted the default values of the Pcard_APPRT model, so that the URL is placed in the Model Properties URL field. Previously, the default models were placing the URL in the Group Labels field, which caused an error on the workflow tasklist.



PEUTCI: When running PEUTCI to merge two existing PEIDs, the Accounts Receivable data is being merged as expected. Previously, the data was not getting merged in ar_batch_dtl table.



PEUTCI: When running PEUTCI to merge two existing PEIDs, the Open Hold data is being merged as expected. Previously, the data did not get merged in the ohb_batch_dtl table.



PEUPPE: Field Help now displays the correct length for a varchar field. Previously, an additional 1 character count was added. For example, the Name field length is 128 but in the field help it displayed 129.



PunchOut: Users can now create a Purchase Requisition from Staples with item descriptions that contain special characters.



Workflow Tasklist: Updated pop_pv_dtl-based workflow task list to include line breaks for PR Notes, Print Before and Print After comments.



POUPPR: The Delete flag is getting updated automatically on virtual delete of a line item.



RMUPPI: The delete function now deletes the correct replacement employee record. Previously, the first listed employee record was being deleted irrespective of the record selected for deletion.



RMUPHI: On the Hire tab, if Generate ID is set to A - Auto-generate, the system now auto-generates an Employee ID.



BusinessPlus Theme: Improved the BusinessPlus theme for enhanced user experience:

  • Adjusted the bright color contrast

  • Increased font size

  • Added clearer section differentiation



State-specific for Washington payroll calculation process PYRESRWAPC: Added an option of trial posting. The menu now has a question that allows the trial posting process to be included if answered appropriately.



State-specific for Washington DRS: Fixed the DRS extract for supplemental periods. The SQL to read deduction and contribution assignments had a SQL error. Also, corrected the calculation for the amounts from history to be divided by 100.



State-specific to Washington DRS: Changed payroll calculation to fix selection criteria for Employee Prelist and fixed warnings on all Num-Cds.



State-specific for Missouri: Upgraded all MO packages to target SQL Server 2019.



State-specific for Oregon: Changed the SUI Quarterly wage report to stop rounding the tax amounts to whole dollar amounts.



Admin Console: The security feature related to data exclusion for specific roles has been experiencing inconsistencies in behavior. In the previous security setup, applying a filter to access only one record would exclude all other data. In the updated security configuration, having a role that grants all access overrides any specific filters, granting the user full access. This is the correct behavior. 



Admin Console: Updated Admin Console for Manage Users to save SSO mapping. Previously, SSO mapping was intermittently not saving the Mapping Value for an add or update.


Web Forms

Client-specific for Grossmont Web Forms: Updated drop-down code to prevent it from taking up the whole page width.



POUPPR: In Workflow Tasks for PR Approval, the Account Number field now displays the complete account number string when the account is split, and the same FQA is used multiple times. Now, if the FQA is available, it is displayed even if it is a duplicate within the same item. 



NUUPUS: A user cannot approve items from the Workflow tasklist or pages if the user does not have access to Workflow Enable. Previously, a user could perform approvals.


Year End

BK99CC: Added functionality to handle two-transaction 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC correction files.

This is used to correct:

  • Tax ID number (for example TIN, SSN, EIN, ITIN)

  • Name of the payee

  • Return type: MISC or NEC

These corrections require the original values and in BusinessPlus we lose the original value when new values are updated in the system. We have added associated codes to use on the PEUPPE screen to indicate what the original values were as follows:

  • 99CTIN: Enter the original TIN reported in the associated value.

  • 99CNAME: Enter the original Name reported in the associated value.

  • 99CTYPE: Enter the original Type reported (NEC or MISC) in the associated value.

  • 99CZERO: Indicates to the system to zero out any values reported as a 1099-NEC or 1099-MISC.

Refer to online help for Accounts Payable, Bank Reconciliation, Procedures - BK for more detailed documentation.


Year End

PYACUTIP: Updated the HR/PY ACA Import from HR/Payroll process to handle Canadian foreign addresses.


Year End

PYACUTIF: Updated ACA Import from File process to handle Canadian foreign addresses.


Year End

ACA: Updated the yrdb to increase the size of employee zip code to a length of 10. Added new field country-cd with length 4 to the yr_1095_mstr table to handle addresses from Canada.


Year End

PYACPFPR: Updated to handle Canadian foreign addresses. Previously it was producing an error: Invalid Canadian Zip Code.

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